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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

In Re: The persistence of the Massad question

Dear Provost Steele:

I received notice of the following two items that were published on the web:
I became aware of the abuse to which Arab and Muslim American academics are subjected by Jewish Zionist organizations and individuals when about seven years ago I participated in a meeting in Newton, MA of several Israel Advocacy groups that were trying to develop a joint strategy to "neutralize" Nadia Abu el-Haj, who had recently received a professorship at Barnard.

I am surprised that Columbia tolerates behavior that almost certainly amounts to Criminal Conspiracy Against Rights (18 USC 241 - Sec. 241. Conspiracy against rights).

Not only is there an element of racketeering in the coordinated actions of the participating Jewish Zionist entities and individuals, but they are almost certainly engaging in civil violations including
  • Interference with Business Relations,
  • Defamation,
  • Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress, and probably
  • other torts and breeches that do not immediately come to mind.
In addition, by tolerating persistent racist Jewish Zionist abuse of Arab and Muslim American faculty and staff, Columbia is
  • facilitating the creation of a hostile work or educational environment and almost certainly
  • jeopardizing its status as a 501(c)(3) organization under the US tax code.
Instead of meeting with the racist criminal conspirators, you probably should be investigating dismissal procedures. Students involved in the conspiracy should probably receive probation and at least a semester forced leave of absence to reconsider their unacceptable behavior toward Arab and Muslim faculty members.

This criminal conspiracy will not go away and will become even more obnoxious until the Columbia administration cracks the legal and managerial whip against insiders and outsiders that are attempting to poison the University with anti-Arab and anti-Muslim racism.

Sincerely yours,
Joachim Martillo
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