Please support my campaign against Zionism in the Boston public schools by sending an email to Mr. Chisholm at RChisholm@Boston.K12.MA.US. If you prefer to call him, his phone number is 617-635-9659.
Here is my letter.
Sphere: Related ContentHi Robert Chisolm,
I recently mentioned to Joseph Lee Elementary School Principal Kimberly Curtis that I was disturbed by an assignment given to my daughter Iman at the end of last school session. (See Zionist Indoctrination: Boston Grammar Schools.)
It was hardly the first time that I have found false, distorted, and misleading material in a BPS course. The daughter of my next door neighbor showed me her textbook entitled World History Patterns of Interaction. As an expert in historical Eastern European and Jewish political economy, I was quite aghast at the propaganda with which Boston children are indoctrinated.
After some research I discovered that BPS is sending teachers to a seminar offered by Facing History and Ourselves (FHO) entitled Holocaust and Human Behavior 3-Day Workshop: A Workshop for BPS 11th Grade World History Teachers.
FHO offers an unsound curriculum and approach to the Holocaust. Because this organization fails to provide any discussion of the context
- of expanding Jewish criminality (smuggling, kidnapping, white-slaving, and financial fraud) since the 1830s and
- of increasing Jewish violence (sabotage, targeted assassinations, disproportionate role in attempted coups in Bavaria and in Hungary, disproportionate role in the Soviet Revolution, mass murder, ethnic cleansing, and genocide) since the 1850s,
BPS teachers cannot possibly come away from the workshop with any reasonable understanding of the Holocaust or with any preparation to teach BPS students about the Holocaust. (For more information see Summary Holocaust and Ashkenazi Genocidalism.)
BPS should really pull out of the Workshop Program because FHO is not an organization that BPS should be supporting in any way. If it is too late to pull out, I have to recommend a remedial program
- to explain the flaws with the FHO curriculum and
- to provide properly contextualized analysis of the Holocaust.
Sincerely yours,
Joachim MartilloPresident