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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

[wvns] Abortion Used to Improve Life Expectancy Statistics

Perhaps I have not been following the abortion debate closely enough, but Dr. Javed Jamil has provided an argument that I have not seen previously on the pro-life side in Abortion Used to Improve Life Expectancy Statistics:
This article aims to bring to the attention of the world the horrible fact that
the killing of human foetuses, euphemistically called induced abortion, is being
used to increase life expectancy, not only through statistical manoeuvres but
also through misuse, unknowingly, of the Nature's growing preference for human
life. It will be shown that the life expectancy, as defined by the current
international organizations, is directly proportional to the ratio of abortion.
The more a country kills its unborn human beings the better its life expectancy.
The question will be asked: are foetuses not human beings deserving the right to
life; and if killed their deaths to be counted as human deaths? If their deaths
are counted as deaths of human beings, the whole scenario changes, and the
claims of "development" prove to be ridiculous. The paper introduces True Life
Expectancy, i.e., life expectancy at conception as the true measurement of life
Demographers have long realized that important factors decreasing life expectancy are the number of births (e.g., risks to the youngest children and women recently haven given birth tend to skew the data).

I am not sure we have good statistics on abortion before the modern period.

The economy of the Greek colony of Cyrene depended upon the export of the supposed abortifacient Silfium, which according to one theory was driven to extinction by overharvesting.

Abortion is probably a lot more common historically than commonly assumed, and many women executed for crimes of witchcraft in the past were probably supplying herbal abortifacients.

The greater tolerance of Muslim and Jewish jurists for abortion (in comparison with Christians) may explain the lesser concern of Muslims and Jews with violations by women of laws against witchcraft. Sphere: Related Content