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Saturday, September 19, 2009

More on Inglourious Basterds

I discussed Tarantino's new film in [LA NP Examiner] Fictional film 'Inglourious Basterds' hyped while true story of revenge hidden.

Gilad Atzmon reviews the film in
Vengeance, Barbarism and Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds.

Ingrid Zündel (wife of Holocaust Revisionist Ernst Zündel) writes:
Sept. 21, 2009
To all -

I haven't seen Inglourious Basterds - no, it's no spelling mistake! - and have no intentions to see it. Apparently, it tops by a factor of 10 the filth-and-gore of Schindlers List, that piece of lying trash about what happened in the war to our Everlasting Persecuted.

The film review below speaks for itself, and I apologize up-front for the filthy language - in the film and in this review. I don't know how else to convey to you that this bloody mark of inhumanity seems to be the ultimate in Jewish sadism openly directed at the Germans.

I would also like to mention that at least one theatre in the Fatherland has had the courage to give the boot to this appalling piece of trash - but apparently only after somebody called in a bomb threat unless the showing of this film was abandoned.

When you read the movie review [
Inglourious Basterds by Trevor Lynch], I believe you will agree with me that we desperately need an antidote to Hollywood.

If the spirit moves you and you believe that something just needs to be done against this battering of decent people's feelings, to - still under construction - for details.

Because a large part of my family was killed in defending Poland in the first year after the invasion of Poland, I have little patience with Holocaust Revisionism, which is a mask for German apologetics.

Yet Pat Buchanan has a point:
[wvns] Did Hitler Want War?, and when I look at the mistreatment of Ostdeutsch populations in the aftermath of WW1 (not WW2) as well as at Soviet Jewish planned mistreatment of Russian Germans in the Soviet Union, I can understand why the Zündels feel as they do and was even inspired to take a look at the Soaring Eagles Gallery to which Ingrid refers in her eletter.

The content is a fairly silly sort of Germanic primordialism, which differs little from equally silly Zionist Jewish primordialism.

Just as the vast majority of modern Germans are not descended from ancient Teutonic tribes, the vast majority of modern Jews are not descended from ancient Judaic populations of Greco-Roman Palestine.

I am of course irritated
  • that Ingrid's website equates European with Germanic (or possibly Roman) and
  • that there appears to be no place among the gallery of heroes for Lech, Czech and Rus, who are the eponymous founders of the Polish, Czech, and Russian peoples.

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