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Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Government Bureaucracy Poisoned by Islamophobes

In ROUND AND ROUND SHE GOES and Making Sense of the Previous Post, Prof. Harold Knight provides analysis consistent with EAAZI's position contending that Jewish Zionists have effectively managed to brainwash the US government bureaucracy in a mind-boggling act of subversion:
As the US government attacks Arab and Muslim leaders and their friends investment (PTECH), education, (Debby Almontaser), and philanthropy (HLF), no one can escape from concluding that fighting terrorism, Islamophobic, and Arabophobic-related charges one trial at a time is simply the wrong strategy in the face of hegemonic Zionist discourse because the accusations and arrests will only continue until Zionist subversives like Stuart Levey are driven from office and the corrupt Jewish Zionist network responsible for the travesty of justice is itself convicted and imprisoned for Conspiracy against Rights and Seditious Conspiracy.

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