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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Responding to Zionist Collaboration Propaganda

Open Letter to Guardian Editor
In Re: Israel uses Hitler picture to sell its settlement expansion
Dear Mr. Leach,
I am an historical political economist specializing in modern E. European and Jewish studies.
I have often been puzzled by the claim that "the Mufti of Jerusalem ... helped [the Nazis] raise an SS division in Bosnia" because he spoke neither Serbo-Croation nor German. As far as I can tell he spent most of his time in Yugoslavia with a N. African Arabic regiment that had more or less been conscripted to fight alongside the Wehrmacht in E. Europe.
There is no evidence that the Mufti sympathized with the German Nazis except insofar as they were willing to help him drive Eastern and Central European Zionist invaders out of Palestine.
You can find my blog entry on Zionist-Nazi collaboration at Nazi-Zionist Friendship Commemorative Medal.
Sincerely yours,
Joachim Martillo
Boston, MA
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