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Monday, July 06, 2009

Jewish Taqiya (تقية) from Aish Hatorah

Followup: Lubovitcher Rebbe and Jewish Taqiya (تقية)

The blog entry Truth In Kiruv? Not With Aish HaTorah, Woman Says consists almost entirely an article entitled Aish HaTorah – Being Reform in an Orthodox Setting that was written by Elizabeth Klatzky and that recently appeared on She discusses Jew-on-Jew Taqiya (تقية).

Aish HaTorah – Being Reform in an Orthodox Setting
by elizabeth katzki,

I should have known that a trip advertised on the side of my Facebook page would not be what it seemed, but it just looked so enticing. How could I not take advantage of a trip to New York (everything but the flight) for only two hundred dollars? I decided to apply for the Women’s’ Future Jewish Enterprisers two-week trip in New York.

One day later, after sending in my resume and background information to Aish HaTorah New York, I got a call back informing me that I had been accepted and should book my flight. I did just that, and one week later, I was on my way to Newark Airport, excited and ready to meet important Jewish business people.

I did meet important Jewish business people, such as William Lauder, Jill Granoff, Neil Cole, Robert Hormats, and many more, but these introductions came with information I did not necessarily want. I understood that this was a Jewish trip, and I was excited to get in touch with my Judaism again, but I definitely did not want to hear about Orthodox Judaism day in and day out.
[To read the entire FailedMessiah blog entry, click here.]

I linked through because the FailedMessiah blog entry includes some useful links describing the ongoing Islamophobic Aish/Clarion Fund/Obsession/Third Jihad exercise in Jewish taqiya.

I have my own list for articles discussing the "prudential dissimulation" in which Aish, various Jewish individuals, and several Jewish organizations have been collaborating as part of an ongoing program of demonization, defamation, and marginalization of Islam as well as of American Muslims. You can find it here.
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