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Saturday, July 18, 2009

[The Hasbara Buster] Millionaire Dhimmis vs. Dhimmitude Nonsense

In general in the past and to this day, not only have wealth and connections determined status and quality of life far more than religion in Muslim countries, but on the whole the Jews of the Islamic world had higher incomes, more education, longer life spans, and more important social connections than Muslim fellow citizens or subjects.

While I must qualify that Jewish status in the Islamic world had more complexity than can be described in a brief blog entry, Ibrahim ibn Yusuf makes a very good point in Millionaire Dhimmis, which was published on The Hasbara Buster website:
My family (wife, two kids and yours truly) is very fortunate where living space is concerned. We own a 150 sq mt house, plus a 50 sq mt yard. That's 50 sq mt of housing per head. Most other people in my country have to make do with much smaller houses, and many don't own any real estate at all. In Barcelona, where my wife comes from, property ownership averages less than 30 sq mt per capita, and I believe the same is true for Paris, Rome and other crowded European capitals.

One would expect us to also compare very favorably with, for instance, the Jews who emigrated from Arab lands. By now you must be familiar with their story according to the Zionists: they didn't emigrate with the encouragement and support of Israel, but were instead expelled; and they never enjoyed comfortable lives in Arab countries, but had been subjected to dhimmi status all along. Now second-class citizens are never allowed to economically prosper, so that Arab Jews must have lived, on average, in abject poverty.
[To read the entire article, click here.]

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