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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Insufficient to Call Israel Nazi!

Israel is only a piece of the problem.

The Zionist Virtual Colonial Motherland (or Judonia) orchestrated the colonization of Palestine, the 1947-8 ethnic cleansing/genocide and benefited from both (especially the theft of practically all movable and immovable Palestinian property and assets within Stolen Palestine (pre-1967 Israel):

Nowadays, the Israel Lobby is the public face of the Zionist Virtual Colonial Motherland, which runs a vast imperial system, in which the State of Israel is the keystone or linchpin and the United States of America is an intimidated and dependent client state: [Stephen Walt] Obama meets the Lobby.

So far the USA has spent $5-6 trillion in maintaining the Zionist state in Stolen and Occupied Palestine and subsidizes the State of Israel to the tune of $60-100 billion per year.

As a client state within the Zionist imperial system, obviously the USA is subordinate to the will of Zionist plutocracy and intelligentsia (the Cacocracy) and cannot possibly be restored to political and economic health until the Zionist political-economic vampire is staked through the heart by means of:

  • clawing back approximately $5-6 trillion from Judonia,
  • purging Zionist subversives from all positions of responsibility within the USA,
  • putting all supporters of Zionist terrorism in jail under anti-terrorism laws, and
  • removing or obliterating the criminal Zionist conglomeration of racist, murderous, genocidal invaders, interlopers, thieves, and usurpers from Stolen and Occupied Palestine as is required under post-WW2 Nuremberg Law and the International Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide.

According to AJC statistics 80% of American Jews are either Zionists or support Zionism and are therefore either Nazis or Nazi-supporters. America is dying because Jewish Nazis permeate the political, legal, economic, financial, cultural and academic elite. The USA can only be saved by purging Jewish Zionist subversives as supporters of Zionist terrorism.

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