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Thursday, August 13, 2009

[peoplesvoice] Myths And Facts About al-Qaeda

Karin Friedemann and I looked at the evidence justifying the War on Terrorism and found very little. We both wrote an article on subject.

Here is Karin's.

Myths And Facts About al-Qaeda

Karin Friedemann

The media myth of a global Islamic conspiracy never got much traction in America before 2001 because the minority Muslim American population simply did not seem like much of a threat, because Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States are loyal US allies, and because Americans generally have a positive attitude toward wealthy investors. After 9/11 pro-Israel propagandists exploited public ignorance and created a nightmarish fantasy of al-Qaeda in order to put the US and allies into conflict with the entire Islamic world. What is al-Qaeda? What do they believe? What do they actually do?
To read Karin's entire article, click here. To read my article, which has a rather different focus, click Collision: Jewish-Zionist, Arab-Islamic Transnational Politics.
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