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Monday, August 03, 2009

[Tikun Olam] Former Hezbollah Intelligence Officer Turns Haredi Jew, Fantasist

Guest Article from Richard Silverstein

Yesterday, I wrote about the astonishing revelation that the IDF was distributing an anti-Arab racist fantasy to its troops which claimed that Hassan Nasrallah visited Auschwitz with Vatican cardinals as part of conspiracy to exterminate Jews. This sensational story was penned collaboratively by Safed's chief rabbi, Shmuel Eliahu and the Hezbollah turncoat himself, all through the funding of the American Orthodox movement.

Reader Joachim Martillo has done a terrific bit of sleuthing and discovered that the alleged Hezbollahnik is none other than Avraham Sinai, currently an ultra-Orthodox Jew and disciple of Rabbi Eliahu. Reading this Ynetnews article from 2006, his life experiences as recounted in the article seem almost plausible. Though the reporter does note that there that Sinai can provide no proof of his past life.

But in the current Haaretz story about the booklet, which I call the Protocols of the Elders of Hezbollah, Sinai and Eliahu have completely taken leave of their senses. Nothing in this booklet has the remotest connection with any plausible reality. And the fact that the IDF was bamboozled by this fraud leaves yet another dark stain on its reputation.

Sinai's motivation in penning this fantasy would seem to be to maintain his relevance and usefulness as a propaganda tool for Rabbi Eliahu. The rabbi is one of the most racist, extremist rabbis in Israel and in order to serve him Sinai may have lowered his standards and principles (if he had any)

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