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Sunday, October 21, 2007

David Horowitz' Glass House

Zionist Stone-Thrower David Horowitz on IslamOnline's Muslim Affairs Zone hosted Horowitz on Sunday, October 21, 2007 in a live talk about the Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week. See .
My wife Karin Friedemann and I each asked him a question.
Karima (Karin):
While most people understand the term "Islamofascism" as a word only people with a less than average IQ would use seriously, there is a body of academic studies relating Zionist philosophy with Nazi ideology dating back to the 1930s.
[George Mosse, Jay Harris, Michael Stanislawski. Max Nordau was a primary Zionist leader whose ideas on eugenics and national revival through ethnic purity were studied and accepted by the Nazis.]
Would you feel that a "Zio-Nazi Awareness Week" would be an appropriate way to address the problem of Jewish racism in our society and the misunderstandings that some people have about Israel?
David Horowitz:
The term "Islamo-fascism" was coined by Algerian Muslims who were being slaughtered by Islamic radicals in the 1990s. The group which now calls itself "Al-Qaeda of the Islamic Maghreb" murdered between 150,000 and 200,000 Muslims during those years.
Joachim Martillo:
Now that Soviet and Eastern block archives have become more accessible thanks to the fall of the Soviet Union, more and more scholars are realizing that ethnic Ashkenazi Soviet officials took the leading role in planning and executing Soviet mass murder, ethnic cleansing and genocide.

Is there not a basic similarity in the process of alienization (making a population aliens in their own country as a prelude to destroying it) as took place in the Soviet Union and the process of dispossession and the destruction of the native Palestinian population as Zionist Ashkenazim planned since the late 19th century and as the State of Israel carries out right before our eyes?

In other words, are not Soviet Ashkenazi genocidalism and Zionist Ashkenazi genocidalism essentially the same phenomenon and an expression of ethnic Ashkenazi extremism, fanaticism and murderousness?
David Horowitz:
There are an awful lot of Jew-haters posting to this discussion.
According to Horowitz people are Jew-haters when they analyze Jews, Jewish political movements, the Jewish community and the State of Israel in the same way that Horowitz analyzes Muslims, Muslim political movements, the Muslim community and Muslim countries. 
By Horowitz' standards there are a lot of racist Islamophobes and Arab-haters among the Neocons, and if he is not numero uno, he is probably in the top ten.
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A. Rashdan said...

What i noticed also in this live dialogue that Horowitz was not really answering the questions .. he picks on parts of the questions and comment in his answer!

But all in all, i believe your and your wife's questions were really good.

Keep your good effort up, am impressed by the effort you and your wife do in support of Palestinians and just causes.

Musilm Affairs Editor,

Anonymous said...

Question: Were the Bolsheviks Zionists? If not, were there any cross-overs?

Joachim Martillo said...

While the same resentments led ethnic Ashkenazim to Russian communism also led them to Zionism, Communist ideology and Zionist ideology are incompatible. In Russia true believing communist Ashkenazim were usually the first to denounce Zionistically-inclined communist Ashkenazim. In the USA Communist Ashkenazim were more likely to be less hostile to Zionist Ashkenazim.

Anonymous said...

Thanks. My 2nd question has to do with the so-called Armenian genocide. It is my understanding that a group of Armenian intellectuals were plotting the overthrow of Ottoman Turkey that was on its last legs. Many Armenians served/trained in the Russian Army and the Armenian intellectuals aligned themselves with the Bolsheviks. 100,000s of Turks were killed by this group as they massacred whole villages. The Young Turks fought them and then began to expel or kill Armenians - shipping them out in boxcars to Syria etc. The point being, if the Armenians had succeeded in the plot, then Russia would have an inroad into the remains of the Ottoman empire and the Middle Eastern oil reserves. At the same time you had Baron Rothschild buying up canal and land rights in his bid for Middle Eastern oil (as Balfour is addressing his infamous Declaration to him on behalf of the Zios.) Is it an issue of two Jewish groups in competition for the oil rich region but they come together in Palestine?

Anonymous said...

The Ottoman Empire has been given a waiver by the West, across the board, for its suppression of the development of the Middle East which it dominated for 400 years and it damn well should have been overthrown, but that being said, this is the argument that the Turks, no friends to progressives anywhere, have been peddling, the same Turks who have destroyed 4000 Kurdish villages, forbid the Kurds to speak their language or keep their Kurdish names, and which served as the true US surrogate in the region from the end of WW2 until now. It has even less validity, as I understand it, than the ZIO claim that the Jews were victimized by the Arab countries after 1948. They deserve not an iota of sympathy or support for any reason and nothing they say can be believed. Isn't it curious how after refusing to let the US use its base for the original attack it now serves as the primary US jumping off point? Isn't it curious that the Turkish-Israeli alliance in which both side hold regular joint exercises is never discussed here. The Turks are objectively the enemy of the peoples in the region and have been for centuries. They are even more skillful than the Israelis in talking out of oth sides of their mouths.

Anonymous said...

Recently you alluded to George Mosse's discussion of the shared origins of zionist and nazi ideology.

I looked in his book on German ideology and found nothing. Can you suggest a reference?

You are perhaps familiar with Keller's book _The German Language_ where he points to Moses Hess and Theodor Herzl as originators of the
term Nazionalsozialismus.

Anonymous said...

Recently you alluded to George Mosse's discussion of the shared origins of zionist and nazi ideology.

I looked in his book on German ideology and found nothing. Can you suggest a reference?

You are perhaps familiar with Keller's book _The German Language_ where he points to Moses Hess and Theodor Herzl as originators of the term Nazionalsozialismus.

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