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Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Real Israel Lobby

Overhead Slides from My Presentation at the Conference:
No More Wars for Israel
The Israel Lobby and American Society
What the Israel Lobby really is,
How it hurts America
What to do about it
I will try to put up a video of the presentation within the next few days.

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Anonymous said...

You, my dear, are a fucking asshole, hatemonger, and sicko. This is just pure crap, and if you believe this drivel, you are in serious need of help. If the Jews controlled half of what you say the 15 million in the whole world did, your stupid blog would not be allowed.

Anonymous said...

Link's broken. I guess someone's embarrassed to be associated with that position.

Joachim Martillo said...

You have to tell me which link is broken if you would like it to be fixed.

Anonymous said...

From this blog's profile: "I am an inventor and created a key technology that makes it extremely hard for governments and mega-corporations to control the Internet"

Well, recent news reports indicate the Chinese government seems to have found a way to effectively control the internet. Back to the drawing board!

Harley Cudney

Joachim Martillo said...

My lack of clarity. I was not referring to filtering, which in general can be easily circumvented.

When I was working at MIT, researchers were proposing that problems with webcasting could be solved by instituting Quality of Service (QOS). In other words high priority traffic would steal bandwith from low priority traffic, and the latency of the high priority traffic would decrease by increasing the latency of low priority traffic.

In theory users would pay for better QOS. As a result, only large corporate media corporations would be able to afford the higher QOS that would guarantee high quality video at the user's monitor.

Economics would guarantee corporate control of the best video and audio news feeds.

I was aghast at this possibility and spent a lot of effort in developing a method that would improve Internet performance with less powerful less costly packet switches and that would provide far worse service for high priority traffic with the application of QOS than such traffic would receive in a no QOS environment.

You can find a layman-comprehensible discussion of the technology at Routing in a Bridged Network.

Some rather complex mathematics can demonstrate that in most cases IP-layer QOS is worthless when Internets are constructed as proposed with Logical Subbridge (or VLAN) Routers.

Cisco provides an Overview of Routing between VLANS at

According to Cisco IOS Software Release 11.1 New Features No. 402, Cisco first introduced such functionality on February 1, 1996 almost exactly 4.5 years after I did, and the Cisco implementation performed very badly because of misimplementation. The technology described in ATM LAN Emulation (filed May 9, 1996) is an example of the technology that Tony Bono and I invented, and this particular patent should never have been granted.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the slide slow and especially the program of action. Think the reclassification of Israel as a terrorist state (top of the pinnacle, actually) is unrealistic. Especially as it is leaking out that the recent attack on Syria was a joint Israeli-U.S. bombing mission in which two (2) tactical nuclear weapons were detonated.

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