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Monday, December 29, 2008

International Hillel Society: Terrorism Supporter

My wife Karin and I have been taking part in a Facebook discussion entitled Imagine the reaction if Jesse Jackson wrote this article (How Jewish is Hollywood? by Joel Stein).

Karin made the following important points about Antisemitism and college Hillel organizations:
Don't worry about anti-Semitism, it's a myth. Of course AIPAC has to be brought down, but AIPAC is just icing on the cake. The real masterminds of Zionist infiltration of American governance and mass education are all working on the local level, but coordinated top down by the Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations. The most dangerous racist organizations are groups like Hillel and local JCRCs (Jewish Community Relations Councils -- the national organization is the Jewish Council for Public Affairs [JCPA], which used to be called the National Community Relations Advisory Council [NCRAC]) .

For very detailed information on the Jewish Lobby Visit
The usual Jewish Zionist thought-minder replied:
"Don't worry about anti-Semitism, it's a myth"

" The most dangerous racist organizations are groups like Hillel and the JCRC. "

Oh wow. That sounds like anti-Semitism itself to me.
My Hillel showed Edward Said's views on Israel and viewed documets pertaining to the Arab thougths ont he conflict and then we debated what was accurate and what's racist!
Here is my comment:
On Hillel
There is no legitimate debate over the question of Palestine.

Racist E. Europeans invaders stole Palestine and genocided the native population -- a process that continues right before our eyes.

Jewish Zionists operate on the fundamental principle that Jews may plunder and kill non-Jews with impunity.

It is hard to think of a more racist idea (although it certainly is comparable to the German Nazi idea that Aryans may plunder and kill non-Aryans with impunity).

A Zionist is simply a Nazi with some obvious substitutions with regard to Unter- and Übermenschen.

No one should be surprised that Zionism is ethnic Ashkenazi Nazism. Zionism and German Nazism grew up in the same intellectual milieu, and there was a great deal of cross-polination of ideas as well as a certain amount of cross-over in the membership of the two groups.

To believe that ethnic Ashkenazim could not develop their own form of Nazism is itself racist because it represents a belief that Jews are somehow ethically superior to non-Jews.

Hillel is a Zionist organization that was created to replace the non-Zionist Menorah Society.

Having a Hillel on a college campus is like having a chapter of the KKK on a college campus.

The organization in my experience at Harvard routinely supports Zionist terrorism. Under US law it should be shut down, all of its assets should be seized, and its principles should be arrested.

I am on the organization's mailing list, and I have routinely received Hillel fund-raising letters that are signed by Bronfman and that defame good decent Americans like Huwaid Arraf, Hatem Bazian, and Mahdi Bray with accusations of support for terrorism in a typical Jewish Zionist attempt to silence them by intimidation.

Not only is the Hillel a criminal organization that violates the RICO statutes and that supports Zionist terrorism, but it is also engaging in conspiracy against the rights of non-Jewish Americans.

The organization and its supporters have no redeeming social value and together constitute a viper lurking to strike at the heart of America.
On Anti-Semitism

Late 19th and early 20th century anti-Semitism was invariably distinguished from so-called traditional Judeophobia by the inclusion of biological determinist or of social Darwinist ideas.

Depending on where in the Muslim world one researches the issue, one will find the equation of Zionism to French colonialism in Algeria, Indian oppression in Kashmir or Russian exansionism into the Caucasus and Central Asia. If one speaks with an Arab or Muslim educated in the USa, he or she may use Southern Slavery as the comparison point.

Arab and Muslim hatred toward Zionism, the State of Israel and non-Israeli supporters of Zionism or the State of Israel really has little or no similarity to the anti-Semitism of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century.

As far as I can tell, merely stating the facts is a form of anti-Semitism in the minds of a certain class of Israel-supporters.

In my blog entry Kovel Pulls No Punches I list some of the comments withn Kovel’s book Overcoming Zionism that occasioned charges of anti-Semitism especially from StandWithUs. These statements have no counterparts in the lore of modern anti-Semitism.

After reading The Resurgence of Anti-Semitism: Jews, Israel and Liberal Opinion by Bernard Harrison, I sent the author the email contained in Last Word on Anti-Semitism.

Because it was written in anger and haste, it does not fully reflect my position, which primarily criticizes Zionism for the damage that the Israel Lobby has inflicted on the American political system.

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