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Friday, January 02, 2009

In Re: Partition Still Casts Shadow On India-Pakistan Ties

Zionist Connection in International Affairs
by Joachim Martillo (

Because the recent NPR broadcast Partition Still Casts Shadow On India-Pakistan Ties failed to address the end of British rule of India within the larger context of the global Muslim confrontation with the British Empire, the discussion completely missed connections and interrelations
  • of the alliance of the UK with the Zionist movement,
  • of the dismantlement of the Ottoman Empire (with concomitant ethnic cleansing of Balkan Muslim populations),
  • of the British Mandate for Mesopotamia (Iraq, الانتداب البريطاني على العراق‎),
  • of the British Mandate for Palestine, and
  • of the partition of India.
Here are two examples.
  1. Not only is it possible that German Zionists facilitated the defeat of the Central Powers in World War One, but the resulting vivisection of the Ottoman Empire
    • opened up Palestine for large scale Zionist colonization as well as Mesopotamia for British petroleum exploitation while the elimination of the Ottoman Caliphate
    • created conditions out of which the Indian Khilafat Movement developed.
  2. Not only did the British lack of attention to the potential violence in the Indian partition probably result at least in part from the financial crisis that American Zionists created by lobbying Congress against any loans for the UK until the UK satisfied Zionist demands, but in general British Imperial policy towards the Islamic world since WWI developed strongly under the influence of Zionist members of the Cousinhood of the wealthiest and most influential British Jews.
The Cousinhood Zionists then and the Israel Lobby today as analyzed within the Walt-Mearsheimer formulation represent stages in the evolution of the Zionist Virtual Colonial Motherland or Judonia. (See also Another Perspective on the Zionist Virtual Colonial Motherland.)

At least as early as 1938 when Martin Buber corresponded with Gandhi, members of the Zionist intelligentsia seem to have begun to think about extending the model of dividing the Arab Middle East along ethnic and religious boundaries to India so that Zionists could create an anti-Muslim alliance with chauvinistic Hindu factions.

The partition of India may in part have been the fruition of approximately 10 years of efforts of Zionist intellectuals and political-economic oligarchs in the UK with the assistance the German American Jewish political economic elite ("Our Crowd"), on whom both Truman and many members of Congress depended for political donations during the 1946-8 time frame.

Ever since partition Jabotinskian Zionists have been assiduously trying to create a basis or framework for Zionist-Indian collaboration. While the Congress Party has had until recently a history of rebuffing Zionists and the State of Israel, Hindutva parties have been much more open to an anti-Muslim alliance as I allude in the blog entry Chabad Lubavitch' Dangerous Game and the associated comments.

Not only does Oded Yinon's divide-and-neutralize strategy for the Muslim world (including Pakistan) seem to embody current Zionist operating principles, but it is also fairly easy to find similar ideas scattered throughout the primary Zionist political-strategic literature of the 20s, 30s, and 40s.

The failure of historians, political scientists and policy makers to take full account of the influence and strategies of the Zionist movement over the last 120-130 years obscures key aspects of historical and current international relations and has rendered international politics far more treacherous than it need be.

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