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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hub of the World (Zionist Conspiracy)

Charles Jacobs is once again waging a campaign of Islamophobic incitement, and the discussion once again fails to address the heart of the issue.

Jacobs' business model depends on demonizing Muslims. The more he marginalizes Arab and Muslim American citizens, the more he creates a distraction from ongoing Zionist crimes against Palestinians, the more money he raises from Zionist political economic oligarchs.

Jacobs is not an isolated extremist within the Jewish community. He functions right at the heart, and mainstream Jewish communal organizations like the American Jewish Committee are just as much involved in subversion of the American political system as Israel Advocacy organizations.

Until the organized Jewish community rejects Islamophobic and un-American politics, the organized Islamic community only legitimizes Jewish Zionist bigotries and un-American activities by engaging with it.

Because the Boston Globe has provided space for Jacobs' new campaign against the Islamic Society of Boston and the Roxbury Islamic Community Center and because the Globe has provided such pitiful space for replies, which seem to be limited to a silly Islamophobic letter from a probably Jewish non-Muslim and another from Abdul Cader Asmal, I have provided a shortened and more focused version of Patterns of Boston Jewish Power.

Abbreviated Patterns of Boston Jewish Power

The future of Zionized American is taking shape in Boston, which has become a major command and control center for transnational Jewish politics and Zionist lobbying.

Just as Zionists literally bulldozed Rachel Corrie, who was an obstacle to Zionist plans in Palestine, the Jewish media-bureaucratic complex crushes whomever it pleases while the Jewish power elite has near total legal immunity.

Boston’s vociferously pro-Palestinian City Councilor Chuck Turner and former rather pro-Israel Massachusetts State Senator Diane Wilkerson look like the latest offerings to Boston Jewish power now that the compliant and politicized US Attorney’s office ran a year long sting operation to nab Wilkerson and then used the same informant to entrap Turner.

Inappropriate prosecutorial zeal has attracted judicial attention.

Marie Szaniszlo writes in Judge eyes prosecutors in pols’ arrests: “At a pretrial hearing in Boston [on July 2], Judge Douglas Woodlock said he wants to determine whether prosecutors tried to ‘gin things up’ in the public arena by disseminating photographs of the two allegedly accepting bribes.”

Boston African-American pastor Gloria White-Hammond provided indication of the logic behind the investigations when she suggested on WBUR that Boston African-Americans needed new leaders.

White-Hammond has long been a shabbesshikse for the most extremist racist segment of the Boston Jewish community. She served as loyal house nigger to Charles Jacobs in the fraudulent anti-Sudan, anti-Arab, and anti-Muslim campaign that his American Anti-Slavery Group ran in an early effort at poisoning human rights discourse to benefit the State of Israel.

White-Hammond failed Jacobs when he was attempting to incite Islamophobia by accusing the Islamic Society of Boston (ISB) of trying to create a haven for Islamic extremism by building a large Islamic Community Center in Roxbury. According to discovery documents revealed in various associated lawsuits, Jacobs contacted African-American church leaders to find a non-Jew to shill for Jacobs and his allies within the organized Jewish community.

Because all Boston-area African American leaders, who had sold themselves to the Jewish community, demurred (including White-Hammond), Jacobs settled for Italian-American Mission Hill resident James Policastro.

Yet White-Hammond managed not only to redeem herself to the organized Jewish community by leading Save Darfur efforts, but by early 2007 the organized Jewish community even seemed to be grooming her as a possible pro-Jewish African American political leader in the second Suffolk state senate district where she lives and later even began to raise her profile to national political level by arranging meetings with President Obama on bogus Darfur issues.

Back in 2007 with no evidence indicating that African American second Suffolk State Senator Diane Wilkerson was dirty and with conscious obliviousness to ongoing organized Jewish community bribery of US public officials with trips to Israel, the US Attorney seems to have begun an approximately year-long sting that used Wilkerson’s cash and tax problems to entrap her and that culminated in her Oct. 28, 2008 arrest.

Because Turner has long known the Jewish power elite has targeted him, he is extraordinarily careful about ethics violations, and a similar operation would have failed against him.

Nevertheless, approximately a month later Turner was arrested in another sting operation that appears to be an afterthought set up to intimidate Turner into resigning voluntarily.

Instead of arranging a series of private encounters and exchanges with Turner, the informant approached Turner in a crowded public setting, shoved a letter into Turner’s hand, and said something incomprehensible.

Eventually the informant became suspicious of the US Attorney's office when he realized that there were no ongoing Massachusetts investigations of white politicians. Likewise, all Americans should wonder whether studious inattention of the US Attorney’s office to prima facie federal criminal violations by Jacobs and associates indicated Zionist power trumped loyalty to the Constitution and especially the Fourteenth Amendment.

Not only do many Jewish organizations that long ago should have lost 501(c)(3) tax deductible status continue to discriminate and to incite racism effectively with US government subsidization, but Jewish financial predation has to be truly awesome before discussion of Jewish financial wrongdoing becomes even slightly possible, and to this day a Boston-area Jewish fraudster like longtime Madoff-associate Robert Jaffe has yet to face criminal charges.

Although the pattern of Jewish abuse of power extends well beyond the Boston area, much if not most American Jewish social, political, economic, and academic misbehavior links back to the Boston-area Jewish community or educational institutions where young Jews often first hook up with vast corrupt Jewish social networks.

No one should be surprised US Senator from Israel Joseph Lieberman has a strong Boston Jewish connection in his mechutenesta (co-in-law), the exceptionally maniacal incompetent Zionist Harvard Professor Ruth Wisse.

Because the hard power of the USA is vast while the Israel Lobby only has soft power, the Jewish power elite maintains its privilege via a pervasive web (the media-bureaucratic-academic complex?) that reaches into American society down to local levels and that keeps the vast majority of Americans confused, intimidated, or ignorant.

Using resources that the Boston-area affords as a major American and world education center has proven exceptionally efficient and provides an excellent means for the Boston Jewish power elite to spread tentacles both nationally and globally.

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