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Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Time for Anti-Zionist Tea Party

The Real Origins of the CDO Meltdown
By Joachim Martillo with assistance from Karin Friedemann

"No taxation by a foreign government without representation" is a basic American principle. Yet the Israel Lobby forces the US government to impose tax levies far greater than anything England demanded in the lead-up to the American Rebellion. Pro-Israel organizations do everything possible to prevent Americans from openly complaining that they are taxed without consent.

Through subversion Israel advocates have orchestrated passage of the Patriot Act, Homeland Security abuses, and other erosions of civil liberties. Pro-Israel organizations file lawsuits to prevent the question of Israel investments from getting on local ballots. Jewish communal organizations bribe elected public officials with free trips to Israel to gain their support for Israel ̶-- even against the will of the majority of their constituents!

Financing Israel at the expense of basic American values both victimizes every citizen to benefit a very small sub-group of the population and also creates worldwide anti-US hostility with concomitant risk of terrorist retaliation against all Americans. Obeying the Israel lobby is against American self-interest. Obeying Zionist pressure to invade several countries at once is financially suicidal. Zionist activists are stealth illegal combatants threatening the USA. They should be stripped of their US citizenship and sent to Guantanamo for interrogation.

America’s free press, justice system, and democracy are dependent upon the separation of American from Israeli interests. America must disentangle itself from the Zionist web of control. Under US legal concepts Israeli Jews do not get to keep stolen property just because they have managed to hold it for 60 years despite legitimate Palestinian efforts to reclaim ownership. America proclaims support for equal rights, which pertain just as strongly to property and to residency as they do to voting or use of public transportation. If we Americans care about our own rights, we must always and without compromise stress the property and residence rights of all Palestinians.

Not only the property stolen in `67 but also `48 must be reconveyed to its rightful owners -- just as Germany has returned homes stolen from the Jews to their descendents. Post-WW2 Nuremberg Tribunals established an unequivocal right within International Law for an occupied and ethnically cleansed population to drive out or to kill invaders even those that have managed to extract some form of international sanction. Czech resistance attacks on Germans in the Sudetenland were completely legitimate even though Chamberlain agreed to German annexation of that territory. (For more info on Nuremberg Law, see note below.)

American subsidization of Zionists at the expense of the US taxpayer takes place via many subterfuges. The USA buys billions of dollars of weapons from Jewish-owned or managed corporations like General Dynamics, declares the weaponry to be obsolete and then consigns it to Israel at practically no charge. The Israeli government can then sell whatever weapons are unneeded in the ongoing genocide of the native population. It is an epic scam from which the Zionist plutocracy in the USA and in Israel is profiting.

Yet the sums in this sort of scheme pale by comparison with Zionist mortgage fraud, which has benefited both Zionist plutocrats and ordinary American Jews. The orgins of the CDO (Collateralized Debt Obligation) meltdown and the Wall Street financial disaster go back to the efforts of the George HW Bush admistration to discourage the Israeli government's program to settle Russian Jews in occupied Palestinian territories.

Bush denied Israel loan guarantees, and Israel had to leverage its money through insurance provided by AIG, on whose Board of Directors sat arch-Zionist insider and Harvard Professor Martin Feldstein, who is now a member of the Obama administration’s economic team.

The CDOs, CDSs (Credit Default Swaps), and synthetic CDOs developed by AIG proved to be such a profitable system for Israeli mega-real-estate investors that it quickly spread throughout Wall Street and the US real estate investment market.

At the same time the Israeli government created a mass constituency for this systematic financial fraud. Ordinary American Jews wishing to escape their credit card debts buy up stolen Palestinian property by means of mortgages that roll in existing indebtedness at subsidized interest rates. As the Israeli government orchestrates increasing demand for Palestinian property, American Jewish purchasers could then resell their properties at a profit and return debt-free to the USA with cash in their pockets.

The returnees then contribute to the campaigns of Congressmen that support this system of taxing all Americans to enrich American Jews by robbing Palestinians. This ridiculous criminal conspiracy has taken place in broad-daylight generally under the aegis of tax-payer subsidized Zionist “charities” like Nefesh b’Nefesh ([Jewish] Soul to [Jewish] Soul) that encourage “Aliyah” (Jewish ascension to Israel).

Are American law enforcement officials investigating this organized crime network operating in full daylight? The FBI should be attending all the Pro-Israel training workshops that take place on US soil and that promote the subversion of all our basic democratic institutions or the looting of the US economy.

Instead, LobeLog authors Eli Clifton and Daniel Luban report in “Where does the hatred come from?”:

This fall, U.S. law enforcement personnel will have their final chance to take advantage of a rare opportunity. Participants will travel to Israel to receive “homeland security training,” but the counterterrorism briefings and martial arts practice sessions are only one part of the package. The program also includes visits to Christian religious sites in the Holy Land — an aspect likely to be especially attractive to Christian Zionists — along with other sites such as the Knesset and the Israeli “security fence”.

The Israel program is run by Security Solutions International (SSI), a group that has attracted controversy due to its ties to Islamophobic propaganda groups — as well as its apparent view that indoctrinating first responders with alarmist information about Islam is an essential part of counterterrorism training.

Most striking of all, the SSI Israel trip is funded by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. DHS’s funding of this venture is a concrete illustration of the ways that Islamophobic fringe groups have exploited the “global war on terror” for their own purposes.

Tea party anyone?


Nuremberg Law clearly criminalizes the territorial Judaization that Zionists have planned since the 19th century and that they have undertaken since the first war of Zionist aggression in 1947-8 . The Nuremberg indictment of the Nationalist Socialist Government charges (International Military Tribunal, vol. 1, p. 63):

In certain occupied territories purportedly annexed to Germany the defendants methodically and pursuant to plan endeavored to assimilate these territories politically, culturally, socially, and economically into the German Reich. They endeavored to obliterate the former national character of these territories. In pursuance of their plans, the defendants forcibly deported inhabitants who were predominantly non-German and replaced them by thousands of German colonists.

If State of Israel replaces Germany, Zionist State replaces German Reich, and Jewish replaces German, this count applies to Zionist goals from the start of the Zionist movement until the present day.

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