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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Rifqa Bary Scams Christian Islamophobes

After wading through too many articles, listening to the conference call, and numbing my brain with videos, I have the impression that all or some members of the Bary family are undocumented (i.e., illegal immigrants) and that Rifqa came up with a great scam to use the stupidity and ignorance of Christian Islamophobes in order to avoid returning (or being deported) to Sri Lanka.

Below are some videos and her recent conference call. I have to admit bafflement at the comparisons of Rifqa to Esther unless there is some sort of subconscious awareness among the Christian Islamophobes that Rifqa has consciously plotted to deceive them.

Maybe the Islamophobes don't care because Rifqa's deceptions are probably secondary to their own desire to incite hatred against Muslims.

Oct 14 Fox Report

Rifqa Bary's September Anti-Islam Conference Call

Rifqa Practices Her Shtick in May

I have previously discussed the Bary Case in
Because racist Jewish Zionist Islamophobes like Pam Geller have busily added their own anti-Islam poison to the brew, it is worth noting that traditionally Jews have considered Haman's deceit, hostility, and death to be a foreshadowing and forerunner of Jesus as well as a metaphor for Christianity in general.

Rifqa Bary Press Conference: Pamela Geller

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