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Saturday, October 10, 2009

[AlternativeInsight] Reservations about Goldstone Report

From Dan Lieberman.

Nicole Goldstone, the daughter of the leader of the UN inquiry into the Gaza War, Richard Goldstone, demonstrates in a Haaretz report, September 16, 2009, why Middle East peace is difficult - peace must favor Israel.

Haaretz headline tells the story:
My father's participation softened UN Gaza report

"Had Richard Goldstone not served as the head of the UN inquiry into the Gaza war, the accusations against Israel would have been harsher,
" Goldstone's daughter, Nicole, said in an interview conducted in Hebrew with Army Radio on Wednesday.

"My father took on this job because he thought he is doing the best thing for peace, for everyone, and also for Israel," Nicole Goldstone told Army Radio.

Nicole Goldstone, who currently lives in Canada with her family, spoke of her great love for Israel.

"Every time I dream of returning to the country or that my son will one day immigrate there," she told Army Radio.

"Israel is more important to me than anything. I'm not there at the moment, but my heart is always there."

Nicole Goldstone said she expects to host her father for the upcoming Rosh Hashanah holiday.

According to Richard Goldstone's daughter, who is not even ashamed to state these partisan views,

(1) Goldstone's involvement "softened UN Gaza report." Nicole does not realize she is condemning her father as a biased protector of Israel's interests, and also telling the world that when it comes to Israel, Jews won't tell the whole truth.

(2) If Goldstone didn't head the inquiry, "the accusations against Israel would have been harsher." Now she involves her father in a conspiracy. As the head of the commission he was ableto make the report 'less harsh.'

(3) Goldstone took the task because "he thought he is doing the best thing for peace, for everyone, and also for Israel." Is that what a commission head is supposed to do: 'the best thing for Israel?"

(4) Nicole Goldstone dreams "of returning to the country or that my son will one day immigrate there." She wants to return to a country accused of serious crimes against humanity; one formal accusation of the myriad of informal and well documented crimes against humanity committed by the Israeli governments. Is Nicole Goldstone dreaming or having nightmares?

(5) Although she is a Canadian citizen, Nicole states:"Israel is more important to me than anything. I'm not there at the moment, but my heart is always there. All fellow Canadians must love having citizens who favor another nation.

(6) And since she has to prove that her father, despite his critique of Israel, is a good Jewish person "she expects to host her father for the upcoming Rosh Hashanah holiday."

Maybe a twisted chauvinism impelled Nicole Goldstone to feel she needed to protect her father from accusations of disloyalty to what she, in her narrow vision, perceives to be the reflections of the Jewish community. Maybe a touch of paranoia made her fear a backlash would harm him. Well, she has generated a backlash - from the six billion members of the world community who are now suspicious of Richard Goldstone's motives. Nicole Goldstone talks as if saying; "So what, so Israel committed grave crimes against humanity; it's still my country, and that's what counts." She also infers, with a grandeur of self-importance, that she has a right to speak for all Jews.

Not until Israel is treated as all other nations, devoid of the rationalizations and intensive public relations used to soothe its actions before others, and not until irrational apologists, such as Nicole Goldstein, are convicted in the world of common sense, will we find a road to Middle East peace.

[I express my reservations on the Goldstone report in [wvns] U.S., Israel Move To Keep Goldstone Report From Going to Security Council.]

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