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Sunday, October 25, 2009

[Terror Victims' Voice - For those who cannot speak for themselves] Karin Friedemann: Whither After the Goldstone Report?

Stephen Flatow briefly discusses Karin Friedemann's column Whither After Goldstone in his blog entry Terror Victims' Voice - For those who cannot speak for themselves.: Karin Friedemann: Whither After the Goldstone Report?:
A pro-Hamas supporter comments on the Goldstone Report reflects condemnation from that side of the divide.
But Miss Friedemann goes one step further and seems to advocate for the view that all Israelis are considered to be fair targets for terror actions. It's a sad commentary on how violent Palestine's supporters have become.
Well, that's what I have to say.

Stephen M. Flatow
While Karin's words speak for themselves, Stephen is a clever propagandist in twisting her intent.

Karin asserts that Nuremberg Tribunal precedents, which constitute a major part of the corpus of International Law, give the Palestinian Resistance practically unlimited license to kill Zionist interlopers anywhere in Stolen or Occupied Palestine.

If Stephen has a problem with Karin's interpretation of Nuremberg Tribunal Law, he will have to prove via analysis of the record of the proceedings that she is wrong.

According to his biography,

Stephen M. Flatow is an attorney. He was drawn into the war on terror following the murder of his daughter Alisa in a 1995 bus bombing while she was a student in Israel. Flatow successfully sued the Islamic Republic of Iran for its role as the state sponsor of the terror group Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the group that murdered Alisa.

Stephen conveniently fails to note that Alisa was visiting an illegal Gaza settlement at the time when the bus was attacked.

According to Father Says US Victim Loved Israel, Alisa thoroughly supported Zionism.

In other words she either explicitly or implicitly assumed that Jews have the right to plunder and to kill non-Jews with impunity.

If Steven had given his daughter an ethical education and taught her

  • that E. European Jews had absolutely no right to Palestine,
  • that Zionism is a completely evil ideology akin to German Nazism,
  • that the ethnic Ashkenazi connection to Palestine is completely mythological,
  • that Jews need to show acknowledgement, remorse, and contrition for the last 150 years of Jewish criminality, sabotage, targeted assassination, mass murder, ethnic cleansing, and genocide, and
  • that Jews can take the first steps to genuine atonement through categorical and unequivocal opposition to Zionism and the State of Israel,

she would have supported Palestinians, would never have chosen to study in a racist extremist Yeshiva in Stolen or Occupied Palestine, and would almost certainly be alive today.

Not only was Stephen's terror victim lawsuit against Iran just another piece of ongoing Zionist fraud against America and the world, but Stephen has no one to blame but himself for the death of his daughter in a completely legal and legitimate resistance operation.

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