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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Relentless anti-Westernism vs Relentless anti-Islamism

On Wednesday Harvard KSG Professor Stephen Walt blogged Birds of a feather: flocking together or flying apart?

He wrote:
... another justification for continuing the war in Afghanistan is the belief that the Afghan Taliban, al Qaeda, the Pakistani Taliban, and groups such as the Haqqani network form a tight ideologically-inspired alliance that is relentlessly anti-American and dedicated to attacking us no matter where we are or what we are doing. In this view, these various groups are "birds of a feather flocking together." This belief fuels the fear that a Taliban victory in Afghanistan would produce a dramatic increase in al Qaeda's capabilities, once their Islamic soulmates provided them with territory, recruits, and other forms of support for attacks on the West in general and the United States in particular.
Walt's point is important, but he should also apply it to the world view of Arab/Islamic Jihadism.

Abdullah Azzam and his successors looked at all the border wars of Islam from Algeria, through Bosnia, Chechnya, Sudan, Palestine, Somalia, Lebanon, Afghanistan, India/Pakistan/Kashmir, China, Burma, Cambodia, Thailand, and the Philippines, and then concluded that there was a worldwide carefully orchestrated conspiracy against Islam.

The belief is of course nonsense. The problems of Muslims in Chechnya and Thailand are surely completely unrelated, and the vast majority of Muslims understand this simple fact.

Yet the position of the tiny jihadist minority is not completely insane if we look not at the border wars but at Islamophobic incitement and include N. America and Europe, for we find increasing coordination among the six major currents of Islamophobia.

I will try to post a long overview of the issue at Ethnic Ashkenazim Against Zionist Israel sometime next week, but for the moment I have only the following two blog entries, which discuss en passant the role of Jewish Zionist mega-money in merging Zionist Islamophobia with European nativist currents derived from the thought of politicians like Enoch Powell and Pierre Poujade:
  1. Wilders' Columbia Song and Dance
  2. Scaremongering Muslim Interns, Undermining Democracy.*

These two of the six major Islamophobic currents may seem rather remote from the Afpak region especially if we accept Tip O'Neil's postulate: All politics is local.

Yet in the Age of Globalization, all local politics is global and all global politics is local.

In my experience people in the Afpak region are highly aware of Western/Zionist Islamophobic incitement: [AAFIA] The Zionist Islamophobic Police State.

Clearly there is an issue of confusion of image with reality, but because image affects both reality and also policy decisions on both sides, not only does image become deadly as Zionists orchestrate the incineration of one Arab or Muslim country after another, but there is a resonance effect of reaction and counterreaction.

The most realist, cost-effective and rational approach to weakening the alliances of various Jihadist and Islamist organizations requires confronting worldwide Zionist subversion immediately with the arrest of as many of the funders as possible for criminal violations including Conspiracy Against Rights, Seditious Conspiracy, and material support for Zionist terrorism (in other words turning the current Islamophobic strategy being managed by Zionists like Treasury official Stuart Levey back on the Zionists strategically placed in positions of power throughout American society).

Obviously, the effort must start with the identification of the numerous Zionist subversives within the US government, who must be arrested, tried, and sentenced for long prison terms in the facilities that Zionist government officials have been establishing throughout the US prison system for loyal and patriotic Arab and Muslim US citizens: US Government: More Zionist Subversion.


* Janny Groen writes in 'Geert Wilders ondermijnt democratie' that orchestrated Islamophobia, could well be a greater threat to democracy than Jihadist terrorism.

In other words, Islamophobia orchestrated by Jewish Zionist subversives to manipulate Bush administration policy has now become a greater threat to Western democracies than the 100-200 member core of al-Qaida in the AfPak region.

Wilders responds here.

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