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Thursday, October 29, 2009

[AAFIA] The Zionist Islamophobic Police State

Aafia Siddiqui's brother tells a story all too common among the Muslim victims of the police-state tactics associated with the Zionist-orchestrated Islamophobic War on Terror. I have previously covered Aafia in [Uncut Version] Conspiracies involve lower US Officials, and I suspect connections to the Maldonado/Tarek Mehanna cases.

The Story of the Brown Box PDF Print E-mail
Sunday, 25 October 2009 23:13

by Dr. Aafia's brother.

This is the true story of a Brown Box. An ordinary cardboard box. Not too big, not too small. Nothing special. It was the kind of an everyday box used to package every thing from priceless objects to toilet paper.

A few months ago, I came home one evening to find this box waiting at my front door. It was odd. I had not ordered anything by mail and was not expecting any other delivery. Unfortunately, these days, finding an unexpected box is more cause for fear than curious excitement.


I went through the items [in the box] carefully at first, almost scientifically, as if handling a lost treasure, cataloging what I found. But soon, as the items became personal, the reality of what I had in my hands hit me – and it hit hard.

You see the box had come from Carswell Medical Center in Fort Worth Texas and the name on the side was that of my sister Aafia, # 90279-054

This box contained all that remained of the worldly belongings of Aafia’s life. This is what she accumulated during the 8 months at the institution known as the “House of Horrors”. It hit me that without warning, one day someone took her away. She had no time to complete tasks, letters, consume a special treat or send a last letter. All her belongings, both of her scarves and her beloved Quran were all left behind.

She was strip searched naked and taken away with nothing but her body.

[To read the entire story, click here.]

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