Responding to Orientalism on the Mondoweiss Blog
by Joachim Martillo
1. I don't engage in endless Jew-bashing as anyone that goes through the topics on my blog would quickly discover.
I could happily write about Yiddish literature, medieval Jewish law codes, or Hellenistic Judaism from now until doomsday, but my blog and the associated organization have the mission of providing Jews and non-Jews with the intellectual tools to stand up to Zionist intimidation and manipulation.
Consequently, I spend a lot of time debunking self-serving Jewish Zionist beliefs about Jewish history and Jewish behavior.
2. Phil forgot to mention one very important point in his entry linking to mine.
Oren's moronic text was a best-seller and in an act that could only be described as an egregious example of corrupt Jewish social networking came out under the label of W. W. Norton, which is supposed to be a serious publisher unlike JKAP Publications, which puts out Zionist propaganda written by the likes of Alan Dershowitz and Joan Peters.
Comment 4 - 13) I seem to be able to sign up for Mondoweiss, but any comment I make seems to vanish (when I post from my usual IP addresses) or go into the moderated state (when I post off-site) and suffer rejection by a moderator.
Comment 17) I was a member of the morning panel and sat at the front table. Because of my knowledge of WW2 (a corollary of my focus on modern E. European and Jewish studies), I spoke about the pre-WW2 Japanese sanctions, which were perceived by the Japanese government as an act of war and which may have been part of a backdoor strategy by some members of the Roosevelt administration to bring the US into WW2.
Later when Georgetown Law Professor Noura Erakat described a formalism to distinguish valid and invalid use of sanctions under International Law, I asked her to put the 1973 Arab Oil Embargo into her framework, but she demurred because she needed more time to think about the issue.

In addition, I expressed my skepticism that the US government penetrated by Zionist subversives would ever apply sanctions according to her ideas. I also pointed out that Jewish Zionist shysters like Michael Walzer and intellectual prostitutes like Samantha Power work so hard to shield Israel from any consequences for war crimies or humanitarian violations that they have effectively transformed international law into international pettifogging.
In the afternoon, one of the questioners asked what she could do as a student about the sanctions. I explained that people with limited resources really could not make a frontal assault on policies backed by the Israel Lobby, whose member organizations like AIPAC had approximately $60-70 million dollars to spend, but an oblique approach of focusing on critical Lobby figures like Larry Summers in order to find dirt for delegitimization to the point of resignation could often be effective and inexpensive.
I identified Stuart Levey as a possible target. He is a Zionist subversive and a Bush administration holdover, who as Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence is responsible for the list of Specially Designated Terrorist Entities (SDTEs) and therefore runs a sort of micro-sanction regime on behalf of the Israel Lobby. He deserves the treatment that Van Jones got. Not only does he often seem to work more for the American Jewish Committee than for the US government, but he appears to have been involved in a lot of dirty activities before he came to Washington.
I was was given the last response at the conference.
Phil Wilayto, who touted putative Jewish ancestry and who seems like basically a good guy but stuck in old leftist thinking, denied the existence of the Israel Lobby and claimed that Israel is simply a tool of rapacious US imperialism.
I objected to that claim. I pointed out that the top 1500-2000 American contributors to the Israel Lobby own or control assets, which can be assigned an effective (Virtual State) GDP of something over $2 trillion approximately equal to that of France or Germany without any of the liabilities associated with running a real country.* Consequently, the Zionist GDP functions as if it is at least an order of magnitude larger than $2 trillion in comparison with the GDP of real states.
The Israel Lobby's effective GDP of at least $20 trillion is very scary because the real US GDP is only approximately $14 trillion, of which a good chunk really belongs to the Zionist GDP.
Normally taking a bunch of wealthy people and assigning them a virtual GDP would not make sense because usually weapons manufacturers, publishers, real estate developers, retailers, etc. do not collaborate with each other or with their own competitors.
Unfortunately for the rest of us, because of mobilization by Zionist intelligentsia, Zionist political-economic oligarchs committed to the continued existence of the State of Israel have cooperated to create a vastly powerful Zionist imperial system, which has a genuine GDP and in which the USA functions as a dependent and intimidated client state.
As all Americans recently saw, the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations (COPOMAJO) deals with the USA on a state-to-state (really hegemon-to-client) basis.
Thus, Wilayto was simply wrong when he denied the existence of an Israel Lobby, which in reality represents a clear and present danger to all Americans because mobilized Zionist political economic oligarchs have used their power to poison the American political and economic system and to fabricate a civilizational conflict that should never have arisen and that has created a potential threat worse than the Cuban missile crisis.
I wanted to wrap up by relating this analysis to pre-Revolution NY German American Jewish investments in Cuba and the post-Revolution insanity of US-Cuban embargo-expropriation tit-for-tat that escalated into US-Soviet nuclear confrontation in order to bring the Conference back to the original sanctions topic, with which we started, but I ran out of time and garbled my point.
* Assigning a virtual GDP to the "economy" associated with a set of mobilized political economic oligarchs is a research project for which I am neither funded nor staffed. Looking at the top 2000 American contributors is rather arbitrary, and if I actually could make the effort to develop a theoretical formalism to look at a virtual GDP, I would probably find the number much larger than my current estimate.