Klemperer's perceptive analysis
In the U.S., discussion of Palestinian politicians and political movements often relies on a spectrum running from "extreme" to "moderate." The latter sounds appealing; the former clearly applies to those who must be -- must they not? -- beyond the pale. But hardly anyone relying on such terms pauses to ask what they mean. According to whose standard are these manifestly subjective labels assigned?Makdisi should have pointed out that the logic of supporting a Zionist territorial claim based on the etymological connection of the word Jew with the word Judea would give Irish Roman Catholics the right to steal and ethnically cleanse Rome because the word Roman is morphologically derived from the word Rome. In other words, Zionism is so extreme that it is psychotic, and the failure of Americans to show any awareness of inherent Zionist extremism strips the term extreme of any meaning in US political discourse.
Meanwhile, Israeli politicians are labeled according to an altogether different standard: They are "doves" or "hawks." Unlike the terms reserved for Palestinians, there's nothing inherently negative about either of those avian terms.
So why is no Palestinian leader referred to here as a "hawk"? Why are Israeli politicians rarely labeled "extremists"? Or, for that matter, "militants"?
Makdisi complains that US news reports invariably identify Israeli colonies in the Occupied Territories as settlements or even neighborhoods. In this case, the Hebrew media is more honest. During the British Mandatory period, the Zionist movement dispatched European Jews to establish hityashvuiot (settler-colonies) on land purchased by the Jewish Agency in Palestine. Today Israel as a nominally independent state within the Zionist imperial system seizes or steals land to establish its own hitnaheluyot (squatter-colonies) within Occupied Palestine.
Standard colonialist discourse associates settler-colonies with a colonial motherland, which dispatches colonists to regions under imperial control. In the case of Zionism, the British government was not dispatching its own citizens to colonize Palestine and does not fit the role of a traditional colonial motherland.
Identifying the colonial motherland requires understanding of the politics of historic Poland. The Polish government from the medieval to early modern period treated different ethnic groups functionally in a sort of caste system and gave them full autonomy as long as they fulfilled their designated role. Polish Armenians had a governing council called the Voit while in principle the Council of the Four Lands, to which the most important Jewish communities (kehillot) sent delegates, ruled Polish Jewry from the 16th until the 18th century when the Jewish Council failed to meet its tax obligations.
Thus Eastern European Jews or ethnic Ashkenazim had the habit of a sort of virtual state system. After Commonwealth Poland was divided between Prussian, Russia, and Austria, ethnic Ashkenazim developed transnational politics.
In historic Poland Jews had wealth, power, and status almost comparable to the szlachta (gentry). In divided Poland, Jews were a marginal population in the hinterlands of great empires. Jewish disaffection grew, and a small group within the Russian Jewish intelligentsia began to dream of creating its own empire by mobilizing Western European Jewish wealth for a colonial enterprise that would send lower class Russian Jews to Palestine and that Jewish intellectuals would direct from European capitals.
Even though practically no Western Jews had any interest in immigrating to Palestine and even though working class Russian Jews were much more interested in revolution than in colonialism, Zionist colonialist ideas were far from ridiculous. There were more Yiddish Jews than there were Danes or Croats while Western European Jewish wealth and effective GDP were far larger than those of Denmark, which was running a fairly respectable colonial empire at the time. With or without awareness the Zionist movement was proposing a low budget colonial empire that would be run from a virtual colonial motherland among the Jews of Central and Western Europe.
The Austrian journalist Theodor Herzl and his fellow Congress or Political Zionists found an effective marketing strategy in using the Dreyfus Affair to scaremonger wealthy Western Jews with fears of imminent pogroms at the same time Congress Zionism created a sort of liberal enlightened national Jewish identity that could substitute for the traditional religious faith and sacred law on which the Jewish networks of trust so strongly depended. Such networks of trust gave Jews immense competitive advantage in both business and finance as well as more recently in both the arts and academia.
Because all major European states encompassed multiple ethnic or national groups at the time of Herzl, the Congress Zionist concept of liberal Jewish national identity made sense in the Old World context.
Because citizenship and nationality are congruent in the USA, the famous German American Jewish lawyer Louis Brandeis developed and proselytized a form of Congress Zionism stripped of the idea of a separate Jewish national identity as a way of bringing liberal Enlightenment values to immigrant Yiddish Jews in order to Americanize the newest segment of the US Jewish population.
Thus, Brandeis originated the form of Zionist ideology that is called Refugeeism and that was compatible with the philanthropic politics that German American Jews practiced, that still characterizes the American Jewish community, and that expresses itself at its most hypocritical in the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Save Darfur movement.
More or less simultaneously with Brandeis’ conversion, the Zionist movement brought wealthy members of the British Rothschild family into the fold. There was a strong element of economic self-interest in the Rothschild Zionization because the British Rothschilds desperately wanted to invest in Mesopotamian oil. Members of the family could easily discern a value both to dismembering the Ottoman Empire and also to creating a Jewish colony in Palestine to which a pipeline from Mesopotamia could be directed.
The Zionist members of Rothschild family influenced some of the chief families of the Cousinhood of the wealthiest British Jewish to become Zionists. The combined Jewish wealth fairly quickly brought forth the Balfour Declaration possibly in part as an exchange for information about the Zimmerman Note that so enraged the US Congress and that brought the USA into WW1 on the side of France and Britain against Germany.
In effect by the end of WW1 and in the context of ethnic Ashkenazi transnational and virtual state politics, the Zionist intellegentsia had mobilized some of the most important members of the Cousinhood to help create the Zionist Virtual Colonial Motherland or Judonia, which effectively partnered with the British government to create settler colonies (hityashvuiot) in Mandatory Palestine. Eventually, Judonia's center of gravity moved to the USA, where its public face is commonly known as the Israel Lobby.
Because Zionism crystallized in late 19th and early 20th century Central and Eastern Europe, Zionist ideology incorporates both
- German völkisch nationalist concepts of Volk (race), Gegenvolk (anti-race), Nichtvolk (non-race), or Bevölkerung (population), and also
- Slavic extremist organic nationalist concepts of народ (naród, nation) and народность (narodność, nationality).
From the standpoint of Zionist ideology Palestinians stand in more or less the same position as Jews do in German Nazi ideology. Hence it has been common for Zionists to argue that Palestinians only define themselves negatively in opposition to Zionism (i.e., as an anti-race) while other Zionists like Golda Meir would deny that Palestinians constituted a genuine people (i.e., they represented a non-race) but are rather a piece of the Arab nation, to wit, a nationality (narodność), that should be absorbed into the Arab nation (naród) outside of Israel. The approach is similar to that of some Serb politicians, who wanted Albanian Kosovars to leave Kosovo in order to live in Albania.
In addition, just as there were occasionally liberal Nazis, who did view Jewry as a real Volk, there are now and then liberal Zionists, who accept the concept of a Palestinian people but would use some sort of binational subterfuge in order to avoid granting Palestinians full citizenship rights in the Israeli state. Binyamin Netanyahu does not belong to this Zionist subset. He is probably closest to the German Nazis, who viewed conquered Poles as members of a Bevölkerung (population) with no rights within the German Reich except existence as long as they groveled sufficiently. In Netanyahu's conceptualization the Palestinian "state" serves as a formal structure of control for the Palestinian Bevölkerung.
The above description is only half the picture of the Zionist or American Jewish mentality that characterizes American journalism.
From the standpoint of Zionist propaganda,
- which most Zionists typically believe with no reservations and
- with which the organized Jewish community, the Israel Lobby, and institutions of the US government like the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum indoctrinate the American public,
Even though this idea is patently ridiculous on many grounds, as Arabs say, "إضرب الطينة في الحيط ﺇن ما لزقت اثرت" ("Throw mud at a wall. If it does not stick, it leaves a stain.")
Thus, while Makdisi provides a useful service by identifying the presence of Zionist ideological and propaganda terminology in the US media, it is just the barest start of the struggle to tear up the Zionist web of control over America.
Because Zionist subversion is so strong, an effective strategy should probably focus on compelling the US government to enforce its own Israel-Lobby-inspired anti-terrorism laws by declaring the IDF to be a terrorist organization as the recent Gaza Rampage clearly shows it to be. Then the FBI will be obliged to round up racist Jewish Zionist terrorism-supporters so that they can be charged, tried, convicted, and sentenced each to at least 65 years in prison with concomitant seizure of all assets.
In addition, as long as Zionists are flinging epithets like Islamofascism, pointing out the congruence of large components of Zionist and German Nazi ideology is completely appropriate. In fact, even if Zionists refrain from name-calling, identifying Zionism as ethnic Ashkenazi Nazism is still unequivocally appropriate because it is true.
Because of the disproportionate influence of Zionist Jews in American culture, society and economics, Nazi ideas derived from Zionism have become a living force in American politics and made it possible for Neocons acting as a Jewish special interest to manipulate the USA into cutting a swath of destruction from the Sudan through Pakistan. In the process they wrecked the fractional reserve banking system and created the potential for blow-back that will make 9/11 look penny ante. To save the USA Zionism must be purged not only from our newspapers but also from our culture, from our society, from our economy, and from our politics. There is no other way.
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