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Thursday, September 03, 2009

Hudson (Islamophobic) Institute: Eurabian Safari

The racist screed below from the mostly Jewish Neocon Hudson New York Institute is quite impressive for its duplication of early 20th century anti-Semitic screeds that complained of the Judaization of European cities and of the dangers for gentiles that wandered into the Jewish areas of major cities.

As for the imposition of religious law, one need only drive around large parts of Spring Valley, NY, on Shabbes or Jewish Holidays to feel the oppression of Jewish Sharia (Halakhah).

In the minds of racist Jewish Zionist extremists the maintenance of Jewish traditions is admirable while Muslims attempting to be faithful to their heritage are a threat to civilization.

BTW, because the author Thomas Landen makes such a big deal about polygynous Muslim marriages, I have to mention that Henry Makow, who is Jewish and somewhat conflicted, has been circulating a short piece about "Satanic" Jewish sexuality on the Internet.

You can read the article at
Liberal Jews, Sex & The New Satanic Order. There is a brief introduction that attempts to put Makow's claims in an historical sociological context.

August 27, 2009 6:30 AM
Thomas Landen

Eurabian Safari

It is hot in Brussels. Ramadan has begun. The faithful in the predominantly Muslim borough of Molenbeek are not allowed to eat or drink from sunrise until sunset. Non-Muslim policemen, patrolling the streets of Molenbeek in their sweltering cars, are not allowed to eat or drink either. As every year during Ramadan, that they have been told by their superior, Philippe Moureaux, the Socialist mayor of Molenbeek, they have to respect Muslim sensitivities and not to “provoke” Muslims by violating Islamic Ramadan restrictions in public. In effect, Islamic or Sharia law is already applied - for everyone - in the Muslim areas of Brussels.

Barely two miles from Molenbeek lies Brussels’ European district. One of its huge glass and concrete buildings is the European Parliament where the elected representatives from the 27 members states of the European Union (EU) convene. The 736 MEPs (Members of the European Parliament) have just returned from their summer break. They are mostly unaware of life in Molenbeek. Most of them never go to that part of the city. It is probably a sensible decision, because Molenbeek is known to be unsafe for non-Muslims. Nevertheless, it is a shame that Europe’s politicians are unaware of day-to-day life just around the corner. It means that most of the 736 MEPs, who make up the second largest democratically elected assembly in the world (after India), do not know what life really is like in an ever growing section of Europe’s urban areas. A walking tour of Molenbeek should be compulsory for every MEP.

[To read the entire article, click here.]

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