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Tuesday, September 01, 2009

[wvns] Death Stares World as Swine Flu

Dr. Javed Jamil argues below from an Islamic standpoint that killing pigs and banning pig farming must be an open option.

Authorities in New South Wales agree, have already quarantined one pig farm at which human workers have infected the pigs, and may ultimately destroy the infected pigs if they are a threat to humans or to the industry as a whole.

Treatment of pigs does not differ from that of a whole range of animals. In the case of SARS birds were killed because transmission was almost entirely bird-to-human with only sporadic human-to-human transmission.

To the embarassment of Islamophobes that have constructed elaborate fantasies of Islamic oppression of non-Muslims, Dr. Jamil cites apparently with approval a Hadith that describes the return of Jesus, who will eliminate the Jizya:
Abu Hurayra, Radi-Allahu anhu, narrates that Rasulullah (SAW) said, 'By him in whose hand my soul is, surely the son of Mary will come down among you as a just ruler. He will break the cross, kill the pigs and abolish the Jizyah. Wealth will be in such abundance that no one will care about it, and a single prostration in prayer will be better than the world and all that is in it.' (An-Nisaa 4:159) (Bukhari; Muslim).
For the record the Ottoman Empire, which was the most highly developed Sharia state known to the world, established religious equality of citizens and eliminated the jizyah before most European states instituted comparable civic equality.

Death Stares the World in the Garb of Swine Flu
By Dr. Javed Jamil

In a disturbing new projection, Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, a health agency of the US says up to 40 percent of Americans could get swine flu this year and next and several hundred thousand could die without a successful vaccine campaign and other measures. The virus has already killed about 300 Americans and experts believe it has sickened more than 1 million, comparable to a seasonal flu with the weird ability to keep spreading in the summer. The world health organization and other agencies fear that the current pandemic can affect up to 2 billion people, that is one third of the world population, and the number of deaths could very well cross the ten million mark.

The world health organization and other agencies fear that the current pandemic can affect up to 2 billion people, that is one third of the world population, and the number of deaths could very well cross the ten million mark. ….. The 1918 flu pandemic in humans was associated with H1N1 and influenza appearing in pigs. It is estimated that anywhere from 50 to 100 million people were killed worldwide. This outbreak confirmed that pigs can serve as a crucible where novel influenza viruses emerge as a result of the re-assortment of genes from different strains.

Swine flu is a respiratory disease of pigs first described in the 1930s and while historic transmissions to people have been "sporadic", the human infection rate is rising. The cases commonly involved pig industry workers or people who came into close contact with infected pigs at country fairs. Of the several strains of the swine flu known to be circulating in the world's pig populations, the one labelled H1N1 is the most common and it is a new variant of this strain which is thought responsible for the latest spate of cases. The 1918 flu pandemic in humans was associated with H1N1 and influenza appearing in pigs. It is estimated that anywhere from 50 to 100 million people were killed worldwide. This outbreak confirmed that pigs can serve as a crucible where novel influenza viruses emerge as a result of the re-assortment of genes from different strains.

It is sickening to see that even health policies are not outside the domain of the global forces of economics, which weigh all the policies on the balance provided by the interests of the market. Harsh measures to stop the death of humans are never applied, if these damage the "economy" – the "economy" in effect means the interests of the market. In the fast growing pandemic of Swine flu also, attempts are being made not to cause any severe damage to the tourism industry and the pig farming. People are being told that Pork eating does not cause Swine Flu. While it is true that pork does not directly cause the Flu, it is also true that the pig farming, which is directly associated with the supply of pork is directly responsible for its spread. That in itself is an enough reason to prohibit Pork eating. A history of the death of more than 50 million people less than a century back, and the fear of the disease affecting more than a third of the world population must be substantial enough grounds not only for banning Pork but also ban Pig farming. If the current and future pandemics are to be prevented, another option available is killing of all the pigs in the world.

Interestingly, such an option is also indicated in Hadith literature. Abu Hurayra, Radi-Allahu anhu, narrates that Rasulullah (SAW) said, 'By him in whose hand my soul is, surely the son of Mary will come down among you as a just ruler. He will break the cross, kill the pigs and abolish the Jizyah. Wealth will be in such abundance that no one will care about it, and a single prostration in prayer will be better than the world and all that is in it.' (An-Nisaa 4:159) (Bukhari; Muslim).

The hadith clearly demonstrates that: First, Pigs will one day become a big menace for the mankind; Second, Killing pigs is an open option. Third, it will be Jesus after his Second Advent who will ultimately order the killing of all pigs. The question can be asked here: When birds can be culled in a big way to stop Bird flu, why can pigs not be killed to stop Swine flu? Killing pigs will not be easily acceptable to the market. But this option must not be lost sight of, and the action must be taken before it is too late.

The hadith clearly demonstrates that: first, pigs will one day become a big menace for the mankind; Second, killing pigs is an open option. Third, it will be Jesus after his Second Advent who will ultimately order the killing of all pigs. The question can be asked here: When birds can be culled in a big way to stop bird flu, why can pigs not be killed to stop Swine flu? Killing pigs will not be easily acceptable to the market. But this option must not be lost sight of, and the action must be taken before it is too late.

* The author is Executive Chairman International Centre for Applied Islamics; and the above article has appeared as Editorial in August issue of "Islam, Muslims & the World"

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