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Monday, June 15, 2009

Ross Belongs in Jail, not Government

Why is Dennis Ross being ousted as Obama envoy to Iran? asks Haaretz?

Yet Americans should be wondering why he is not in jail for seditious conspiracy and conspiracy against rights. He wrote the forward to Matthew Levitt's book entitled Hamas, Politics, Charity, and Terrorism in the Service of Jihad and is closely allied with Daniel Pipes, Rachel Ehrenfeld, Matthew Levitt, and Stuart Levey, who are Zionist subversives that have conspired together to prevent the enforcement of US laws at a time of war.

In addition, Fox paid Dennis Ross $106K last year. Fox is a Murdoch corporation. Murdoch's financial expansion was financed by principals of Judonia, to wit, the Zionist Virtual Colonial Motherland.

In essence, Ross is an operative of a foreign empire and an agent of the greatest conspiracy the world has ever known.

BTW, the Haaretz article refers to Ross's co-author David Makovsky. I mention Makovsky in Harvard Sharia/Apostasy Debate. Makovsky told a Harvard Hillel audience a few years ago that peace would only come between Israel and Palestinians when Palestinians could read Zionist books like Herzl's Alt-NeuLand (Old New Land) as positive progressive literature. I told him that he probably should not hold his breath because these texts expressed an unadulterated chauvinist anti-Arab colonialist ideology as I have pointed out in Participating in an Obsolete Discourse. In reality, genuine peace will only become possible when all Jews are shamed into acknowledging that such Zionist literature and Zionism in general represent the expression of a particularly vicious and virulent form of racism that threatens the whole human race.

Makovsky and Ross are delusional and would not get close to the Middle East in any sort of official government capacity except for the overweening power of racist Jewish plutocrats and the Israel Lobby in the USA. Sphere: Related Content