Whose blood is redder?
by Joachim Martillo (ThorsProvoni@aol.com)
I put up the following question on Yahoo!Answers because International Holocaust Remembrance Day approaches.
As Jewish Neocons, the Israel Lobby, the organized Jewish community and the State of Israel engage in even more outrageous behavior, an open discussion of Holocaust remembrance as well as Zionism and Jewish extremist racism is of the utmost necessity.
So far Yahoo!Answers is the permitting discussion at http://tinyurl.com/yo3zar to continue.
Is Holocaust Remembrance Day an insult to victims of Jewish racism, extremism and genocidalism?
In 2006, the UNGA designated Jan. 27 as the day of commemoration to honor the victims of the Nazi era.
From the end of the 19th century through the manipulations of fanatic racist Jewish Neocons today, Jews have led murderous radicalism and subversion in the Czarist Empire, the German Empire, the British Empire and the USA.
3/4s of the leaders of the murderous Communist Coup in Bavaria after WW1 were German Jews or ethnic Ashkenazim.
The Communists would not have been able to steal the Russian Revoluation without the talents and skills of Russian Jews.
Russian Jews were in the forefront of Soviet mass murder, ethnic cleansing, and genocide from the Revolution through the end of WW2.
Zionist Jews murdered Arab Palestine.
Jewish Neocons have manipulated the USA into making or supporting wars causing millions of casualties.
Is remembering Jewish victims more important than memorializing the victims of Jews?
From the end of the 19th century through the manipulations of fanatic racist Jewish Neocons today, Jews have led murderous radicalism and subversion in the Czarist Empire, the German Empire, the British Empire and the USA.
3/4s of the leaders of the murderous Communist Coup in Bavaria after WW1 were German Jews or ethnic Ashkenazim.
The Communists would not have been able to steal the Russian Revoluation without the talents and skills of Russian Jews.
Russian Jews were in the forefront of Soviet mass murder, ethnic cleansing, and genocide from the Revolution through the end of WW2.
Zionist Jews murdered Arab Palestine.
Jewish Neocons have manipulated the USA into making or supporting wars causing millions of casualties.
Is remembering Jewish victims more important than memorializing the victims of Jews?
Additional Details
Holocaust Deniers need not respond. I have spent too long studying the mass murders of Jews during WW2 to tolerate this particular position.
I will state that the Holocaust of History does not correspond to the Holocaust of Zionist Ideology.
Sources: The Jewish Century by Slezkine, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Pappe.
Dear First Dragon,
Do you understand Hebrew? It is easy to listen to Internet radio and find mainstream Israeli Jewish politicians, who either are or have been members of the current government and who call for the transfer (i.e. ethnic cleansing) of Israeli Palestinians from Israel.
Dear Robin,
Jewish powerlessness in Central and Eastern Europe before WW2 is simply a myth. Jews (actually ethnic Ashkenazim) constituted one of the larger ethnic groups in E. Europe, were on the whole better educated and wealthier. They often formed the leadership and core of important political groups. They also had no reluctance to carry out assassinations, mass murder and genocide -- all before the German Nazis decided that Germany was in a life and death struggle with the Soviet Union, which was in German Nazi opinion run by Jews. Now that we can look at Soviet archival material, one has to admit that the German Nazis were not completely wrong. In Soviet studies and outside, it is not unusual to hear phrases like "Stalin's willing executioners", which refers to Soviet Jews.
Dear Unknown,
Your answer was better than most, but the organized Jewish community does
- treat the Holocaust as if they own it and
- freak when non-Jews try to honor their victims of the German Nazis (Auschwitz Convent).
Common usage invariably identifies the Holocaust as a specifically Jewish tragedy, and that certainly is how Eli Wiesel uses it.
In the UK members of the Muslim community recommended a Genocide Remembrance Day (so that Muslim and other non-Jewish victims of genocide could be memorialized). The British organized Jewish community rejected the idea categorically.
In the UK members of the Muslim community recommended a Genocide Remembrance Day (so that Muslim and other non-Jewish victims of genocide could be memorialized). The British organized Jewish community rejected the idea categorically.
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Ward Churchill said, "Some people may deny the Jewish holocaust,
but the Jews deny every one else's holocaust."
Joachim, I've followed your blog for only a short time. You indicate "Holocaust deniers" need not respond. For my information, do you mean deniers of the Holocaust myth, or the historical Holocaust, which as a series of events in human history warrant study? We both know the Zionists lump all skeptics of all stripes in the category of "denier". Paul Eisen is a courageous British Jew, who reflects legitimate questions about historical "details", which details are central to the hagiography of the Holocaust.
I don't have much patience either with people that deny the killing of lots of E. European Jews during WW2 or with people that are trying to justify or to excuse German policy and behavior during WW2.
In point of fact, I believe that Germans killed far fewer Jews than Holocaust "scholars" like Deborah Lipstadt claim, but I spent a lot of time in reading E. European and Soviet sources and in talking with witnesses from the time period of WW2.
I was trying to understand what happened not apologize for the Wehrmacht or SS.
I found that many local people identified as Hilfswillige simply killed Jews without German incitement because they identified Jews with Soviet atrocities and crimes.
I am making a point that can be found in standard Holocaust historiography, which does point out that Jewish survival rates depended very much on the willingness of local non-Jews to help Jews or to resist the directives of the German occupation.
In E. Europe and liberated Soviet territories, the German forces found populations that were deathly afraid of Jews or were murderously angry with them.
During the Cold War, American historians tended to overlook the role of captive nations in killing Jews because it would interfere with US anti-Soviet propaganda and because Jewish historians (especially since the arrest of the Rosenbergs) did not want to get into any discussion of the reasons why E. European non-Jews hated Jews so much and identified them so strongly with the Soviet Union, which could not have been consolidated without the skills and efforts of Soviet Jewish communists.
Richard Pipes is an example of an historian that covers up the role of Soviet Jews in creating the Soviet Union and in plannning and in carrying out Soviet crimes.
Is it surprising that his sone Daniel Pipes specializes in demonizing Arabs and Muslims in order to distract from Zionist crimes?
Thanks much for the clarification. Another piece that fits into that picture is the groups of Jews after liberation who engaged in vengeance attacks.
This does make so much sense. It makes me think that the real problem is JEwish suremacism.Klaatu, your insites help too. Do you think there might be a connection between the Jews and the Nazis? Just wondering. Do you think the Jews seceretly supported th holocaust?Paul Meyer of Iowa, are you klaatu? is that you?
Ideologically, there are many strong similarities between German Nazi and Zionist thought.
Max Nordau, who was one of the primary Zionist leaders and a major German cultural critic, was at least as influental among German Nazis as he was among Zionists in spreading ideas of national revival through racial purity, degeneracy through race mixing, eugenics, social Darwinism and biological determinism.
It is certainly fairly easy to find examples of Pro-Zionist/Pro-Jewish Nazis.
In any case, besides reading Max Nordau directly, George Mosse addresses the voelkisch idea among Jews in Germans and Jews. Stanislawski provides von Münchhausen as example of a pro-Zionist Jew in Zionism and the Fin de Siecle.
Klatu's real name is Paul Meyer.
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