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Monday, January 28, 2008

Jewish Islamophobic Web-Incitement

Another Disproportionately Jewish Endeavor
by Joachim Martillo (
Below is some typical material disseminated by the Jewish World Review as part of the ongoing campaign of the unofficial Israel Lobby to demonize Muslims.

Pigs' Heads at Australian Islamic School
By Julia Gorin (bio)

Two pigs' heads were recently found at the site of a proposed Islamic school on Sydney's outskirts Wednesday…An Australian flag was draped between the two heads, said Jeremy Bingham, spokesman for the Quranic Society.

"Someone has put a couple of stakes in the ground with a pig's head on the top of each stake and an Australian flag inside," Bingham told AFP.

"Obviously you have got a sick individual (behind the act)," he said.

The state government's Community Relations Commission condemned the latest protest as "a mindless act".

"This insult and display of hatred is not something any fair-minded Australian would approve of," said commission head Stepan Kerkyasharian in a statement.

Muslim leaders condemned the incident, not the first in Sydney.

"It's just quite sad really, we don't need this rubbish in Australia," Australian Federation of Islamic Councils spokesman Haset Sali said.

So there you have it. Pigs' heads on stakes: Offensive.

Severed infidel heads on stakes: Not offensive.

Since Gorin is a typical super-Jew defender of any atrocity that the State of Israel commits, the comparison of Jewish and Muslim attitudes toward human life is worthwhile.

According to the Babylonian Talmud Tractate Sanhedrin 37a,

"Whosoever preserves a single soul of Israel, Scripture ascribes to him as if he had preserved a complete world"

In contrast,

. . . That if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. . . .[Qur'an[Qur'an 5:32] --Translated by Yusuf Ali]

I can look through Jewish or Muslim religious literature and cherry-pick passages that make unpleasant distinctions between believers and non-believers, but there is one major difference between the current of Second Temple Judaism which became Islam and that which became Rabbinic Judaism.
For Muslims (as for Christians) all humans are potentially members of the community while in Rabbinic Judaism there is a qualitative difference between Jewish and non-Jewish life.
Statistic analysis have shown over and over again that the vast majority of Muslims reject and condemn terrorist attacks on innocents.
In contrast, Zionism is an inherently terrorist ideology, whose core principle can be defined as follows:
Jews may plunder and kill non-Jews with impunity.
Because the State of Israel is consolidated on the above principle, it is a terrorist state in essence and engages in state terrorism on a daily basis. Yet, according to American Jewish Committee statistics approximately 80% of American Jews identify with and support Israel.
Is it not disturbing to non-Jewish Americans and non-Jews in general that an ethnic group, among whom such fundamentally sociopathic attitudes are far too common, now counts as the most important American political, cultural, and economic elite?

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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I, as a jew, have always been raised with the principal that "whoever saves one life, it is as if they saved the entire world". I, as a physician, each day seek to help better people's lives and to save them. I don't know who is right and wrong in teh Israeli-Palestinian conflict, so I will not begin to comment. What I am sure about is that the countless people who lose their lives each day in because of suicide bombings are innocent. Judiasm does not engage in this tactic. The Palestinians have suffered enormously, and they deserve so much more than they have. The Palestinians deserve to have land, and to have thier basic rights protected. I, as a jew, affirm this, and there are so many jews who affirm this as well. This is why there are jewish human rights groups in Israel who take on the Israeli government to make sure Palestinians are represented. While I reject the notion that Israel is in the right, I also reject the notion that, in the middle east at least, muslims are seeking "equality for all religions" and "legitimate dialogue". It is not jews who, by any stretch, preach violence against other religions. It simply does not happen. We as jews may get a bit paranoid after people have attempted to wipe us out so many times over the centuries. But, by and large, jews preach tolerance. This is why, though jews tend to be wealthy, we tend to be members of the democratic party. This is also why my father and mother marched in the civil rights movement. Judiasm, despite what you think, teaches tolerance and acceptance. Many jews also subscribe to buddhist principals, because they often co-exist with judiasm. With all due respect, I have not been exposed to groups in Islam who are so accepting.
I have often thought about trying to be a physician in Gaza or the West Bank, to try to ease the suffering of the people. What would happen if I were to do that? Would I be welcomed with open arms, as someone trying to heal both human beings, and the divide between peoples? No, I would be shot regardless of my mission. I am sure, now that I see that this must be approved, that this will never be posted. And that is unfortunate, because as a doctor I realize there are always two sides to every story. I implore you to present this face of judiasm, but I am concerned that this will fall on deaf ears.

D Schatz, MD

Joachim Martillo said...

I try to be fair.

In Is Wealth a Jewish Value?, I try to provide some idea of the diversity of Jewish intellectual currents.

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