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Tuesday, January 01, 2008

From Anti-Semitism to Islamophobia

It only took Germany 60 years
Are extremist Zionist American Jews enabling and empowering German Hate?

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Hagen Rether: Scheibenwischer Jahresrückblick 29.12.07

The video says it all (unfortunately in German).

Steinberg Recherche provides an excellent discussion of the response of Der Spiegel star-writer Henryk M. Broder to Rether's J'accuse (also unfortunately in German).

The congruence of the Islamophobic incitement of Der Spiegel with the vitriol of the most extreme racist ethnic Ashkenazi Americans like Daniel Pipes, Alan Dershowitz, Ruth Wisse, Charles Jacobs, and Martin Peretz is striking. Unlike anti-Semitic incitement, Muslim-baiting modeled on the anti-Semitism of the nineteenth century and of the Nazi period is not illegal in Germany. (See The Boston Globe's Problem with Muslims and Updating "The AJC attacks".)

Broder also regurgitates the standard Dhimmi-shtik of Zionist propaganda.

In point of fact, the Ottoman Empire, which was, until its vivisection at the end of World War I, the most advanced Sharia state, eliminated dhimmi status in the middle of the nineteenth century well before many European countries (including Germany) removed legal discrimination against religious and ethnic minorities from their law codes.

Hebrew University Professor Haim Gerber provides some of the results of his research into the Sharia-based legal system of the Ottoman Empire in State, Society and Law in Islam: Ottoman Law in Comparative Perspective.

Gerber's data and analysis indicates that in a comparison of the courts of the core Ottoman Bursa/Istanbul region with those of core English region of the UK, the Ottoman State was far closer to the ideal of a Rechtstaat and achieved far greater legal equality among members of different religious groups or economic classes than the contemporary UK at all periods that Gerber studied.
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