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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Yahoo Answers: Infested by Zionists

On June 1, 2007, I distributed an email message entitled The Zionist War on Truth. It describes the effort of the Hasbarah Fellowships of Aish haTorah (the Jewish face of HonestReporting) to make sure that only Zionist propaganda is available from Wikipedia.

Six months later, I took a day to look at Yahoo Answers (, which is a sort of disorganized Wikipedia with none of the pretensions. It was tremendously infested with Zionists.
Here is one of the less obnoxious questions from riviva .

Open Question

riviva's Avatar Explosives hidden in aid to Palestinians?

How can we stop this without incurring the wrath of the international community?

Additional Details,7340,...

I provided the obvious answer.

Joachim M's Avatar The conflict will continue until the murderous genocidal Zionist thieves and interlopers confess their crimes, return the country they stole, restore Palestinian residence rights, pay compensatory damages for over 100 years atrocities, and hand over their leadership to be tried in Nuremberg-style tribunals.

Yet, I am impressed by Zionist groupthink, pertinacity, racism, fanaticism and obliviousness to the facts.

I put up the following questions, which may be useful to anti-Zionists and anyone committed to fundamental American principles of support for human rights, opposition to racism, and encouragement of democracy.

Can anyone that supports Zionism discuss political or religious extremism rationally?

Someone that believes that Eastern European ethnic Ashkenazim had the right to steal Palestine from the native population on the basis of an etymological relationship between the word "Jew" and the word "Judea" would by the same reasoning argue that the Irish have the right to ethnically cleanse and steal Rome because the Irish mostly practice the Roman Catholic religion, which contains the word "Roman" in its name.

Zionist ideology is so extreme that it is practically psychotic.

Why has Zionist subversion of the US government had so much more success than earlier Communist subversion?

Walt & Mearsheimer have clearly demonstrated in The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy that the Israel Lobby has manipulated US foreign policy to the detriment of US interests.

During the 20s, 30s, and 40s US communists secretly undertook similar subversion but were generally less successful.

Do Zionist subversives succeed where Communist subversives failed because Zionists use Christian religious gullibility while Communists attacked religion?

According to the Bible won't all Christian Zionists burn in Hell for eternity?

Modern Palestinians are the descendants of ancient Judeans, who remained true to 2nd Temple Judaism for Christianity and Islam are far closer to 2nd Temple Judaism than modern Rabbinic Judaism.

Modern Jews are descended of non-Judean populations that gradually assimilated to Rabbinic and Karaite Judaism after the 10th Century CE.

By supporting Zionist thieves, interlopers, and invaders in the genocide of the native Palestinian population, aren't Christian Zionists helping fanatic and extremist Jewish racists thwart the end-time prophecies of St. John with the result that the return of Jesus may be delayed forever.

Could there possibly be a greater sin from the standpoint of Christianity than Christian Zionism?

Additional Details

Here are some articles that I have put together that describe the non-Judean origin of modern Rabbinic and Karaite Jews.

Isn't the Holoexaleipsis (the great erasure of the native Palestinian population) the archetypal genocide?

During the Russian Revolution, the 20s and 30s, the most important Soviet genocide planners and perpetrators were Jewish. It is hardly surprising that Central and Eastern European populations hated, feared and wanted to kill Jews as a sort of collective revenge for the massive and horrendous crimes of Soviet Ashkenazim, but Palestinians became victims of genocide simply because they lived on land that Zionists wanted to steal.

Additional Details

Here is article 2 of the Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide.

Article 2

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Zionist invaders, thieves and interlopers have and continue to commit the crimes described in (a)-(d).

Zionists are prima facie genocidaires, and many argue (especially Jews) that genocide denial is genocide incitement.

UPDATE for Paperback_writer:

From 1933-1940 the Jewish population under German Nazi control increased. It hardly means that German Nazis were not trying to destroy the German Jewish and ethnic Ashkenazi populations of greater Germany.

Is it reasonable for Israeli Zionists to expect to live in peace and security?

They are living in a stolen country, often on stolen property and sometimes in stolen homes.

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