Even though Taibbi does not actually address Jewish financial culture or the Zionist aspect of the financial meltdown, the immediate Jewish association in the minds of many readers is not irrational because of the disproportionately Jewish (and Zionist) composition of President Obama's economic team. Yet accusations of dishonest Kol Nidre-based American Jewish business tactics harming gentiles since the 18th century have no historical basis and cloud the real issues.
There simply were not many Jews in the USA before 1800, and the vast majority were Ibero-Berbers, who followed the Sephardic liturgy, which has a different Kol Nidre prayer, which in any case refers to vows and oaths to God: The Anti-Semite's Favorite Jewish Prayer. For promises between one person and another, Jews are supposed to make sure that any obligations in breech are either fulfilled or forgiven in the period from Rosh Hashanah (New Year's Day) unti the Yom Kipur (Day of Atonement) aka The Ten Days of Repentance: Pious Degenerates: Repentance and Religious Hypocrisy.
German-American Jews did not become financially prominent in the USA until the middle of the 19th century.
From the founding of the major German American Jewish investment banks in the 1850s-1860s, there was stiff ethnic competition with the gentile banks like Brown Brothers and Harriman (later Brown Brothers Harriman), but it is simply hard to argue that gentile banks were more honest than Jewish banks or vice versa.
The 1873 Financial Crash which had serious repercussions in the USA was blamed not without some justice on the machinations of Central European Geldjuden: Nineteenth Century Madoff: Bethel Strousberg, and certainly the German American Jewish investment banks with ties to German Jewish investment banks helped spread the damage from Europe to the USA, but the animosity between American Jewish and gentile investment banks did not reach its highpoint until 50 years later during Roaring 20s: Great Crash and Great Depression.
After WW2 and probably as a reaction to increasing knowledge of the Holocaust, gentile-German American Jewish hostility gradually vanished from the finance and banking industries, and later there was a major change in American banking culture during the period from the Nixon to the Reagan administration when E. European ethnic Ashkenazim supplanted both German American Jews and also gentiles at the upper management levels of American banking.
The changes in American society extended beyond the finance industry because more or less simultaneously Jews effectively replaced the traditional WASP elite throughout American political, popular, and academic culture.
Unfortunately evolving Eastern European Jewish tendencies toward social networking combined with increasing Zionist, religious Jewish, and Holocaust-related taqiya fairly quickly began to do serious harm to American society.
One could make a good case
- that Zionist Ashkenazim in the USA have created a culture in which they reflexively lie to themselves, to each other and to gentiles and
- that American Jewish elite status has made it possible for this culture of mendacity to spread pervasively throughout American society to cause damage at a world historical level.