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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Subjugating American Muslims to Israel

Israeli Consulate Violates Criminal Code
by Joachim Martillo (
On February 28, 2008, Paul Kendall published an article entitled Did an 'Expert' on Terrorism Conspire with a Foreign Government to Violate the Constitutional Rights of American Muslims? (see below) on his Justice and Liberty For All blog. The  entry was an analysis of discovery materials from the lawsuit that the Islamic Society of Boston (ISB) brought against the Boston Herald, Fox News, the David Project, and various associated individuals. 
Paul Kendall wrote:
E-mail communications made available during lawsuits involving the building of a mosque in Boston, MA (Boston Lawsuit - ISB David Project), indicate a collaboration between Emerson and the Israeli Government. These electronic communications prove that Emerson, along with some anti-Muslim advocacy groups, worked directly with the public affairs office of the Israeli consulate in Boston to formulate the creation of a smear campaign intended to stop the construction of a new Islamic cultural center.
Within a week Wordpress shut down Kendall's blog. Clicking on the blog name above results in the following message.

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The following articles published to Ethnic Ashkenazim Against Zionist Israel have already reviewed the David Project and Fainburg emails:

Previous analysis of the discovery materials suggest that the Israeli government through its local Boston consulate and former Political Affairs Officer Katherine Frazer came rather late into the Conspiracy Against Rights (18 USC 241). Karin Friedemann discusses the original group of conspirators in Emails show pro-Israel anti-Mosque Campaign in Boston.

Frazer's LinkedIn Profile compared with her description from the Consulate Speakers Guide (see below) suggests intention to play down her role and that of the State of Israel in the David Project's effort to prevent American Muslims from fully taking part in American society.

 Kendall wrote:

One congressional staff member stated, "I am seriously troubled that the public affairs office of the Israeli Consulate would cooperate with U.S. citizens and advocacy groups seeking to deny American Muslim's ... religious freedom...
The constitutional right to build a new mosque in Boston is a religious freedom protected by the First Amendment of our Constitution. And no foreign government has the right to interfere with this right.'

In this affair the Israeli government supplied Frazer as a resource to the anti-Mosque conspiracy. She put together a "magazine article," a document demonizing the associations of the ISB, and a working outline for a PowerPoint presentation, whose completed version probably became the basis for the Robert Spenser's synagogue talk. (See, Anti-Mosque complaint was a hate crime, Report on Robert Spencer and the Boston Anti-Islamic Controversy.)

Another email ( indicates close coordination between Steven Emerson and Frazer as Israeli Consulate Political Affairs Officer.

It is not important whether Emerson or the Israeli government supplied the raw material, with which Frazer worked because Emerson, who apparently has a fairly close working relationship with the Israeli government, has long made Islamophobic claims that conform precisely to standard Israeli government propaganda.

Because Emerson's biography at his website makes no mention of his collaboration with the Israeli government (see below), the suspicion becomes unavoidable that the State of Israel may be providing him with information about anti-USA attacks

  • that either are false flag operations or
  • that the Israeli government is facilitating in order to manipulate the USA into a closer anti-Muslim anti-Arab alliance.

With increasing credibility that full or partial foreknowledge gives Emerson, he becomes much more effective in demonizing or marginalizing American Muslims socially and politically.

The Zionist campaign to diminish the impact of voices critical of  Israel and Zionism is long standing. Rafael Medoff describes one such effort that took place almost 80 years ago in "The Day Nathan Straus Went to Church" in Zionism and the Arabs, An American Jewish Dilemma 1898-1948. (See Making sure Americans hear only one story.) 

At least as early as 2002 when Columbia Professor Nadia Abu el Haj was first targeted, the Israeli Consulate of New England has been working through the Israel on Campus Coalition (ICC) to defame Arab and Muslim American scholars to prevent them from receiving tenure at American Universities. (See Boycotts and Priniples of Academia.)

The Israeli Consulate documents attacking the Roxbury Mosque are part of the ongoing effort of the Israeli government to depict all Islamic political movements hostile to the State of Israel as heads of a single hydra-like anti-USA organization.

The introduction accuses the ISB of being a proselytizing organization.

Teaching about Islam is one thing; targeted recruitment for conversion is quite another. Given the ISB's links to extremist ideology, the community has just cause to question what views of Islam the ISB's Roxbury mosque will promote and what strategies they will employ for proselytizing. The fact that the ISB approached the Reggie Lewis Center in an effort to secure athletic space that "provides times and activities for Muslims only," (REF) fundamentally contradicts their portrayal of the Islamic Center as a means to establish inter-faith dialogue and cross-cultural understanding.

If seeking converts is a crime by Israeli government standards, then all forms of American Christianity are criminal. 

The Consulate documents never define "extremist" or "radical," but they make clear that the terms really signify opposition to the State of Israel or to Zionism. While Zionist Jews would like to enforce such an Orwellian redefinition of English words, that particular meaning is not in the American Heritage Dictionary, and it is difficult to deny that an ideology like Zionism is itself extreme and un-American, for it presupposes that questionable historical or national rights of Jews to Palestine are superior to the human rights of the native non-Jewish population. It is harder to find clearer and more outrageous examples of Central or Eastern European voelkisch racism than Zionism and the State of Israel.

The Roxbury community where the Mosque is located probably has the highest concentration of Muslims in Boston, and local African American Muslims have been part of the project from the beginning. When Zionist Jews from Brookline, Newton and Israel attempt to raise "community questions" about the Islam of the ISB, they have achieved an unprecedented level of arrogance.

Neither Christian churches nor Jewish synagogues have to pass an ideological test before establishment. Attempting to impose such a requirement solely on Muslims is highly offensive and racist.

From Jewish prejudice the Consulate documents quickly degenerate into the ridiculously ignorant when they call "the Muslim Brotherhood ... a Wahhabist umbrella organization." While both the Brotherhood and Wahhabis (a better term would probably be Saudi Salafis) are reformist, they often disagree and generally avoid joint efforts.

As part of transforming Jewish anti-Saudi prejudice into a mainstream American phenomenon, Zionists work hard to create a reflexive negative psychological association with the term Wahhabi among Americans. Natana Delong-Bas offers a more nuanced view of Muhammad ibn Abdel-Wahhab's thought in her book entitled Wahhabi Islam: From Revival and Reform to Global Jihad. (See A new opinion of Ibn Abdel-Wahhab.)

The ISB's interest in the Reggie Lewis gymnasium is completely reasonable and understandable. It is one of the few Boston area halls that can accommodate ISB needs during Ramadan and Eidu-l-Adha.

The Consulate documents continue with the usual Zionist disinformation about various Arabs and Muslims with generally very tenuous connection to the ISB.

In view of animosity that the members of the anti-Mosque group have often directed at Saudi Islam and the Saudi government, it is difficult to understanding the outrage of such people that Abdurrahman Alamoudi confessed to "participation in a Libyan conspiracy to assassinate Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah."

In any case, now that details of US interrogation methods have become public, any such "confession" is questionable to say the least, and Alamoudi, who was an associate of President Clinton, has not been connected to the ISB for over 25 years.

Frazer's work concludes with the usual Zionist rant that the ISB is anti-feminist, anti-homosexual and anti-Semitic. Most traditional Christians and Jews are anti-feminist and anti-homosexual (including most major Christian Zionist groups) by the standards that the anti-Mosque group applied to the ISB.

The accusation of anti-Semitism is simply the usual Zionist attempt to equate anti-Zionism with Judeophobia.

While many Muslims associated with the ISB oppose Zionism and the State of Israel just as many Christians and Jews do, the ISB as a 501(c)(3) organization takes no position on political questions, and Muslim Americans certainly do not have meet some sort of Jewish Zionist qualification to exercise their First Amendment rights.

The secrecy of the State of Israel with regard to its involvement in the attack on the Roxbury Mosque (and on Nadia Abu el Haj) is rather surprising. The Israeli government has had no compunctions about openly encouraging American Jews to act on its behalf as Philip Weiss has recently pointed out in his blog in Jewish Leader Says American Jewish Community Is 'Directed' by Israeli Foreign Ministry .

Now at the end of the book, Solomon and her co-editor playwright Tony Kushner print a dialogue among several activists and writers. It includes the following exchange between two Brit Tzedek Jews--progressive Zionists--Marcia Freedman, who is a former member of the Israeli Knesset and former president of Brit Tzedek, and Rabbi Ellen Lippmann of Brooklyn, a brave rabbi who has openly criticized Israel.

LIPPMANN: [In early 2003, at a meeting of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, which calls itself "the national public affairs arm of the organized Jewish community]... the Reform movement tried to come with a resolution about settlements. It seemed like a fairly innocuous resolution they tried to put forward. They weren't even able to bring it forward until they watered it down. And then it was defeated because it was seen as much too far to the left for what a group of American Jewish organizations could bring to the American government, though it was pretty mild compared to what I think many of us would want them to say.

FREEDMAN: It was just about freezing settlement building. It was a nothing statement. It supported a two-state solution. But I think to understand better what happened there, you have to understand that that organization is the umbrella organization for the Jewish Community Relations Councils, which are part of the organized Jewish community and therefore part of the organized Jewish voice that's being directed out of the Israeli Foreign Ministry [emphasis Weiss's] and AIPAC. That was not anything that represents the Jews. It represents a certain section of the Jewish population that is 'the organized' population.

Does that statement require interpretation? Freedman, a very well connected person, a Californian who was once in the Israeli Knesset, is saying that an important issue in the American Jewish community, perhaps the most important moral/political issue of the last 20 years, calling for a freeze on illegal and racist Israeli colonialism, is being decided for American Jews by the Israeli Foreign Ministry. And this is not controversial!? This book has been out for five years. Since then, Walt and Mearsheimer have presented a convincing argument that the neocons pushed the Iraq war out of concern for Israel, and the Jewish community has by and large risen against them. Where is the journalistic investigation of Freedman's statement? Where is the soul-searching?

Unless there is some more important agenda that might have been threatened by publicity about the involvement of the State of Israel in efforts against American Muslims, the reluctance of the Israeli consul to rally Boston-area Jews is inexplicable, for his intervention might have prevented the Roxbury Mosque conflict from turning into an intra-Jewish food fight, and the David Project and friends might have broken the ISB.

The consulate documents betray an obsession that Arab financiers, Arab donations, and Arab investments (like Ptech) are becoming more important and prominent in the USA.  Because money talks with a particularly loud voice in US politics, investment might increase Arab and Muslim input into US Middle policy.

The American Jewish elite is particularly sensitive to this possibility because American Jews broke into the American elite to a large extent because of the increasing wealth of German Jewish investment banks like Goldman, Sachs and Lehman Brothers. Such Jewish firms outpaced or ruined their gentile competitors by causing the 1929 Stock Market Crash through excessive leverage in conjunction with derivative financial instruments. After the crash senior personnel at the Jewish investment banks manipulated the Federal Reserve into decreasing the monetary supply in order to turn a recession into the Great Depression, during which the Jewish investment banks acquired valuable assets at fire sale prices. (Because economic historians of the USA have generally ignored the ethnic aspect of finance, few histories or scholarly articles mention the economic warfare that broke out periodically in the USA between Jewish and Gentile investment banks from the middle nineteenth century until the Great Depression.)

Today, the old NY-based German Jewish financial elite ("Our Crowd") has been supplanted by a hyperwealthy mostly Eastern European-origin transnational Zionist political economic elite that is making out like a bandit gang from a combination of Neoconservative foreign policy and Friedmanite economic policy.

Manipulation of IPOs in the 90s, the crash of the CDO market, and fiscal profligacy associated with the Iraq and Afghanistan wars have set the USA up for a major economic contraction while associated military expenditures have created a boon in the Israeli economy from which wealthy Zionists are benefiting both in the USA and also in the State of Israel. 

Because the Friedmanites have not succeeded in all their goals, which seem to have included looting the Lebanese and Iraqi economies to compensate for the damage the US economy has sustained over the last 15 years, the Federal Reserve is trying to prevent a major recession by lowering interest rates.

Unfortunately, such attempts at increasing liquidity will remain ineffective as long as the Iraq and Afghanistan occupations remain an economic sink hole, into which the increased money supply is vanishing when it should be stimulating growth.

Not only have the failed Neocon policies made some Arabs and Muslim states, institutions and individuals extremely cash rich instead of humbling the whole Arab and Muslim world, but the dominant US  Jewish elite now finds itself threatened by a potentially tremendous increase of Arab or Muslim acquisitions in the US economy because international Arab and Muslim financial corporations are now in position to provide far more liquidity to the US economy than the Federal Reserve can. (See Leverage can create great profits - and great losses by Mohammed el-Erian from the Financial Times, March 21, 2007.)

Even though such an outcome is completely consistent with economic globalization as it was touted, political and media hysteria against Arab and Chinese investors in the USA.(Dubai Portsworld, 3Com, Unocal) has either quickly developed or been artificially created to drive away such investors. At the same time  Zionist American incitement against Arab and Muslim Americans has driven away investment by creating the perception throughout the Muslim world from the Gulf through S.E. Asian that the USA is Islamophobia central. Such non-economic factors have created an unprecedented opportunity for Zionistically correct individuals or groups to acquire major assets at prices artificially lowered by a demagogically-enforced shrinkage of demand. .

Not to be outdone by Congress and xenophobic or Islamophobic pundits, former Harvard President Lawrence Summers and other Zionists in the US economic policy establishment have been stoking fears about equity purchases by sovereign wealth funds in the US investment banks in order to block or to control alternative probably unavoidable foreign investments that might increase Arab or Muslim influence on the US economy with potential political side-effects. (See Zionist Control: Sovereign Wealth Funds?.)

Controlling foreign liquidity via regulation or banishing it from the US economy may enable the Zionist financial elite to graduate from owning a large part to acquiring ownership or domination over most of the rest of the US economy.

In other words, the State of Israel and the financial backers of the David Project did not have to win against the ISB in order ultimately to win everything.

In Facts versus Delusions in Jewish History, I wrote semi-facetiously:

From the sixteenth century onward important historical events almost invariably take place first in Poland at least from the standpoint of Judaism but often in general.

For example, Commonwealth Poland became the first modern failed state in the seventeenth century.
In Yiddish Civilization, the Rise and Fall of a Forgotten Nation (pp. 235-6), Paul Kriwaczek discusses the role of Jews in sixteenth and seventeenth century Ukraine, which was then part of Commonwealth Poland.
This Yiddish takeover of the wild and lawless Ukraine's economy could be expected to have involved much exploitation and corrupt abuse of monopoly. Jews tried hard to keep such businesses as the collection of customs dues and taxes to themselves. Surviving customs records from the 1580s are written in a mixture of Yiddish and Hebrew. The historian Shimon Dubnow quotes a resolution passed by the Jewish Lithuanian Council, the Vaad Medina Litoh, ruling body of the Jewish estate: "We have openly seen the great danger deriving from the operation of customs in Gentile hands; for the customs to be in Jewish hands is a pivot on which everything turns, since thereby Jews may exert control."
The alliance between ruthless Polish nobles and insecure Yiddish frontiersmen proved dangerous and destructive. The Jews now held a position that nothing in their background or religious law had properly prepared them for. They had been placed in authority over another people, of another social order, another culture and another religion, a people whom the magnates, the Jews' masters, regarded as racially inferior and fair game for callous exploitation. Tragically, shaking off the restraining influence of wiser counsels of the West, the repeated warnings of the rabbis of metropolitan Cracow, Posen and Lublin, the Yiddish businessmen who flocked to the colony came to regard the peasantry in a similar light.
Today Neocons and Friedmanites have globally taken the place of the Yiddish proto-capitalists of pre-modern Ukraine. The Chmielnicki Rebellion, which represented the beginning of the collapse of Commonwealth Poland, could easily pale in comparison with the sort of world-wide political and economic disaster that the new Jewish elite is courting today.
More Articles about the Conflict over the Roxbury Mosque:

Background Material on Katherine (Kate) Frazer 

From the Boston Israeli Consulates's Guide to Speakers on Israel 2004-2005:

Katherine Frazer

Katherine Frazer is the Political Affairs Officer at the Consulate General of Israel to New England.

At the Consulate, Ms. Frazer focuses on creative communications and effective advocacy for Israel by means of the written word. In her primary role as a political writer, Ms. Frazer writes speeches and editorials for the Consulate's diplomats. Editorials she has written in conjunction with the Consul General and the Consul have appeared in the Boston Globe, the Christian Science Monitor, the Jewish Advocate, and the Providence Journal.

Ms. Frazer also researches political affairs in the New England area and the impact of current events on Consulate relations.

Ms. Frazer holds a dual BA in English and Political Science from Allegheny College. She has researched and written numerous papers in the fields of international relations, women's studies, and political science. She was also a student of literature and creative writing, and received honors for her senior thesis "The Poetry and Politics of Power." Ms. Frazer also served as Allegheny College's delegate to the 56th Air Force Academy Assembly, which focused on U.S. Policy in the Middle East.


  • Writing and Communicating about Israel
  • Current Events - Israel's Agenda Today
  • Why Non-Jews Should Support Israel
  • Conservation Writer at The Nature Conservancy
  • Philanthropy Writer at The Nature Conservancy
  • Program Coordinator at Newton Community Education
  • Political Writer at Consulate of Israel to New England
  • Allegheny College
  • Villa Maria Academy

12 connections

Writing and Editing
Public Profile
Steve Emerson Biography

Steven Emerson is considered one of the leading authorities on Islamic extremist networks, financing and operations. He serves as the Executive Director of The Investigative Project on Terrorism, one of the world's largest storehouses of archival data and intelligence on Islamic and Middle Eastern terrorist groups. Emerson and his staff frequently provide briefings to U.S. government and law enforcement agencies, members of Congress and congressional committees, and print and electronic media, both national and international. Since 9-11, Emerson has testified before and briefed Congress dozens of times on terrorist financing and operational networks of Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and the rest of the worldwide Islamic militant spectrum. 

Emerson is the author or co-author of six books on terrorism and national security, including:
"Jihad Incorporated: A Guide to Militant Islam in the U.S."  (Prometheus, 2006)
"American Jihad: The Terrorists Living Among Us" (The Free Press, 2002)
"Terrorist: The Inside Story of the Highest-Ranking Iraqi Terrorist Ever to Defect to the West" (Villard Books /Random House, 1991)
"The Fall of Pan Am 103: Inside the Lockerbie Investigation" (Putnam's Sons, 1990)
"Secret Warriors: Inside the Covert Military Operations of the Reagan Era" (Putnam's Sons, 1988)
"The American House of Saud: The Secret Petrodollar Connection" (Franklin Watts, 1985)

He and his organization have been quoted or profiled in hundreds of newspaper and television stories since 9-11. 
Emerson launched The Investigative Project on Terrorism in late 1995, following the broadcast of his documentary film, "Jihad in America," on public television. The film exposed clandestine operations of militant Islamic terrorist groups on American soil. For the film, Emerson received numerous awards including the George Polk Award for best television documentary, one of the most prestigious awards in journalism. He also received the top prize from the Investigative Reporters and Editors Organization (IRE) for best investigative report in both print and television for the documentary. The award from IRE was the fourth he had received from that group. The documentary, which was featured on 60 Minutes, has become standard viewing for federal law enforcement and intelligence organizations.
Emerson is recognized as one of the first terrorism experts to have testified and warned about the threat of Islamic militant networks operating in the United States and their connections worldwide. In a pioneering congressional testimony delivered in 1998, he specifically warned about the threat of Osama Bin Laden's network. Nearly every one of the terrorist suspects and groups first identified in his 1994 film have been indicted, convicted, or deported since 9-11. 


"Steve has been on the cutting edge of [investigating terrorism] for many, many years...  he has provided an extremely valuable service."
 -  Robert Blitzer, retired FBI Counterterrorism Chief

"[Steve] has been doing this a very long time, he is very professional, he is very thorough... Steve produces very unique, very significant information."
 - Steven Pomerantz, former Assistant Director of the FBI, former Chief of Counterterrorism of the FBI

"When we would ask FBI if there were criminal violations of support to terrorism such as establishing Web sites soliciting funds or other means of terrorist financing, we would get blank stares.  Rick Newcomb's office at Treasury was trying to give the FBI some guidance on where to look for terrorist money, but to little avail.  When FBI said there were no Web site in the U.S. that were recruiting jihadists for training in Afghanistan or soliciting money for terrorist front groups, I asked Steve Emerson to check.  Emerson had written the book American Jihad, which had told me more than the FBI ever had about radical Islamic groups in the U.S.  Within days, Emerson had a long list of Web sites sitting on servers in the United States.  I passed the list to Justice and the FBI…"
 - Richard A. Clarke, former chief of counter-terrorism for National Security Council,
Against All Enemies:  Inside America's War on Terror, pp217. 

"'I think of Steve as the Paul Revere of terrorism'… [Clarke] credits Emerson with repeatedly warning of Al Qaeda sleeper cells in the United States.  He adds that he would attend Emerson's speeches whenever possible because 'we'd always learn things we weren't hearing from the FBI or CIA, things which almost always proved to be true.'"
- Richard Clarke, former head of NSC Counterterrorism, in a feature article on Emerson in Brown Alumni Magazine

"…Emerson was helpful in preparing to cross-examine defense witnesses in the [1993 World Trade Center bombings] case....He's a valuable source of information and knowledge.  And in terms of trying to find places to look for evidence, he's a very good person to talk to. He's got a lot of insight."
- Andrew McCarthy, Assistant U.S. Attorney who prosecuted the 1993 World Trade Center bombings

"[Emerson is] the most authoritative expert on Middle Eastern terrorism in the United States today and whose investigations have uncovered the existence of terrorist groups operating in the United States today…This country owes a great deal of gratitude to him."
- Senator John Kyl (Arizona)

"Mr. Emerson has for so long been right on [his] predictions about our long fight against terrorism... Mr. Emerson has shared his very important insights with this subcommittee on a number of occasions in recent years. His expertise is based on daily contact with sources in government and key financial institutions as well as his participation in major terrorist financing cases."
- U.S. Representative Ed Royce (California)

"[The Investigative Project] was a decade ahead of its time in focusing on the terrorist threat to the United States and to our homeland from Islamic extremist..."
 - U.S. Representative Brad Sherman (California)

"Steve Emerson, who I think is the best in the world he's got an overview of the war on terror kinda guy, he's got a lot of information coming in."
- Bill O'Reilly, The O'Reilly Factor, December 29, 2006

"Steve was also the one who before 9/11 was saying, 'it's coming, it's coming, it's coming', and Islamic terrorists are going to hit us, and 9/11 came, and he was one of the
only ones screaming about it at the time." 
- Dan Abrams, The Abrams Report, June 9, 2005

"Steve Emerson, you have been a fighter, a hero in the battle against terrorism in this country."
John Kasich, Heartland with John Kasich, December 10, 2005

"Steve Emerson is one of the nation's best national security correspondents.  His investigative work on radical Islamic fundamentalism is absolutely critical to this nation's national security.  There is no one else who has exhibited the same expertise, courage and determination to tackle this vital issue."
- A.M. Rosenthal, former managing editor of NY Times

Did an 'Expert' on Terrorism Conspire with a Foreign Government to Violate the Constitutional Rights of American Muslims?

February 21, 2008 · No Comments

Collaboration between Steve Emerson and the Israeli Consulate in Boston Merits Investigation

Paul Kendall

Steven Emerson, who has appeared at numerous congressional hearings and on major news outlets as an alleged 'expert on terrorism', has raised some serious concerns among congressional staffers, civil rights groups, and some members of the media.

E-mail communications made available during lawsuits involving the building of a mosque in Boston, MA (Boston Lawsuit - ISB David Project), indicate a collaboration between Emerson and the Israeli Government. These electronic communications prove that Emerson, along with some anti-Muslim advocacy groups, worked directly with the public affairs office of the Israeli consulate in Boston to formulate the creation of a smear campaign intended to stop the construction of a new Islamic cultural center.

However, despite these attempts, the new Boston mosque was opened on September 28, 2007 in the predominantly African-American community of Roxbury.

The e-mail messages that prove this collaboration between Emerson, the consulate, and other anti-Muslim advocacy groups are available to the public at

Emerson, whose credentials, investigative methods, and sources were once considered to be highly questionable, has managed to position himself as America's leading 'terrorist expert' after 9/11. However, there are many within and outside the Muslim Community who question Emerson's investigation tactics, characterized as 'Islamophobic'.

Some have accused Emerson of pandering to fear because of his characterization of the Muslim American community, Muslim organizations, and Muslim leaders as a 'fifth column' working to subvert the American government and our civil institutions. Many have gone so far as to suggest that his motives have less to do with protecting our national security than with being a paid propagandist for a foreign country.

One congressional staff member stated, "I am seriously troubled that the public affairs office of the Israeli Consulate would cooperate with U.S. citizens and advocacy groups seeking to deny American Muslim's the religious freedom of American Muslims.

The constitutional right to build a new mosque in Boston is a religious freedom protected by the First Amendment of our Constitution. And no foreign government has the right to interfere with this right.'

Interviews with several civil rights activists reveal that there are serious concerns regarding the accuracy and objectivity of the information that Emerson provides to members of congress, law enforcement, and the media.

Civil rights activist and leader Reverend Graylan Hagler, put it this way: "This Emerson guy uses the same tactics that racist segregationist used against civil rights activist including Dr. King."

Hagler added, "Emerson may well be our domestic 'curve ball'." This is a reference to the Iraqi source that provided inaccurate information to U.S. intelligence services in the lead-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

I, too, am deeply troubled by the lack of scrutiny that Steve Emerson and his Investigative Project receive. If the nation learned anything from the Judith Miller fiasco about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, it should be this: It is time to seriously investigate Steve Emerson and his bogus 'Investigative Project'.


Islamic Society of Boston Lawsuit Moves Forward

A Momentous Day in Boston, Minaret Capping a Success

Islamic Society of Boston's (ISB) Religious Freedom and Civil Rights Championed by MAS Freedom 'Faith Over Fear Camp'

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Correspondence Between Israeli Consulate and Others to Deprive the Religious Freedom of American Citizens

February 20, 2008 · No Comments

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Correspondence Between Israeli Consulate and Others to Deprive the Religious Freedom of American Citizens Document 2

February 20, 2008 · No Comments

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Emails Sent to Attack the Mosque Project

February 20, 2008 · No Comments

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Fainburg Discovery

February 2, 2008 · No Comments

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