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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Haaretz (הארץ):'Obama wants Mideast breakthrough within next two years'

Barak Ravid writes in 'Obama wants Mideast breakthrough within next two years':
U.S. President Barack Obama has given himself a two-year deadline to reach a breakthrough on a two-state solution for Israel and the Palestinians, The Sunday Times reported.

The administration has been firm in its declarations that it would pursue a two-state solution and Obama has vowed to "change the conversation" with the Muslim world in order to widen the diplomatic circle involved in the peace process.
[To read the entire article click here.]

According to my analysis of Zionist politics, two years should be more than enough time for Netanyahu’s friends in the USA to undermine Obama to the point where the two year deadline would become meaningless and where the pre-Obama status quo could be restablished.

Yet there are things that ordinary people like us can do to forestall such an outcome.

In Israel Steals Palestinian Heritage, History, Khaleej Times Op-Ed Columnist Karin Friedemann identifies a winnable legal battle against seriously misguided Zionist mythology and exclusivist claims.

Because the Dead Sea Scrolls are going on exhibition in Canada at the end of June, Palestinians and sympathizers can launch a lawsuit to return them to their rightful owner, the Palestinian people, whose Judaic ancestors created them.

The Scrolls help modern scholars to understand the conditions out of which Greek Orthodox and Syrian Christianity developed as well as from which proto-Islamic Jamesian Christian, Mishnaic, and other currents of Judaism evolved.

The Scrolls would be much better off in the hands of a legitimate custodian representing the ideologically non-exclusivist right, title, and interest of the Palestinian people than in serving the most intellectually dishonest sort of Zionist propaganda in the hands of the Israeli government that has wrongfully misappropriated them.

Anyone interested in helping to restore the Scrolls to Palestinian custody should send me an email at

Some Comments on the Above Videoclip

Obama really needs to explain how the continued existence of Israel advances the interests of the USA.

Would the USA be a stalwart ally of the State of Israel except for the machinations and subversion of racist Jewish Zionist Americans?

Why is it in US interests to make sure that Israel is safe and secure?

The State of Israel is a murderous racist genocidal Eastern European ethnocracy of the sort that was common during the WW1 WW2 inter bellum period.

If the USA is to remain true to its avowed anti-racist pro-Democracy pro-Human Rights principles, which are intended to characterize the international system that the USA is supposed to desire and to advocate, the USA must
  • discontinue the alliance with the State of Israel,
  • declare Israel to be a terrorist state,
  • start arresting Zionists for supporting Zionist terrorism, and
  • begin seizing Zionist assets under US anti-terrorism laws.
Not only would this policy improve US international relations, but

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Friday, May 29, 2009

KABOBfest: Palestinian President Hussein Ibish reaches peace agreement with Israel

Karin is not alone in having issues with Hussein Ibish:

Palestinian President Hussein Ibish reaches peace agreement with Israel

As the elected leader of the Palestinian people, Hussein Ibish, a Senior Fellow of Americans Tasked with F*cking Palestine (ATFP, a leader of which was recently sentenced for allegedly embezzling donors of $100,000), recently reached a peace agreement with Israeli Consul General Yaakov Dayan in Los Angeles.

Betraying decades of conventional wisdom and in a move as dramatic as Yasser Arafat's rifle and the olive branch speech, Ibish broke ground by insisting that settlement construction be stopped in the West Bank--a position that no other Palestinian leader in history had ever espoused.

Ibish also proved his cunning intelligence by offering the innovative
To read the entire article, click here.

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Connecting Shavuot (Pentecost) with Ramadan

Because we are in the midst of Pentecost, I point interest readers to a brief discussion of the connection of this holiday with Ramadan in the blog entry entitled: Followup (II): Origins of Modern Jewry. Clicking the preceding hyperlink will cause the browser to bring up Ramadan-Pentecost section. Sphere: Related Content

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Magnes Zionist: How Ideological Funding is Harming Israel and Jewish Studies in the United States

When I was an undergraduate at Harvard in the 70s, I became interested in Jewish historical political economy. Back then the problem with pursuing such an interest came mostly from the unwillingness of many in Eastern European studies to take Jewish history and politics seriously as well as from sensitivity or aversion to any discussion that might validate historical non-Jewish complaints against Jewish business or political culture.

In How Ideological Funding is Harming Israel and Jewish Studies in the United States, Jerry Haber identifies the increasing problem of the ideological debasement of American scholarship by wealthy Jewish donors to American universities.

I have to qualify that the problem became palpable much earlier than he suggests. For example, Marty Peretz funded a Harvard professorship for the incompetent racist Zionist Ruth Wisse in the 90s and not in the 2000s.

We are more aware of the problem today because not only have more non-Jews have become interested in Jewish and Israeli studies, but they have often collided with the wall of corrupt Jewish social networking and of Jewish racism.
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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

JTA: Dissing Benjamin Cardozo?

The organized Jewish community has long tried to establish alliances with the American Hispanic community. The JTA just sent out a piece of disinformation to establish the credentials of at least some Jews as Hispanics:

Dissing Benjamin Cardozo?

The nomination of Sonia Sotomayor has some observers asking if a former Jewish justice was really the first Hispanic member of the U.S. Supreme Court. Read more »
Perhaps the census policy has changed, but normally American forms tracking Hispanics specifically exclude European Hispanics, to wit, Iberians from the group statistics.

Thus Americans normally mean Latinos when they refer to Hispanics and do not include Iberians or Ibero-Berber refugee populations such as the Muslims or Jews expelled from the Iberian peninsula during the 15th and 16th century.

Sotomayor as a Puerto Rican is definitely a Latina. Cardozo definitely is not a Latino.

[BTW, Hispanic has probably become the common term for Latino in the USA because American English tends to reject foreign gender endings.]

I discuss the Spanish, German (including Austrian and Swiss), and Eastern European ethnic Ashkenazi components of the American Jewish community in The Strata of American Judaism.

The willingness of American Jews to reject Zionist ideology in order to inject themselves into the story of Sotomayor and Hispanic-American achievement is somewhat disconcerting because normally American Jews argue despite the facts that there has been a unique Jewish people (Volk, race) since antiquity and that this distinct, eternal, and unchanging Jewish people has title to Palestine as the Land of Israel.

As part of the logic Jewish Zionists reject attempts to discuss historically Arabophone Oriental Jews as Jewish Arabs to the point that in modern conceptualization Jewish has acquired the meaning non-Arab.

Yet the same Jewish Zionists seem to have no problem with the concept of Jewish Hispanics when its convenient. Sphere: Related Content

Greg Mankiw's Blog: Marty leaves AIG

Harvard Economist (and fellow Pingry graduate) Greg Mankiw published the following intriguing comment in Marty leaves AIG:
The Crimson reports that after 22 years, Marty Feldstein is leaving the AIG board of directors, where he served "on the board’s finance and risk management committee as well as the regulatory, compliance, and public policy committee."

This will give Marty more time for his work on President Obama's economic advisory panel.
Feldstein was Chairman of Reagan's Council of Economic Advisors
Feldstein was and remains a Friedmanite and a Zionist. He was of course a mentor to Larry Summers and like Obama's entire incompetent Zionist economics crew belongs to the economics problem set and not to the solution.

Not only was AIG practically at the center of the financial meltdown, but it has been a facilitator of the Zionist settlement mortgage scam.
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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Martillo on Iranian PressTV

I was a little disconcerted to wind up as the only interviewee when Bishop Riah Abu al-Assal's communications link went down. I apologize that I did not have a sound-byte to describe how activists can pressure the Obama administration to take a more pro-American pro-Palestinian approach to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. At minimum a good anti-Zionist marketing strategy would probably require about 60 pages. Because of the sophistication of the Zionist web of control over American political discourse, a really complete strategy would probably be two to three times that length. Sphere: Related Content

Monday, May 25, 2009

Karin Friedemann: Response to SPLC

Recently, Mark Potok, who is director of the SPLC Hatewatch, sent a demand to Karin (and to the Khaleej Times) that she retract claims in a recent op-ed.

Here is her response.

SPLC vs. Karin Friedemann
Karin Friedemann

The US Department of Justice released FBI documents indicating that the Southern Poverty Law Center engaged in undercover surveillance of Oklahoma militia groups in 1995 before and after the bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal Building. The local FBI team, which should have obtained a warrant to dispatch real FBI agents, criminally conspired with SPLC agents to get around Attorney General Janet Reno’s legal limitations on domestic spying. Because the conspiracy was criminal, the espionage was illegal.

In “The Watchdogs: A close look at Anti-Racist ‘Watchdog’ Groups,” Laird Wilcox documents the SPLC’s extensive intelligence networks monitoring editorials, observing meetings, and compiling files on people they consider offensive. Wilcox told WorldNetDaily: “By alleging ‘dangerousness’ on the basis of mere assumed values, opinions and beliefs, they put entirely innocent citizens at risk from law enforcement error and misconduct.”

Mark Potok himself admits the SPLC criminally spied on the Animal Rights 2001 Conference by secretly recording attendees. “We were at that conference, we collected the quote ourselves, in person and on a videotape to boot,” he wrote in response to complaints from Friends of Animals President Priscilla Feral about misleading SPLC characterizations of her organization.

In an article libeling Muslim clerics, the online SPLC Intelligence Report links videos apparently made in violation of federal wiretapping and eavesdropping statutes.

Many organizations and individuals accuse SPLC of publishing false and misleading information and manipulating crime data and terminology. Federal law enforcement agencies and Homeland Security Fusion Centers were issued a warning against relying upon faulty and politicized SPLC research reports.

The Turkish American Legal Defense Fund is currently suing the SPLC for defaming an 85-year-old emeritus professor of political science at the University of Massachusetts.

Harper's Magazine accused the SPLC of scare mongering to fund relatively lavish lifestyles for the organization's directors.

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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Khaleej Times: Israel Steals Palestinian Heritage, History

In Israel Steals Palestinian Heritage, History Karin Friedemann addresses the primary Zionist lie of modern Jewish descent from the Judaic populations that lived in the Hasmonean and Herodian kingdoms and ethnarchies of the Greco-Roman period. Zionist rebranding efforts have presented pro-Palestinian activists and sympathizers with an opportunity to undermine a key founding idea of the State of Israel.

Below is the hyperlinked version of Karin's Khaleej Times article. I will update this blog entry to explain how to help.

Israel Steals Palestinian Heritage, History
Karin Friedemann (LETTER FROM AMERICA)
25 May 2009

Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayad has made a formal complaint to the Canadian government regarding the intention of Toronto’s Royal Ontario Museum to collaborate with the Israel Antiquities Authority to host “Dead Sea Scrolls: Words that Changed the World” from June 27 to January 3, 2010.
Palestinian Archaeological Department Director-General Hamdan Taha explains, “The exhibition would entail exhibiting or displaying artifacts removed from the Palestinian territories... I think it is important that Canadian institutions would be responsible and act in accordance with Canada’s obligations.”
The Israeli exhibition violates international conventions or protocols that Canada has ratified and that protect cultural property during armed conflict. The State of Israel seized the Jordanian-owned Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem in 1967 to take possession of the scrolls and has continued to loot similar Palestinian cultural property from the Occupied Territories ever since. Under the 1970 Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property and the 1954 Hague Convention along with its two associated protocols, Canada is legally obliged “to take appropriate steps to recover and return any such cultural property” at the request of the wronged party.
The Dead Sea Scrolls exhibition is part of Israel’s effort to re-brand itself. According to The Economist, American Jewish groups and Israeli diplomats are trying to create the perception of Israel as “hip, cool, cultured, fun and creative.” The campaign has included placing sexually suggestive advertisements in Maxim and other men’s magazines.
Harvard Professor Stephen Walt suggests in his Foreign Policy blog that the re-branding effort is foredoomed to failure: “Restoring Israel’s image in the West isn’t a matter of spin or PR or ‘re-branding;’ it’s a matter of abandoning the policies that have cost it the sympathy it once enjoyed. It’s really just about that simple.”
The archaeological component of the propaganda campaign, however, uses subliminal suggestion to bypass such political arguments. A top Israeli re-branding advocate argues, “[Let’s] get to that first stage when people associate Israel with science and music and archaeology...Then we’ll take it from there.”
In Facts on the Ground Columbia Professor Nadia Abu Al Haj writes, “In the context of Israel and Palestine, archaeology emerged as a central scientific discipline because of the manner in which colonial settlement was configured in a language of, and a belief in, Jewish national return.” Even though asserting ownership to a country after absence of 2000 years is preposterous, Israel’s theft of Palestine from the native population is popularly legitimised through the claim that today’s Jews descend from inhabitants of Greco-Roman Judea.
According to New York Times Reporters Ethan Bonner and Isabel Kershner in “Parks Fortify Israel’s Claim to Jerusalem,” “[There] is a battle for historical legitimacy. As part of the effort, archaeologists are finding indisputable evidence of ancient Jewish life here.”
This claim is nonsense.
Intellectuals of Jewish origin in 19th century Germany, influenced by the folk character of German nationalism, invented their folk narratives ‘retrospectively,’ out of a thirst to create a modern Jewish people, argues Tel Aviv University Professor Shlomo Sand, author of How and When the Jewish People Was Invented.
There is no single founder population for modern Jewry any more than there is a single founder population for modern Christians or modern Muslims. Late ancient and early medieval texts describe an ethnically diverse collection of communities associated with proselytizing pre-Rabbinic Judaism.
In English to use the word Jew is anachronistic before the 10th century when medieval Rabbinic Judaism crystallised thanks to the efforts of Saadyah Gaon (Sa‘îd bin Yûsuf al-Fayyûmi) and his colleagues.
With the revolutionary codification of Rabbinic law these communities became part of a vast trade network that spanned the Christian and Muslim world and that extended into China and began to exchange members on a large scale. The main population-exporting region seems to have been located in territories near the Black Sea.
Sand admits, “[The] chances that the Palestinians are descendants of the ancient Judaic people are much greater than the chances that you or I [meaning Israeli Jews] are its descendents.”
The Palestinians’ ancestors created the Hasmonean Kingdom, composed the Hebrew Bible, followed Jesus, wrote the New Testament, compiled the Mishnah, and redacted the Jerusalem Talmud. The Palestinian people constitute the living link to the earliest beginnings of the heritage from the Torah and Gospel.
Zionists are almost pitiable, for they are so ashamed of their own history that they have usurped one belonging to another people. When the Israeli government sends the Dead Sea Scrolls to Canada, by its own law Canada must turn them over to their rightful owners — the Palestinian people.
Karin Friedemann is a Boston-based writer on Middle East affairs and US politics. She is Director of the Division on Muslim Civil Rights and Liberties for the National Association of Muslim American Women. Joachim Martillo contributed to this article.

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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Update: Pipes, Abu El-Assal, Martillo on PressTV

At 15:00 Sunday May 24, 2009 GMT (11:00 AM US/Eastern) Iranian PressTV will host Middle East Forum Director Daniel Pipes, Bishop Riah Abu El-Assal (رياح حنا أبو العسل‎) of Nazareth and Joachim Martillo for 30 min to discuss Obama's June 4th visit to Egypt.

Some topics to be covered include:
  • Was the date chosen to coincide with the anniversary of the 1967 Six Day War which started on June 5th?
  • Why will Egypt be the venue despite the lack of democracy and the corrupt economy?
  • Which side holds the key to peace? Israeli Zionists or the Palestinians?
  • Will Obama ask the Islamic world to recognize Israel?
  • Will Obama be able to change the Islamic world's negative opinion of the USA?
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KABOBfest: 11 Types of People You Meet in Hookah Lounges

A few years ago I was doing some work in London and staying near Paddington Station. When I did not have much to do, I hung out in a nearby Hookah Lounge. Hanitzer's descriptions seem to apply fairly well to the London scene with some obvious substitutions of UK equivalents (E. European Hookah Preparer, MI5 Informant, British Afro-Caribbean, etc.) for:
  • The Kid From Dearborn,
  • The Latino Hookah Preparer,
  • The African American Who Likes Them Pillow, and
  • The FBI Informant.
Because of the latest effort of the FBI to scare-monger via entrapment of poor people with some psychological disorders, it is worthwhile to copy the last description in full to this blog entry.
5. The FBI Informant
He's the coolest, slickest guy in the lounge, the smoothest operator, and very outgoing. He's also an FBI informant who gets a nice check from the government for the intel he picks up from the cafe -- which is like none, except that he is great at telling the Feds what they want to hear. They think the "Oasis Hookah Palace" is the Tora Bora of Southern California.

He is commissioned to eavesdrop on all conversations and screen all patrons for possible threats, instead he just picks up names and details from the Hollywood terrorism flicks like 'The Siege,' 'Body of Lies' and 'Syriana.' He occasionally takes a picture of a few patrons with his cell phone as he pretends to be text messaging.

While the government's money is decent, he is doing it in exchange for a reduced sentence on a tax fraud scheme he was into with his cousin.

You'll know when you meet him because he'll add you as a friend on Facebook within minutes of meeting you.
Robert Verkaik, who is the Law Editor of the UK Independent, discusses MI5 tactics for recruiting informants in How MI5 blackmails British Muslims.

Louis Proyect summarizes the current level of US federal enforcement insanity in Dossier on FBI entrapment in “war on terror”.
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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Jewish Social Networking Goes Supreme!

A week ago Phil Weiss addressed the possibility of Elena Kagan's appointment to the Supreme Court in Jewishness, and diversity, on the Supreme Court.

Yesterday, in Elena Kagan: Jewish Ethnic Networking Eases the Path of a Liberal/Leftist to the Supreme Court Kevin McDonald delved far more deeply into the meaning of making Kagan a Supreme.

In the past I have criticized Professor McDonald for trusting too much in the literature that Jews have written about themselves and for digging too deeply into ancient scripture when he should be looking more at the last few centuries in E. Europe, but this last article covers every important point and pleases me to no end with the exception of the next to the last paragraph with which I disagree on statistical grounds.

The analysis dovetails almost perfectly with my contentions in Corrupt Jewish Social Networking Rules! and with Karin's discussion in Chop Shop Economics and Stealth Zionism.

McDonald writes:

A recent LA Times article, “Supreme Court Nominee has admirers left and right,” by David G. Savage and James Oliphant, although masquerading as news, is a brief for the candidacy of Elena Kagan for the position on the Supreme Court vacated by David H. Souter. The article notes that she is well connected to top people in the Obama Administration, and there is effusive praise from two legal bigwigs, Laurence Tribe and Charles Fried, both of Harvard.

Kagan’s candidacy raises a number of issues. If nominated and confirmed, there would be three Jewish justices on the Supreme Court — all on the left. Jews are of course always overrepresented among elites — especially on the left, but 33% is high by any standard given that Jews constitute less than 3% of the US population. This is much higher than Jewish representation in the US Senate (13%) and the House of Representatives (~7%). The last time I checked, if there were three Jews on the Supreme Court, the percentage would be about the same as the percentage of Jews among the wealthiest Americans.

Jews as one-third of the Supreme Court seems sure to raise the eyebrows among people like me who think that Jewish identity often makes a big difference in attitudes and behavior. And if there is one area where mainstream Jewish political identity has had a huge effect (besides anything related to Israel), it’s in attitudes and behavior related to multiculturalism. This is true of the Jewish mainstream across the entire Jewish political spectrum, from the far left to the neoconservative right. A major theme of The Culture of Critique is that Jewish identities and interests were apparent in all the Jewish-dominated intellectual movements of the left that have rationalized multiculturalism, massive non-White immigration, and the general displacement of Europeans:

Viewed at its most abstract level, a fundamental agenda is thus to influence the European-derived peoples of the United States to view concern about their own demographic and cultural eclipse as irrational and as an indication of psychopathology. (Ch. 5 of The Culture of Critique; emphasis in original) [To read the whole article, click here.]

While McDonald correctly worries that a Kagan appointment will lead to proliferation of hate crime legislation and to restrictions on free speech, I am more concerned that her basic tendencies to support multiculturalism and to drown both WASPs and African Americans demographically leads inexorably to creation of an internal American version of the developing international Neo-Arenda system
  • that is based in Milton Friedman's economic theory,
  • that has created neo-colonial revenue streams on which hyperwealthy Americans batten, and
  • that has enabled politically mobilized Jewish Zionist plutocrats to increase their influence and control over the US government.
"Liberal" Jews like Kagan will even cry crocadile tears
  • as those Jews, who do not make it into the hyperwealthy oligarchy, take their place as smaller investors in and salaried managers at globalized conglomerates or giant megacorporations, which will be the equivalent of the leased estates or arendas of 16th century Poland,
  • while the rest of us, whether WASPs, African Americans, or new immigrants are left with the effective status of serfs or peasants working the estates.
[The information contained in theHuffington Post article Elena Kagan: Supreme Court Nominee? All You Need To Know by Rachel Weiner calls into question the whole idea of even considering Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court.] Sphere: Related Content

New York "Terror Plot" Another Government Provocateured Set-Up

Officials seize upon arrests with glee to propagandize for the police state and justify targeting American citizens in war on terror

[To read more click here.]

I can't help wondering whether the arrest following so closely after Netanyahu's meeting with Obama might also connect with the Jewish Zionist Neocon push to scaremonger the USA into supporting or aiding an Israeli attack on Iran.

Matthew Levitt, who was indoctrinated in hate at Brookline's Maimonides Jewish Day School, wrote Hamas: Politics, Charity, and Terrorism in the Service of Jihad and played an important role in the Holy Land Foundation Trial, has hardly been the only Jewish Zionist Neocon mole operating within the FBI or elsewhere in the US government in order to subvert the American justice system.

Levitt has at times worked quite closely with Stuart Levey in the Treasury, with Rachel Ehrenfeld formerly in the DOD, and with Dennis Ross in the State Department. Ross even wrote the preface to Hamas: Politics, Charity, and Terrorism in the Service of Jihad.

Harvard Professor Sara Roy's review of Hamas became itself a cause célèbre.

The Yale University Press published Hamas and seems to have developed quite a record for publishing Jewish racist and Zionist propaganda. Sphere: Related Content

Are All Synagogue Attacks Anti-Semitic?

There is probably more to this story than what has been reported so far.

Synagogue Targeted in NY Plot, Four Charged:
The four men, identified as James Cromitie, David Williams, Onta Williams and Laguerre Payen, were arrested after buying an inactive missile and inert explosives in a sting operation run by the FBI and other agencies, the complaint said.
Those are not exactly Muslim names.

In addition, not only does blowing up a synagogue where a fund raiser for the Friends of the IDF is being help seem tremendously different from traditional anti-Semitism -- I have spent a lot of time in looking at 19th and 20th century anti-Semitic attacks, but all the participants in such a fundraiser should be arrested for aiding and abetting Zionist terrorism.

After the Gaza Rampage no one except a racist Zionist or stooge of racist Zionists could rationally argue that the IDF is anything but a terrorist organization.

It is illegitimate to consider every attack on a synagogue or JCC to be an act of anti-Semitism.
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Harun Yahya Responds to Interview Questions


Previously, I posted interview questions for Harun Yahya. He sent me the responses that can be found below after this short introduction. Overall, he provided substantive answers to the issues I raised. After reading through his answers, I believe Harun Yahya does not distinguish the Modern Theory of Evolution from Darwinism, and I wish he had addressed the Armenian question in more detail.

Because I live near Watertown, MA with its large Armenian population and because, I have occasionally had to argue with Harvard Professor James Russell about the subject, the Armenian and Balkan genocides hardly seem like events of the distant past, and discussing them may provide some useful insights that could be applied to conflicts like the Darfur Civil Wars.

Because the organized Jewish community and Israel advocates use the Holocaust as a hammer to bash pro-Palestinian advocates, there is probably a need for Muslims to develop a justice-oriented genocide discourse to compete with the tendentious, self-serving, and propagandistic Zionist Holocaust narrative, which has itself evolved into a quasi-religion with its own rituals and pseudo-spirituality.

The Holocaust cult and Zionism itself, which in some formulations like that of Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook combines genuine religious faith with a dangerous form of ethnic fundamentalism or monism, push the limits of false religion.

Even though Harun Yahya is magnanimous and tries to discern an innocent Zionism, this political ideology in all its formulations -- whether atheistic or not -- is extremely dangerous, for it presumes that the historical or national rights of Jews are superior to the human or democratic rights of non-Jews. It is hard to be more racist.

Harun Yahya Responds to Interview questions

1. Is the criticism of Darwinism meant to refer specifically to:

  • Darwin's theory as presented in The Origin of the Species,
  • Social Darwinism, which is an inappropriate application of Darwin's ideas to social outcomes,
  • the modern theory of evolution or the field of evolutionary biology, which includes among other subjects microevolution and macroevolution,
  • Evolutionary Psychology, which attempts to explain mental and psychological traitssuch as memory, perception, or languageas adaptations, that is, as the functional products of natural selection or sexual selection, or
  • any evolutionary ideas applied to humans and to human society?

Harun Yahya
Darwinism is an ideology that has collapsed right from the outset. That is because, one, it is unable to account for how the first cell emerged. Second, there is not one single fossil to act as evidence for the claim that living species descended from a common ancestor by undergoing gradual changes. That being the case there is no value to anything Darwinists espouse or say in psychology, biology or social field. There is no need to talk about and discuss each one separately either. Still, if we do have to discuss each field of science separately, then the scientific facts invalidate Darwinism in each and every one. Darwinism has been routed in all the fields you have listed. Darwin’s book The Origin of Species is full of errors and ignorant claims made under the primitive circumstances of the world of science of the time. The main idea proposed in the book, that inorganic substances organized themselves through certain chance developments, that the first cell then appeared by chance and that as a result all of life came into being by chance evolution from that first cell, is the worst error, and also the most irrational claim, in the history of science. Chance is blind and unconscious and cannot hit the mark in any way whatsoever. Stone, earth and mud cannot combine together to form rational and conscious human beings that love, rejoice, research, make discoveries and found civilizations. They cannot produce even a single cell or a single protein, let alone a human being. In fact, Darwin himself admitted the illogicality of and insoluble dilemmas facing his theory. The chapter 'Difficulties on Theory' is full of admissions by Darwin concerning the non-functionality of his theory. For example, he asks 'Why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms? Why is not all nature in confusion instead of the species being, as we see them, well defined? … But, as by this theory innumerable transitional forms must have existed, why do we not find them embedded in countless numbers in the crust of the earth? …! You don’t find any because there are none. They have been digging the earth up for 150 years, but not a single transitional fossil has ever been found. On the other hand, more than 100 million fossils have been found, but these all, without exception, prove that evolution never happened. If Darwin and his followers cannot produce a single transitional fossil to show how evolution took place, then what they say is worthless.

The most important example of the terrible disasters that can take place when Darwin’s lies are adapted to social relations are the wars, conflicts, concentration camps, colonialist exploitation and acts of terror throughout the 20th century. One of Darwinism’s fundamental claims is that the development of living things depends on the struggle for survival in nature, that the strong win that struggle, and that the weak are defeated and eliminated. It is not hard to guess the consequences of trying to apply such a sick idea to social life. The 20th century was the darkest, most bloodthirsty, violent and terrifying century in the history of mankind. Some people are reluctant to admit that Darwinism was the real intellectual force that led to the upheavals, disorder, wars and conflicts of the 20th century and to hatred and enmity between people, but the true intellectual cause of all this was the social Darwinism launched in the 19th century. Social Darwinism immediately bestowed a 'supposed' scientific legitimacy on existing evils and ruthless policies and practices. Following this movement, based on no scientific foundation whatsoever, many people who did not abide by religious moral values began regarding ruthlessness, savagery and oppression as perfectly ordinary. Virtues among people and societies required by religious moral values, such as compassion, affection, understanding, self-sacrifice, mutual aid and solidarity, were ignored. All terrorists and anarchists, including those alive today, all subscribe to Darwinism as their basic belief. Mao, for instance, openly says that Chinese communism is based on Darwin and his theory of evolution. Those are Mao’s words. And we all know what he did.

2. Is God incapable of creating a world in which the Theory of Modern Evolution is a valid approximate description of the means by which biological diversity originates?

(Allah is surely beyond the implication in this question. Allah is unfettered by any flaw or deficiency.)

Of course Allah could have created the whole universe through evolution had He so willed. But in that case we would see the evidence of that on earth, and Allah would have revealed it in the Qur’an. Then we would say, 'Our Lord created by way of evolution.' But there is nothing like that. There is no such information or suggestion in the Qur’an. And there is not a single piece of evidence for evolution on earth. But there are millions of proofs that Allah creates living things by commanding them to 'Be!' The truth revealed by all living things and all fossils extracted from under the ground is that everything was created. The glorious proofs of Creation in living things, the millions of fossils produced from below the ground have proved many millions of times over that evolution never happened. But there is not one finding or piece of scientific evidence to show that species formed gradually, in stages, as evolutionists claim.

In addition, in the same way that the djinn and angels were not created through evolution, neither were human beings. Neither can the return of the Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) in the End Times be explained in terms of evolution. The resurrection on the Day of Judgment, the gardens and mansions of Paradise cannot be explained in terms of evolution, either. Another example is how, through the will of Allah, the Prophet Moses’ (pbuh) staff suddenly turned into a snake when he cast it down on the ground. That was a regular, living snake, a snake with a digestive system. But it did not happen through evolution. When the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) breathed into a piece of clay in the shape of a bird it actually turned into a living one, as a blessing from Allah. A flying, egg-laying, reproducing bird. It did not happen through evolution either. If that had happened by way of evolution then we would openly admit that 'Allah created through evolution.' But there is no evidence for evolution. But there is Allah’s creation by commanding things to 'Be!'

3. Is the Justice and Development Party (AKP) (Turkish: Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi or AK Parti, or AKP) attempting

  • to restore Ottomanism,
  • to create a Salafist Islamic State from first principles,
  • to build a modern Turkish state in which Islam plays a role comparable to that of Christianity in Europe and N. America or
  • to establish some other sort of system?

As far as I can tell, the AKP is doing all it can to establish a climate of freedom, democracy and peace, and is trying to lead Turkey in the direction of a bright future. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is very sincere, well-intentioned and honest. He is an immaculate Anatolian. He has no worldly desires or self-interest. He strives for the approval of Allah, from what I can see. I believe the AKP consists of innocent, immaculate people. They are genuinely working toward a good, modern, bright and prosperous future for Turkey. The AKP is pleased to be intellectual and contemporary, and is doing all in its power to achieve this. It may not be perfect, but that is clearly its aim. How else can one explain its desire to join the European Union? It means it wants Europe’s art, science and technology. Major steps are being taken in the direction of establishing the Turkish-Islamic Union and I think these developments will gather pace still further in the future by Allah’s permission. Turkey will be a great state, bestowing beauty on the whole world, it will treat everyone with tolerance and warmth, maintain justice and preserve all balances.

4. Does the continuing Turkish-Israel military alliance make any sense on any basis?

Turkey has always protected, defended and supported genuine, devout Jews. In Ottoman times it was the Turks who settled them on their own lands and allowed them to live under the most agreeable circumstances. Jews are generally good, pleasant people, who render good service and create wealth wherever they go. Left to themselves they are completely innocent. I like the Jews very much. They are descended from the prophets, from the Prophet Abraham (pbuh). We lived alongside them in love and friendship for centuries. They must now be able to live as they choose in Israel, the lands of their forefathers, to trade as they wish and to fervently remember Allah in their places of worship. But we need to distinguish between Judaism and atheist Zionism. For example, it is atheist-Zionist ideology that is largely responsible for the conflict, war, tears and bloodshed that has been going on incessantly for years in Palestine. Devout Jews are also under enormous pressure from that mindset. It is also oppressing them. I mean, it is not only Muslims who are suffering. Devout Christians are also under pressure in Israel. Yet for some reason atheist Zionism is not recognized for what it is in the West, and the true plans of this irreligious ideology are unknown. Zionism is an innocent ideology that seeks a homeland for the Jews. Whereas atheist Zionism is a racist and irreligious ideology that aims at secret world domination and threatens world peace, Muslims also support Zionism, which wants the devout Jewish people to live in peace with Muslims in Israel, that seeks security for them and wants them to worship, trade and maintain their existence on their grandfathers’ lands. Indeed, we can rejoice in devout Jews living in peace and security in their own holy lands, remembering Allah and worshiping in their synagogues and engaging in trade. But it is obvious that there needs to be an intellectual struggle using all the means at our disposal against an ideology that has inflicted suffering on people down the generations through oppression, injustice and bloodshed.

Turkey is the strongest military power in the region. It is also one of the region’s strongest economies. Turkey is also the only country that looks objectively at the Middle East question, that has no qualms about speaking about the errors it sees in both sides’ attitudes, and that has gained the trust of the entire region with its honesty, affection and neutrality. And Turkey is now a more powerful and influential actor in Middle East policies than ever before. It is a good thing for the two countries to enjoy economic and cultural relations. Of course economic, cultural, technological and scientific relations between Turkey and Israel must develop on their own unique, stable platform.

5. Will Turks be able to engage in a rational discussion about genocide before Americans and other Westerners show even-handedness through some sort of acknowledgment of the genocide and ethnic cleansing

  • of Balkan Muslim populations as the Ottoman Empire retreated and
  • of Caucasian Muslims as the Russian Empire expanded?

(Note that Harvard University has occasionally exhibited early 20th century anti-Muslim Balkan postcards celebrating the ethnic cleansing or genocide of local Muslim populations.)

Debates about genocide are of no benefit to world peace. On the contrary, they harm it. I do not therefore find such discussions appropriate. It is not right for events that happened years ago to be used for mutual reckoning of accounts. These things happened years ago and are over and done with. What use is counting bones to anyone? How can we talk about peace and love today if we set about talking about 1915?

There was a war on. Everyone suffered. Look, there is no end to the Turkish graves. We know about the massacre at Khodjali in Azerbaijan. But we wish everyone the best. We harbor no feelings of vengeance. Nobody must have any feelings of hatred and revenge toward anyone else. We do not seek revenge. Nor do we want compensation. We just want to be friends and brothers. These things are history, over and done with. What need is there to investigate things that happened a century ago? That generation has vanished. We now have a young population. They are our brothers. To keep talking about the past will slow our love, friendship and brotherhood down. There is no need for these things. We will embrace our Armenian brothers and ensure they are wealthy and at peace. We will ensure they live in comfort and happiness. That is what befits enlightened people in the 21st century. Calculating the bill from the past will produce nothing but strife and confusion. We must not fall into that trap. Let us set this aside. We are living in an age of love. The world needs peace, friendship and brotherhood. We must not support any move that might hinder the strengthening of friendships.

6. Is the papal position that accepts modern biological evolution and reserves divine creation to the soul really inherently at odds with Quranic revelation?

One may encounter intolerant and even aggressive behavior in the Christian world from time to time, among people holding different beliefs. But if we sincere believers treat one another with love, then all the initiatives taken by people with such mindsets will fail, insha’Allah.

As for the papacy’s view regarding Darwin’s theory of evolution, that is of course really astonishing. Because Darwinism is incompatible in any way with belief in Allah and Christianity, if the statements by the Vatican and the Pope in support of Darwinism are genuine, then it would appear that the Papacy is under pressure from freemasons and atheist Zionists. And if there really is such pressure and if the Pope is really being prevented from espousing the truth, then that is a truly dreadful state of affairs. But the Vatican is perfectly well aware that the great intellectual struggle against Darwinism over the last 30 years has exposed all that ideology’s frauds and Darwinism has taken its place as the worst error in history. European materialists and Darwinists are acting out of the shock of that huge defeat and imagine that they can resurrect Darwinism by making the Vatican issue statements in support of Darwinism. But the fact is that Darwinism is dead and nothing can bring it back to life. At a time when it has been fully realized that it is impossible for even a single protein to form by chance, that all the fossils described as transitional forms to date have turned out to be either hoaxes or else to belong to extinct life forms, and when creation has been proved by more than 100 million fossils all proving that evolution never happened, this means the Darwinist global mafia has come to an end. What Darwinists and materialists need to do is to bury Darwinism and apologize to the peoples of the world for the dictatorial regime they have imposed on it over the last 150 years.

7. Where does language come from? Is it the result of external (i.e., divine) intervention? Does opposition to generic Darwinism require rejection of evolution in all situations? Does the existence of human language support the papal position on evolution?

Darwinists seek to deceive people with the myth of 'the evolution of history'. But they encounter major difficulties. One of these is the question of how language first emerged. Speech is a characteristic that distinguishes humans from other living things. Thanks to language, human beings are able to shape their thoughts and produce meaningful statements. People speak unaware of the fact that all this takes place with highly specialized muscle movements and word sequences. As we speak, some 100 muscles all expand and contract in harmony, resulting in sounds, syllables and words, and in meaningful sentences by placing subjects, verbs and objects in an appropriate order. The fact that we do no more than 'desire to speak' in order to make use of an ability based on such highly complex stages clearly shows that speech is not a characteristic limited to biological structures. Human speech is a complex ability that cannot be explained in terms of the fictitious requirements or mechanisms of the theory of evolution. David Premack of the University of Pennsylvania summarized the position by saying 'human speech is an embarrassment for the theory of evolution,' The well-known linguist Derek Bickerton says: 'Could language have come directly out of some prehuman trait? No. Does it resemble forms of animal communication? No. . . . no ape, despite intensive training, has yet acquired even the rudiments of syntax… how words emerged, how syntax emerged. But these problems lie at the heart of language evolution.'

All the languages in the world are complex. Evolutionists are well aware that this complexity cannot be acquired gradually. Indeed, no transitional stage in the evolution of language has ever been observed. The origin of the ability to speak is obvious to anyone not caught up and led astray by evolutionist preconceptions. Allah inspires human beings to speak and causes them to do so. It is Almighty Allah Who bestows this ability. In the same way that evolutionists are unable to account for the biological structures on which speech depends, so they are unable to account for the consciousness that makes language possible. Human consciousness and the complexity in language, which cannot ever be reduced to matter, shows that a sublime mind created language, that of our Lord, Almighty Allah.

8. Is the Arabic of the Qur’an not created? If the Quran that is not created lies outside of this space-time continuum, which is created, when it refers to events in the Arabic of this continuum, must such events not have taken place in this space and time?

Because of the way things are suggested to them, human beings imagine that time is divided into separate sections along the lines of past, present and future. But the only reason we possess the concept of 'the past' is that certain events are given to our memories. For example, our first day at primary school is something present in our memories, which is why we perceive it as a past event. We have no memory of events in the future. We therefore regard these events of which we are as yet unaware as 'yet to take place' or 'due to happen in the future.' The fact is, however, that events that for us have taken place in the past and the future have all happened in the same way. But because some are not in our memories we are as yet unaware of them. Everything, past, present or future are parts of a destiny ordained, by Allah’s leave and with His knowledge, before the world was even created. People can only learn the events in their lives when they experience them. But Allah knows all events before they are experienced by us, for Allah, past, present and future are one and the same.

A period of time lasting billions of years for us is but a 'single moment' in the sight of Allah. For us, the future is something that has yet to happen. For Allah, it is already over and done with. We watch the future as we experience it. But something we have to wait to see already exists in the sight of Allah. All the events we say will happen in the future have already taken place in the dimension of eternity. Everything is already over and done within the sight of Allah, from the creation of the universe to its end. The main reason why some people are unable to comprehend the fact of destiny as they should is that they are unaware of all this. But 'things that have happened' are just things that have happened in our perceptual world. Allah, on the other hand, is unfettered by time and space. It is He Who created time and space from nothing. Allah has created the whole history of the world in a single 'moment.' For example, the day of the Prophet Moses’ (as) birth and all his conversations with Pharaoh were already determined in the sight of Allah. It was also ordained in the sight of Allah that when the Torah and the New Testament were sent down they would one day be corrupted. The Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) was also ready in the sight of Allah before he entered this world.

Human beings witness the destiny preordained for them throughout their lives. Every moment of people’s lives, everything they have already experienced and that they will experience after today are already in existence and have already taken place in the sight of Allah. Billions’ of people’s lives, every detail of the destinies of the planets, plants and other objects all exist and remain without ever decreasing or disappearing in the infinite ‘memory’ of Allah. Allah’s title of Hafidh (the Preserver, the Protector), is one of the manifestations of His infinite might and power.

9. Is it legitimate from an Islamic standpoint to view Islam as the culmination of the evolution of Jesus' message of piety toward God and righteousness toward one's fellow man through an intermediate stage of Jamesian Christian Judaism?

Judaism and Christianity are both true faiths (although they were subsequently distorted after the time of the prophets who preached them). Although both faiths contain different rules, depending on the climate and conditions of the time when they were revealed, they both share the same essential beliefs and moral values. In these two faiths, and Islam that was sent down after them, our Lord reveals the existence, oneness and titles of Allah, the purpose behind the creation of human beings and all other entities, how Allah is to be served, the behavior and lifestyle most pleasing to Him, the concepts of good and evil, right and wrong, how people must manage their lives in this world, what they must do to attain eternal life and other such vital issues. Looked at in these terms, there is but one true faith in the sight of Allah. Islam or 'submission to Allah' is the basis of all the true faiths that have been sent down to mankind since the time of the Prophet Adam (peace be upon him). Although the true faiths ascribed to prophets sent down later are known by such names as Judaism or Christianity, the faith revealed by all these prophets is in fact the same, Islam. And all prophets are 'Muslims.'

As in all matters, evolutionists are mistaken in their claims about society and history, and therefore about the so-called evolution of religion. Evolutionists who espouse the idea of the evolution of religion maintain that in ancient times people believed in supposedly 'primitive,' in other words polytheistic and tribal, religions, and that the true faith based on the principle of belief in Allah alone and addressing all of mankind emerged subsequent to those. The fact is, however, that the true faith is the one that has been revealed to mankind by Allah ever since the time of the Prophet Adam (pbuh). And at all times there have been true believers, hypocrites, pagans and impious people. That is the fact demonstrated by archeological and historical findings. However, as I have said earlier, superstitious and heretical beliefs have co-existed alongside the true faith in all periods. Today as well, there are people who believe in Allah, the One and Only, and others who fall into the error of worshiping idols made of stone or wood, various spirits, Satan, various animals, their ancestors, the Sun, the Moon or the stars. In addition, a significant part of these are people who live under highly developed conditions rather than backward ones. To put it another way, no such process as 'the evolution of religions,' that some people posit, in fact ever took place. But heretical religions emerged with the corruption of the true faith at various times. In short, there is no foundation to the idea of 'the evolution of religions,' and it is based merely on deficient logic. No archeological findings to support this claim, launched by materialists in the 19th century, have ever been found, and the claims have remained no more than speculation.

10. Is it legitimate to read early Sunni and Shiite Islamic history as a parable teaching the Muslim community that it must evolve beyond dependence on charismatic political and hereditary leaders into a devout nation, whose members can independently keep their own relationship with God in proper spiritual order?

Shiites and Sunnis are both Muslims possessed of taqwa (respect and fear of Allah), who love Allah and seek His approval, who are devout and pleasant natured. They are each other’s brothers. It is of course a good thing for there to be two main sects, Shiite and Sunni, rather than a cause for separatism. There is nothing wrong in that. We look back at certain events that happened in the past, but it is Allah Who appreciates and knows the truth of them. All believers, Shiite and Sunni, are dwellers in Paradise. They are brothers in Paradise. Of course, in Islamic belief every servant beseeches, prays to and begs forgiveness from Allah directly. They seek ways to be the closest to Him. They strive to strengthen their faith and enhance their trust in Him. There is no intermediary for that purpose in Islam, although Allah tells people of His faith through His books and messengers. The messengers warn people of the Day of Judgment and the eternal torment of Hell, as well as telling them the glad tidings of the eternal life of Paradise. It is Allah, Who creates human beings, Who best knows the order and conditions best suited to them. For that reason, He enables His servants to live the kind of lives and by the moral values He asks from them in the best way in this world, and also permits them to attain the Hereafter. In short, religious moral values are a system sent down as a manifestation of Allah’s mercy in order for people to attain the ideal structure in both social and individual terms.

Allah’s chosen messengers are natural leaders. Allah has appointed them in destiny and given them the attribute and duty of being guides to salvation. There have been devout believers and great scholars who greatly fear and love Allah, leaders who lead others to the truth. Shiite and Sunni scholars have represented excellent role models with their fear and love of and devotion to Allah.

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Kabobfest: "We only seem to waterboard Muslims"

Sana discusses and links a great discussion of waterboarding in this blog entry, to which I really can't add anything.
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Martillo on Iranian PressTV

At 15:00 Sunday May 24, 2009 GMT (11:00 AM US/Eastern) Iranian PressTV will host Bishop Riah Abu El-Assal (رياح حنا أبو العسل‎) of Nazareth and Joachim Martillo for 30 min to discuss Obama's June 4th visit to Egypt.

Some topics to be covered include:
  • Was the date chosen to coincide with the anniversary of the 1967 Six Day War which started on June 5th?
  • Why will Egypt be the venue despite the lack of democracy and the corrupt economy?
  • Which side holds the key to peace? Israeli Zionists or the Palestinians?
  • Will Obama ask the Islamic world to recognize Israel?
  • Will Obama be able to change the Islamic world's negative opinion of the USA?

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Real Meaning of Mentsh, Omertà

I noticed that Wikipedia has a misleading discussion of omertà

You can put all sorts of sinister connotations on the word, but -tà in this word is an abstract ending equivalent to -(i)ty in English or -(i)tas in Latin, and it is added to a verbal form that means "being a man."

I grew up with the Sicilian language (as well as Yiddish, Polish, English, and to some extent Spanish). Omertà meaning manliness can certainly be used outside of criminal contexts.

(While it makes sense that the head of a criminal gang would expect umirtà [humility] and respect from the members of his gang, I have to admit that I had never read or heard the alternate proposed derivation of omertà from humilitas [Latin humility] and have never heard omertà used in an expression that would make such an etymology plausible.)

At the root, if you have omertà, you are not a snitch and not a cry-baby. In truth the phrase za a mentsh in real Yiddish (not Yinglish) is exactly telling someone to have some omertà despite the ignorance of Harvard Yiddish Studies Professor Ruth Wisse, whose academic position at Harvard shows the power of corrupt Jewish social networking and the Yiddish code of silence.

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Ali's Notepad: Sixty one years ago…

I can't add anything to Sixty one years ago… All Americans should read it. Make sure to check out the comments.
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Monday, May 18, 2009

Haaretz Confirms: Two Separate Holocausts

The Holocaust didn't happen as or why Zionists claim.

Haaretz reporter Cnaan Liphshiz has published an article entitled French priest interviews Hitler's willing executioners in Ukraine . confirming my more than 10 year old analysis that there were two separate Holocausts as I most recently mentioned in my blog entry Jewish Peril: 1933 Versus 2009.

The Haaretz article does not discuss why E. European and Soviet populations wanted to kill Jews so badly for reasons completely unconnected to the German Nazis or Hitler.

If my analysis is too difficult for an ethically challenged Zionists and non-Jews deeply enmeshed in Zionist Holocaust hasbarah to follow, the short YNET article entitled Stalin's Jews along with my earlier blog entry The Pattern of Ethnic Ashkenazi Genocidalism: The Jewish Century by Yuri Slezkine.

Doesn't the disconnect between the facts and the Holocaust narrative with which we are inundated in the USA suggest that all those Holocaust Institutes throughout the USA are packaging trash as scholarship?

Shouldn't that worthless piece of garbage called the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, for which Americans are spending at least $60 million per year, be knocked down, turned over to Palestinians, or put under my leadership so that I could transform it into something useful?
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Understanding What Happened at Durban II

May 14, 2009

The facts: How Israel orchestrated the real Geneva 'hate fest' against Black and Brown people

by Arlene Eisen

Outgoing U.N. Rapporteur on Racism Doudou Diene speaks April 18 at a rally before the official UN Durban Review Conference in Geneva begins. – Photo: Arlene Eisen
On Saturday, April 18, two days before the United Nations Durban Review Conference (DRC) officially convened, anti-racist demonstrators from every continent and nearly every struggle in the world filled the streets of downtown Geneva. A sea of flags, banners and posters spoke for indigenous people from Bolivia, Mexico and Guatemala, the landless former slaves of Brazil, Tamils struggling for survival in Sri Lanka, a huge contingent of Dalits demanding an end to the caste system, Black delegates from the U.S. and other points in the Diaspora calling for reparations and freedom for political prisoners, Africans from the continent, many European migrants from the third world and their supporters and a variety of groups in solidarity with the Palestinian people. Some had handmade signs: "Zionism equals racism" and "Israel is an Apartheid State."

At the rally, Doudou Diène, "Special Rapporteur on Contemporary forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and related intolerance" and a scholar from Senegal, spoke. He emphasized that racism is rooted in slavery and colonialism, including settler colonialism. He pointed out that the Israeli occupation of Palestine continues a tradition of settler colonialism and racism. The crowd applauded. Not a heckler was in sight.

Most of us at the demonstration had heard the news that the U.N. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) - the organizer of the Conference - had attempted to appease the United States and Israel by deleting language supporting reparations for slavery and self determination for the Palestinian people. But the Obama administration's threat to continue the boycott begun by Bush and Israel in 2001 did not dampen the spirits of the demonstrators that afternoon. After the demonstration, various NGO caucuses met, many for the first time, attempting to prepare position papers that would pressure the DRC to be more responsive to grassroots anti-racist movements. We were about to learn that we had been thoroughly outmaneuvered.

Most were unaware that for nearly two years, hundreds of militant pro-Israeli activists and the Israeli Foreign Ministry had been coordinating their plans to sabotage the DRC. The fiercely pro-Israel NGO-Monitor named at least 17 Zionist organizations that had been "monitoring and protesting" the Durban Review Conference since May 2007 - only a few months after the U.N. General Assembly itself had passed a resolution to convene the Durban Review Conference.

[To read the rest of the article, click here.]

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