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Friday, September 05, 2008

Let the Exiles Return Home!

Found: Ancient Capital of 'Jewish' Khazar Kingdom

by Ze'ev Ben-Yechiel

A team of archaeologists claims to have discovered remnants of the legendary Khazar kingdom in southern Russia, according to a recent report. If the findings by the Russian team, reported by the French agency AFP, prove to be indeed the long-lost capital of the reputed Jewish state, they would represent one of the largest breakthroughs in Jewish archaeology.

Map of the Khazar kingdom and surrounding regions, including Israel
[Read Complete Article Here]

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Anonymous said...

It's a well known fact that the rumour that Jews are descended from the Khazars is merely an antisemitic canard propagated by jihadists and white supremacists.


Joachim Martillo said...

I believe bernk will have to revise his assumptions in the near term.

The article came from Israel National News.

I am not a bad statistician, and I have looked over the genetic anthropological data. The material that is not gooble-dy-gook supports Khazarian origin for ethnic Ashkenazim.

Fields Medal winner Vladimir Voevodsky told me that he has taken an interest in genetic anthropology.

There is a high probability that all arguments against a large ancestral Khazarian component in the ethnic Ashkenazi gene pool will be laid to rest within a few years.

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