Last year, Van Agt spoke as keynote speaker at a controversial solidarity rally with the Palestinian people in Rotterdam, where he lamented the Dutch boycott of Hamas, calling it wrong "and even stupid." He has also been outspoken in accusing the Israel Defense Forces of acting like a terrorist organization.
Over the years, several opinion-shapers, including the German writer and journalist Henryk Broder have accused Van Agt of anti-Semitism because of his criticism of Israel. People from organizations which are critical of Israel and regularly confer with Van Agt, like "A Different Jewish Voice" and United Civilians for Peace, say he is anything but anti-Semitic.
Turnabout is Fair Play
The only real weakness of the Zionist virtual imperial system comes from the mechanisms of societal control that Neocons have created
- in the security and anti-terrorism laws that have become part of US criminal code since 9/11 and
- in the humanitarian and anti-genocide discourse that the staff of Judonia [the Zionist Virtual Colonial Motherland] has created to use against the Sudan and Iran.
As gas prices rise over the summer, Americans may become more open to hearing the truth, and then the [oligarchs, intelligentsia,] staff and organizations of Judonia will become vulnerable to accusations of giving material support to terrorism and of inciting genocide.
If Jews and Jewish organizations do not receive exactly the same treatment as Muslims and Muslim organizations accused of giving material support to terrorism, Jewish officials like Mukasey and Chertoff will be vulnerable to accusations of enforcing one set of laws for Jews and another for non-Jews.[lxxiv]
The "Dutch Jimmy Carter" even looks a bit like the American Jimmy Carter. One thing one can't help but noticing from the picture is the advanced age. So, now we have a situation in which long-retired politicians are making statements against the excesses of Israel and even criticizing Judonia as expressed by AIPAC and the pro-Israel lobby.
One cannot help but wonder exactly WHEN these pols came to their tardy conclusions. Were they blinded to the truth while they were in office, or did they instead value their precious political careers too highly to risk them by speaking truth? I don't have a great deal of respect for 80 year olds who now that they have the time to "write poetry" instead of govern, want to tell us the truth about the political situation. I save my respect to those who are willing to risk their careers TODAY to battle the injustice.
I respect your work greatly, Joachim. I hope you know that there are those of us out here - even Americans like myself - who see things as you do.
One unfortunate truth that you are missing is that as the gas prices rise and the financial structure crumbles, taking away the wealth of the middle class American, the anger won't be confined to oligarchs and the hierarchy of Judonia. It will eventually play out as anger against Jews as an ethnic group, as anger is rarely accurately channeled, especially by those who feel it but lack the truth that enables them to focus it effectively.
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