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Monday, June 23, 2008

Renouncing Brutality by Renouncing Israel?

Zohan and Jewish Sexual Ambiguity

by Joachim Martillo (

The film entitled You Don't Mess with the Zohan, which I have yet to see, sounds interesting because of the apparent rejection of Zionist extremist hypermasculine callousness and brutality for the traditional Central or Eastern European sexual ambiguity of the German and Yiddish Jewish Diaspora.

ללכת על המים (Walk on Water, Eytan Fox, Lior Ashkenazi) had similar subthemes.

If Zohan helps more Americans become aware of the perverted nature of Zionism (more correctly ethnic Ashkenazi Nazism), it could be a good thing in hastening the abolition of the Zionist state, the eradication of Zionism, the restoration of Palestinian residence rights, the reconveyance of stolen property to its rightful owners, and the removal from Palestine of the criminal genocidal population of Zionist interlopers, invaders, and thieves

Married to Another Man, Married to Another Woman,  Zionist Film: Normalizing Jewish Dual Loyalties, and Zionist Film: Exodus - Terrorism is Good discuss the standard types of Zionist propaganda that typically appear in Hollywood films.

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