Followup: Arun Gandhi and Sholem Aleichem
Followup: The Lies of Yiddish Studies
In the nineteenth century, Jewish anger in Central and Eastern Europe resulted mostly from the breakdown of the traditional Jewish community, the disappearance of the traditional Jewish economic sector, and a sense of thwarted entitlement.
Many Jews became highly disaffected and took part in violent revolutionary activities, terrorism and assassination or simply engaged in exploitive and ethically questionable business practices toward their non-Jewish (and sometimes their Jewish) neighbors.
The Holocaust might explain some aspects of Jewish confrontational behavior, but Jewish Holocaust fixation for the most part starts in the aftermath of the 1967 Israeli War of Aggression and has steadily increased ever since. Holocaust obsession is probably a consequence of increasing Jewish confrontationalism, and, in any case, a large proportion of Russian Ashkenazim were up to their eyeballs in mass murder, ethnic cleansing, and genocide on behalf of the Bolshevik Revolution or the Soviet Union long before the mass killing of Jews started in 1941 during World War 2.
Nowadays, the older generation of Jews seems to live in dread that younger Jews will realize how evil Zionism and the State of Israel really are while younger Jews often educated in Hebrew school on stories of positive Jewish achievements and the greatness of Israel suffer severe cognitive dissonance whenever confronted with the reality of increasing legitimate hostility towards Jews because of the crimes of Zionism and of the State of Israel.
To the left and above is a great cartoon on Jewish rage from (Eli Valley's The Incredible Hulk). It depicts by analogy the heavy-handed and legally questionable means that American Jews use in their never-ending quest to control discourse about the State of Israel and to prevent any public questioning of the US-Israel alliance.
This -- Jewish anger -- is an interesting topic, Joachim. Hope you can expand on it at some point.
I don't mean to accuse you of being antisemitic, but I do find parallels between some of your insights and those of Dr. Kevin MacDonald.
MacDonald posits that one of the distinguishing traits Ashkenazim possess is that they are more "psycholgically intense" and more aggressive (even if it is only the verbal aggression & pushiness displayed by Dershowitz or Norman Finkelstein). In my experience Eastern Europeans, be they slavs or descendants of the khazars, are more aggressive and more psychologically intense than Nordic Europeans. I wonder if this is partly genetic?
I'm not saying I agree entirely with MacDonald's analysis. Some of his other claims may specious, especially with regard to genetic rather than ideological and cultural predispostions, but although controversial, he does offer a few insights:
Understanding Jewish Influence
One of the points MacDonald makes in this paper is that Ashkenazi Jews are more aggressive and intelligent than Yemenite Jews:
The Israel Lobby: A Case Study
Is this true? Can some of these differences be attributed to one's genetic endowment? Interesting question.
Kind Regards,
As I understand Kevin MacDonald's work, he is mostly concerned with group evolutionary psychology, and for the most part genetics is not a big part of his thinking.
He tends to focus on Jewish writings about Jews and Judaism and should probably be more skeptical. He should also not venture before the 10th century CE because the writings about and from that period conflict too much with themselves. When historians try to sort it out, the historical reality seems quite different from the religious history as described in the texts.
I try to write political economy and find some problems with the language of modern political science, which does not address virtualization of state-like entities very well.
You might find it helpful to look at Judonia Rising in order to understand my perspective.
I've yet to see evidence of this alleged Jewish intellectual superiority.
Dear BrianAkira,
Two blog entries address your issue:
Gladwell Supports Hegemonic Zionist Discourse
Zionist Infestation Causes US Incompetence.
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