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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Abu el-Haj: Best Revenge

Sara Gold writes in Archeology, Politics and Nadia Abu El-Haj:
Even normally obscure scholarly books can benefit from a blast of publicity. Witness anthropologist Nadia Abu El-Haj’s Facts on the Ground: A...

The article mentions Who Owns Antiquity by James Cuno because of its relevance to the debate over Nadia Abu el-Haj:
This debate has bedeviled several major museums in recent years. I doubt that Cuno wants to be drawn into the Abu El-Haj debate, but his argument seems strikingly similar to hers. He writes, “There is no natural and indelible connection between antiquities and modern nation-states. The battle over our ancient heritage today is over false claims of ownership. It is a matter simply of politics.”
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