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Saturday, June 21, 2008

TNR Versus Senator James Webb

Peretz' Logic for Disqualifying VPs
by Joachim Martillo (
The New Republic has published two articles in opposition to a Barack Obama James Webb ticket in the presidential campaign.
Web of Deception by Richard Just argues that Webb is a reactionary with whom Obama should not team even though in the past VP candidates were often chosen to appeal to constituencies different from those that back the presidential nominee.
Mad Skills by Eve Fairbanks argues that Webb really appeals to exactly the same voter base as Obama and adds nothing to the ticket.
TNR is trying to cover all the bases in its opposition to Webb.
Jim Webb's Anti-Semitic Campaign Fliers « C.A.R.D may give a better hint of the real concerns of Editor-in-Chief Martin Peretz, for this blog entry argues that Webb is an anti-Semite.
In the discussion Why Is The New Republic Bent on Tearing Webb? from Mondoweiss, I point out:

Liberalism really isn't the issue.

Peretz is not exactly a liberal, and there is little in Nazi ideology with which he would not agree as long as Arab is substituted for Jew, Jew for German, Medinat or Eretz Israel for Germany, and Palestine for Poland.

While Webb does not seem to like Arabs much (see ), he has not shown any particular affection for Jews, and with his psychological profile, Webb probably is not particularly amenable to Zionist manipulation and might even make achieving Zionist influence over Obama more difficult -- probably the only real issue for Peretz, CanWest [part owner of TNR] and TNR.

Webb has some personal integrity. I have a slight acquaintance, who was hitting on him a few years ago before she knew he was married. He proved resistent, and when she realized he was married she quit.

With Webb as VP, there would not be any Lewinsky's in the VP's office.

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Anonymous said...

I for one hope Webb makes the cut..good post.

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