by Joachim Martillo (
Barry Obama (as he was known at Harvard Law School) has never been my favorite politician.
Yet, because my wife and I have been subjected to similar ridiculous accusations from Jewish Zionists and their fellow travelers, I am becoming far more sympathetic to Obama.
Not only do the anti-Obama buttons displayed at the Texas Republican Convention detract from the credibility of Obama critics, but Barack Obama is probably the whitest black guy on the planet. His mother is white while his father was African but not African-American, and Barack
Until Oprah declared Barack black, there were a lot of questions about his blackness.
If Michelle Obama really called anyone "whitey," she was probably either referring to Barack or we would have to believe that she was implicitly insulting Barack's mom and grandma.
In any case, can any white American really fault a black American for using a term like "whitey"? Do black Americans have no legitimate grievances?
In contrast, no one challenges Jews in the public sphere even though far too many Jews with far less legitimate cause routinely insult Jesus or Christianity and denigrate non-Jews. (Could the reason be disproportionate representation of Jews in the news industry?)
Michael Wex writes in Born to Kvetch: Yiddish Language and Culture in All Its Moods (p. 18):
The opposition [to the Goyish] was made flesh in the person of Jesus. To the Jews, Jesus was, in the words of the early medieval Toldos Yeshu (Life of Jesus), a Jewish antigospel written in Hebrew, a mamzer ben ha-nidoh, the bastard son of an unclean woman. Official Jewish opinion has nothing in common with, say, the Muslim view of Jesus as a prophet. Jesus was considered so loathsome that Jewish legend views St. Peter, of all people as a frumer yid, a pious and heroic Jew, who deliberately set out to effect a complete separation between "real" Jews and Judeo-Christian traitors by establishing the Catholic Church, which thus becomes good for the Jews because it saved us from having to pray with goyim.
Unless otherwise specified, a goy is usually assumed to be a Christian, the kind of goy with whom almost all Yiddish-speaking Jews were living. No one who ever described an argument or excuse that doesn't hold water has having a mamoshes vi der goyisher got, as much substance as the god of the gentiles, thought that the god might be Zeus. The only goyisher got who matters is Jesus, and an expression that means "It's as close to the real truth as the notion that the blood of Jesus has set us free," tells us a good deal about the oppositional nature of a language like Yiddish, and why it could not rest content with German as already spoken.
the old joke about the Jewish convert to Christianity who gets up on the morning after his baptism, puts on tallis [prayer shawl] and tefillin [phylacteries] and starts to daven [pray]. Moyshe," says his wife, "Host zikh nekhtn opgeshmat, You converted to Christianity yesterday." Moyshe stops praying, gives himself a slap in the forehead, and cries out, "Goyisher kop [non-Jewish head]!"
I have lived among Jews in the New York City, Chicago, New Haven, and Boston areas. Wex is simply wrong, is lying, or possibly wants to believe something which is palpably untrue. Contempt for non-Jews is a major part of Jewish culture for far too many American Jews.
BTW, I really doubt that sexism played a major role in Hillary's loss. Obama's team just outperformed Hillary's. All during the 70s through the 2000s, every study has shown that in competitive situations between white women, black women, and black men, prejudice almost invariably hurts black men the most and white women the least.
David Brooks seems to agree with the assessment in my second paragraph. See Obama is a split-personality politician.
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