by Joachim Martillo (
Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi heads the Islamic House of Wisdom in Dearborn Heights and was a spiritual leader in the Iranian Navy.
Is the Detroit News trying to imply dual loyalties or maybe even loyalty only to Iran because Imam Elahi was drafted into the Iranian military like all Iranian male citizens that reach service age?
What should we think about someone like Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic Monthly, who as an American Jew volunteered for Israeli but not the American military service?
Most Middle Easterners that immigrate to the USA are often at the very least extremely annoyed by the politics of their native lands. There is little reason to suspect that such immigrants would chose to serve the governments of their former states over American interests, but far too many Jews evaluate foreigin policy on the basis of benefits to Jews and actively try to prevent Americans from discussing whether a pro-Israel policy is good for the USA.
Will the Detroit News begin to supply more information about Jewish commentators so that readers can speculate on Jewish loyalties?
Who supplied this information about Imam Elahi?
The four images after Imam Elahi's article from the Detroit Jewish Community Relations Council 2007 Annual Report create some obvious suspicions.
Are the Detroit News and the Detroir Free Press too cozy with Jewish propagandists (image 4, upper left)? Good journalism aims for objectivity and not for neutral or "evenhanded" (image 3) coverage of events.
When Paul Anger, Vice President/Editor, Detroit Free Press, states (image 3 and 4 bottom), "We depend on the Council: for quick response, valuable perspective and effective spokespersons for stories about Israel and issues affecting the local Jewish community," readers have to suspect whether articles in the Free Press have any connection to the facts.
A newspaper should make use of many sources but not depend on any of them.
Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi: Faith and PolicyBush's Middle East foreign policy creates moral tragediesThe archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, recently called the United States "a hegemonic power that has lost the high moral ground." Our politicians have ruined not only our economy but also our image and integrity. President George W. Bush didn't practice what he preached of a "humble foreign policy" but applied instead the attitude of "might is right." Our country, once a beacon of hope and freedom for the world, has squandered our prosperity to create conflicts and instigate civil wars among other nations by funding one group against another. This is a moral tragedy. The successful presidential election in Lebanon indicates the failure of the Bush foreign policy. The people of the region are searching for reconciliation. The United States should get on the right side of the struggle and be part of the triumph of peace. The president said he gave up golfing "in solidarity" with the families of soldiers in Iraq. I hope the president resumes his golfing soon. A more constructive display of solidarity would be to stop these wars, fix the mess in Iraq and Afghanistan and don't start yet another war in the Persian Gulf. There is no evidence that Iran is building nuclear weapons. United Nations atomic watchdog chief, Mohamed El-Baradei, accused the Bush administration of adding "fuel to the fire" with bellicose rhetoric. The national intelligence estimate in November 2007 confirmed that Iran's nuclear program has no military aspect -- it is not pursuing nuclear weapons. Under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, Iran, just like any other country, has the right to produce peaceful nuclear technology. To negotiate with North Korea and Israel, which already have nuclear weapons, while continuing this psychological war against Iran is another symptom of political illness. On Jan. 20, when George W. Bush has to vacate the White House, he also will leave behind his Israeli-Palestinian legacy. The president's speech to the Israeli parliament last month disingenuously called Israel "a free and modern society based on love of liberty, a passion for justice, and a respect for human dignity." Impressed with his unusual support for Israel, some lawmakers suggested that Bush is a better friend to Israel than Israel's prime minister. Ehud Olmert should "learn from the president of the United States what Zionism is," Knesset member Zvi Hendel remarked. Honestly, the best friends of Israel are those who say it like it is. Former President Jimmy Carter called the Israeli policy toward Gaza "one of the greatest human rights crimes on earth." Political scientist Ilan Pappe said it's possible for the Palestinians and Jews to live together, but Israel needs to acknowledge the crimes it committed against the Palestinian people and accept the Palestinian refugees' right of return, as required by international law. Our nation deserves truthful and trustworthy leaders who have enough courage and commitment to turn the anti-American resentment around the world into respect and love. This country needs leaders who can practice what they preach and what America needs -- "liberty and justice for all." Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi heads the Islamic House of Wisdom in Dearborn Heights and was a spiritual leader in the Iranian Navy. E-mail letters to |
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