Here is some recent stuff from Judea Pearl, which more or less shows where his mind is.
Israeli advocacy organizations and Israeli consulates have been monitoring US news organizations since the 1950s. They have fairly complete information. Zionist surveillance of US media and government officials is quite thorough. A few years ago AIPAC came to Harvard to recruit congressional summer interns from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government to spy their employers and report back any thoughts deviating from the Zionistically correct.
From the moment Benazir Bhutto and the PPP lost power in Pakistan, Benazir and her operatives were working hard on proving that the PPP is the most Jew-friendly party to rule Pakistan. No Bhutto aide has been more zealous in pandering AIPAC and Jewish groups than Hussein Haqqani, who is the new Pakistani ambassador to the USA.
In the aftermath of 9/11, the primary effort of Benazir's people in the USA was undermining the relationship between Musharaf and Washington.
The killing of Danny Pearl focused a lot of people in the US government (especially Neocons) on the idea that Musharaf had to go, and a more friendly (PPP) regime had to be put in place in Pakistan.
Why was Danny Pearl the victim and not Richard Behar?
Danny was a prominent Wall Street Journal reporter just as Richard was prominent at Fortune.
Online information about Danny Pearl's great-grandfather Chaim Perl was almost guaranteed to enrage Danny's captors far more than the story of the department store that Richard's Cicurel relatives used to own in Egypt.
Danny Pearl's online background information tells that he worked on behalf of Russian Refuseniks, who were an early Neocon cause. Daniel Pipes in particular might have felt a special connection to Danny Pearl.
Perhaps Zionist operatives passed the info along to PPP agents -- maybe even to impress on them how important it was to save Danny. Instead, the PPP does a calculation and passes the info along to the captors through Bhutto connections in the Pakistani intelligence service and military. The captors spend some time online, put together some questions for Danny, become enraged, and kill him.
The Zionists get a new Ann Frank for the War on Terror. Judea Pearl becomes a foil for Rachel Corrie's parents. The process of undermining Musharraf gets a big boost, and, a few months after Danny Pearl's killing, David Frum told me that Pakistan and especially Musharraf constitute a big liability in the War on Terror.
Now after five years of efforts by Nawaz Sharif, Benazir Bhutto, and US government factions, Musharraf has been severely weakened while Haqqani becomes Pakistani Ambassador to the USA.
It works out great from the standpoint of Israel Advocates, the Neocons, the PPP, and the State of Israel.
For rising powers within the PPP like Haqqani, the situation could not be better. Benazir is dead, and people like Haqqani can rise much faster within the PPP while Musharraf and Sharif are destined for a real know-down drag-out within a year or so.
In chess, I would call this a positional game based on the sacrifice of a pawn. In the history of Zionism, such gambits are fairly frequent and not uncommon in the politics of the Indian subcontinent.
Am I a paranoid conspiracy theorist?
Why are Her Majesty Queen Noor of Jordan and Sari Nusseibeh lending their names to give credibility to the fanatic ramblings of a racist Jewish Zionist extremist like Judea Pearl?
Why not investigate the hundreds of lobbys that exist within the US government.
Why not discuss how every country in the world spies on other countries.
Why not be intellectually honest.
Of course, I am most interested in the Israel Lobby. My field of expertise is Jewish studies.
From the standpoint of political science, the Israel Lobby as the public face of the Zionist Virtual Colonial Motherland is extremely interesting.
I point out in the Historiography of Pre-State Zionism:
As long as US strategic foreign policy is hitched to Israel, whether an American citizen supports the alliance between the USA and Israel or opposes it, he must be distressed by the inadequacy of Jewish studies in America because a good background in Judaica is necessary in order to make an informed judgment on this policy. The discipline of Jewish studies, which is dominated by racists, tribalists and Zionists, has simply failed the obligation to educate Americans.[iv] The wrong issues are debated while important questions are not posed.
It is probably an expression of hubris, but I am using my blog to try to address some of the problems with Jewish studies in America.
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