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Thursday, June 05, 2008

More on Obama AIPAC Speech

Takes One to Know One?
by Joachim Martillo (

Farah Stockman reported in Israel backers hear Obama's vow of fidelity (Boston Globe, June 5) that
Ariel Cohen, a senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank based in Washington, said he didn't "believe a word" of Obama's pro-Israel pledges.
Ariel Cohen is a right-wing Jewish Zionist, who justified Israeli outrages against Lebanon in U.S. Should Not Impose a Ceasefire Deadline on Israel.

Because Zionism is based on such a large and dense array of lies that it probably qualifies as the expression of a collective form of Münchhausen's syndrome, certification from an über-Zionist of Obama's mendacity in his speech to AIPAC is probably immensely significant as evidence of Obama's realization of the uselessness of any sort of meaningful fact-based discussion with the vast majority of Jewish American Israel-supporters.
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