by Joachim Martillo (
In case Zionist propaganda efforts like Obsession, Radical Islam's War on the West, do not produce enough traction for the Islamofascism accusation among the American public, BU Professor Anna Geifman is covering all bets by laying the groundwork for the concept of Islamobolshevism.
The Bolsheviks of Gaza | Features | Jerusalem Post reports:
Anna Geifman's cappuccino is getting cold as she talks about Hamas and its motives. The energetic professor makes one point that leads to another, and then to four more.
Anna Geifman
Photo: Ariel Jerozolimski
Photo: Ariel Jerozolimski
"I can talk about terrorism from today until doomsday," Geifman says with a laugh, catching her breath and then adding, more seriously, "or until they stop."
In Jerusalem, discussions of Palestinian terrorism do seem as if they'll go on until doomsday, and the academics doing the talking are a dime a dozen. What makes Geifman different is that her expertise lies in another field, even in another era: revolutionary Russia. It's a subject she teaches her students at Boston University and one that, she says, is strikingly similar to modern times.
"Everything you see today - every single aspect of terrorism - you can see it in the Russia of a century ago," she says.
Before our lives were changed by the likes of Hamas and Hizbullah, Geifman notes, Russian society was devastated by rampant violence, from the turmoil leading up to the peasant revolt of 1905, through the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 and the establishment of the Soviet Union. Political violence in Russia - what we call terrorism today - developed primarily in Moscow and was perpetrated by "combat organizations" whose first targets were government officials.
"This was old-time, traditional terrorism - targeting people very carefully, assassinating people who were senior members of the government, people who affected policy," Geifman says. "But then, they basically killed whoever they could attack, and very often there was no connection. Anyone who wore a uniform became a target - being a mailman was a very dangerous occupation, for example."
Geifman's CV indicates that she has absolutely no qualifications to make such a judgment beyond her grant and fellowship from the
- John M. Olin Foundation, which has been a mainstay of support for Zionist David Horowitz, who heads the David Horowitz Freedom Center, and
- The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, which is a Zionist "Think Tank" originally named EMET as a sort of joke because emet is the word for truth in Hebrew.
At a recent Harvard event Zionist Neocon Daniel Pipes worried that comparable Saudi support for scholars might influence academic discourse.
Because Zionist pseudoscholars like Geifman have already thoroughly infested American academia, any Saudi effort to provide college students with alternate analysis can only be helpful because it is hard to be more mendacious or incorrect than Geifman and her ilk.
A rational analyst of the political situation in Gaza would at least note that Zionists have been trying to manipulate Palestinians into fratricidal strife for decades. Except perhaps for German funding and assistance to the Bolsheviks to undermine the Russian state, there simply is no activity comparable to Zionist efforts to ruin Palestinian society in the history of the Russian Empire during the period between 1905-1917.
An intellectually honest discussion of violence in the Palestinian territories and Iraq would address the issues both of external subversion and also of resistance to murderous brutal occupations of the sort that Zionists and the US government (under Zionist Neocon manipulation) run today and that the German Nazis maintained during WW2. In Western and Eastern Europe the anti-Nazi resistance often attacked local policemen as collaborators.
An intellectually honest discussion of violence in the Palestinian territories and Iraq would address the issues both of external subversion and also of resistance to murderous brutal occupations of the sort that Zionists and the US government (under Zionist Neocon manipulation) run today and that the German Nazis maintained during WW2. In Western and Eastern Europe the anti-Nazi resistance often attacked local policemen as collaborators.
A better parallel to the Palestinian situation might be the fracturing of Jewish society as a result of attempts at reform by Tsar Nicholas I during the period from 1823-1855. By the end of his misguided and possibly in some cases malicious efforts, Russian Ashkenazi Jewish society was fragmented with a nascent Jewish intelligentsia and revolutionary class that began to lead terrorist movements, undertake targeted assassinations and wage campaigns of sabotage. (See Followup (II): Origins of Modern Jewry.)
Geifman has shown the true Judeonazi nature of her belief system in '...And the Children Shall Return to Their Border...', in which she eulogizes Philip Musko a Russian Jewish immigrant IDF soldier killed while he took part in a criminal IDF operation in Lebanon. The article is a sort of prose version of the Horst-Wessel-Lied.
For the most part Musko got what he deserved for emigrating from his native Russia to participate in ongoing Zionist crimes against the native Palestinian population, but the real villain of Geifman's piece is his grandfather Israel Musko, who filled Philip's head with delusional and perverted Zionist ethnic fundamentalist ideology.
Not only is Geifman perpetrating the exact same harm on BU students as Philip Musko committed on his grandson, but by emigrating to the State of Israel she will also be taking part in the exact same sort of criminal activities that Philip Musko perpetrated as a citizen of the Zionist state.
Yom Kippur approaches. It is time for Geifman to atone, and as the tide turns against Neoconservatism, Zionism, Jewish racism, and Jewish fanaticism, all decent people can hope that she will one day be tried before the International Criminal Court at the Hague.
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who the terrorists are?
Very powerfull article. I only hope that world policy makers can heed the warnings of history and learn from our mistakes. Terror groups and there kin are only emboldened by the radical leftists of the world who claim to be supporters of peace but in truth are supporters of the most violent of terror groups who's own charter calls for the murder of a entire race of people and the greatest abusers of children the world has ever seen. The world leftitsts have "blood on there hands" for enabling these terror groups,while they protest them selves as "human rights activists" women are tortured.
Geifman is right to go back to the Bolsheviks as a start, but one only needs look at the growth of the PLO in the 70s (after moving to Lebanon) to see that those under Arafat's direction (as well as most, if not all, terror groups at the time) got the bulk of their training in RUSSIA (and the money & arms through Arafat's office in Beirut). So, the Muslim Brotherhood (aka Hamas) as well as the PLO (remember that Abu Mazen did his post-graduate study in Moscow) learned from the masters... DIRECTLY (not from studying Bolshevik history). Now, we need to watch PUTIN... in this and more!
Winston Churchill was correct when he said that Islam is a cult and not a religion. And Islam has shown itself to be a death cult.
I couldn't care less if it's the pope that produced the movie OBSESSION, it's impertaive for all to see the danger to humanity coming from radical Islam.
Stop protecting (CAIR, or) those that want to slit your throat no matter what your "politics" is!
Do you realy dream that Islamofascists militants care if a Jew is religious or not?
Reminder, Pearl was a liberal Jew, then again, Christians & Jews are APES & PIGS Says radical Islam.
Anonymous1 says:
Excellent article.
The relevant point here is that the real comparison is between bolshevik terror and zionist terror (both Jewish inspired). Miss Geifman, with her Talmudically trained twist think mind, is trying to analogize Palestinians fighting for their land with Jewish communists. Only a tribe pseudo-scholar could come up with that one.
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