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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

islamozionism: Neoconservative Think Tank Influence on US Policies: 'Team B'

This article gives an indication of the generational and pervasive nature of the Jabotinskian Zionist Neocon conspiracy.

Richard Pipes, who worked closely with Paul Wolfowitz during the 70s, is the father of Daniel Pipes.

Just as Richard Pipes produced distorted Neoconservative propaganda about the Soviet Union, Daniel Pipes disseminates distorted Neoconservative propaganda about the Arab and Islamic worlds.

Richard Pipes has consistently lied about the role of Bolshevik Ashkenazim in overthrowing the pre-Soviet Russian government, in consolidating the Soviet Union, and in planning as well as in participating in Soviet crimes including mass murder, ethnic cleansing and genocide.

Both Pipeses are extremist Zionist Jewish ethnic fundamentalists that lie whenever it is "good for the Jews." Sphere: Related Content


Anonymous said...

The link you posted links to a blog with nothing on it. Can you tell us more about how Richard Pipes lied? Do you think it's possible Pipes may have been misinformed?

I'm not doubting you, but I know little about this topic. I do find your blog to be very interesting.

Joachim Martillo said...

I checked the link. It seems to work, but to read the target article you must click the "show/hide" text.

Richard Pipes in his day was considered one of the foremost scholars of Russia and the Soviet Union.

Solzhenitsyn accused Richard Pipes of writing the Polish version of the history of Russia. I consider Solzhenitsyn because of a lack of understanding of the differences between the ethnic Ashkenazi and the ethnic Polish point of view.

I took a class from Pipes at Harvard and found that he consistently underestimated the role of Jewish revolutionary activity in the Czarist Empire, the Jewish role in bringing about the Russian Revolution and the importance of Jews in the consolidation of the Soviet Union.

Slezkine tries to give a more realistic appraisal in The Jewish Century.

I find evidence of Richard Pipes's biases in his writings whenever he discusses Jews, but it is more in tone than in specific falsehoods.

In The Russian Revolution, p. 10-11, he writes, "Plehve made no secret of his dislike of Jews, which he justified by blaming them for the revolutionary ferment (he claimed that fully 40 percent of the revolutionaries were Jews)."

Was Plehve right? Pipes gives no indication except for a reiteration of Plehve's anti-Semitism. Slezkine would probably argue that Plehve underestimated. I am not sure that Plehve was any more anti-Jewish than he was anti-Finnish, anti-Armenian, or anti-Polish. The hereditary Russian aristocracy did not have much love for anyone outside of the hereditary Russian aristocracy.

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