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Monday, September 29, 2008

Fight a Republican October Surprise!

Write on Aafia Siddiqui's Behalf!
by Joachim Martillo (
Republican strategists may be attempting to use Aafia Siddiqui to create conditions for an October surprise so that McCain will defeat Barak Obama.
For more information on Aafia, see the World View News Service.
Please write Democratic Congressmen on her behalf.
Here is a letter that I sent to politically connected academics in the Boston area.
Sometimes Kindness is Realism
Dear Sirs,
My wife Karin spoke with MP Lord Nazir Ahmed yesterday about the case of Brandeis graduate Aafia Siddiqui, who is being held in NY City and is being tried on numerous terrorism charges that have a strong resemblance to the Niger yellowcake story associated with the lead-up to the invasion of Iraq.
To follow up what Karin learned, I have spent a good deal of time in researching the matter.
As far as I can tell, practically everything of which Siddiqui is accused looks like some form of paranoid -- dare I say it -- Zionist fantasy. (We have -- thank Martin Peretz -- a lot of that around Boston.) 
Siddiqui is only clearly guilty of Islamic activism and charity work at Brandeis. While a certain segment of Zionists would like such activities to be criminalized, they have not yet been. If she really had been some sort of deep cover al-Qaeda operative in the USA, Brandeis is probably the last place to work on such projects.
The case is becoming a cause célèbre in Pakistan and has the potential to whip up a new frenzy of anti-Americanism in the Islamic world.
It is not impossible that the Bush administration is in fact trying to stoke conditions for some sort of blow-up against the USA because it would help the McCain election campaign, but from the standpoint of realist foreign policy, some effort on the part of politically active Americans to make sure this woman is at least treated for the gunshot wound, from which she is suffering, would do a lot to prevent a situation that probably should never have arisen from spinning out of control to cause truly disproportionate harm to US international interests.
Sincerely yours,
Joachim Martillo
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Khurram Ali Shafique said...

I commend you on the rational and objective tone of your post. Indeed, the issue of Aafia Siddiqui is sensitive and needs to be handled with clear-headed objectivity devoid of sentimentalism from both sides (or "all" sides, in case there are more than two in this matter). Since 09/11, the world seems to be passing through a period of "readjustment" and, silently but solemnly, people around the world are redefining their perceptions of each other. The way the Aafia Case is handled by the US may go a long way towards shaping the world's perception of that country in the new epoch of history which has just begun to emerge.

Abe Bird said...

There is no such phrase as "Ethnic Ashkenazim" because Judaism and Ashkenazim in not a race or ethnicity. It is nationality and belief/religious combined.

Your Anti Semitism is obvious and false.

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