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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

The Silence of the Shams

Bill Fisher provides another excellent article on the executive branch's war on Muslim charity's in THE WORLD ACCORDING TO BILL FISHER: The Silence of the Shams.

Even though Fisher is unwilling to admit the obvious, the origins of this federal policy lies with the ongoing effort of Jewish Zionists
  • to marginalize or to demonize Arabs and Muslims and
  • to prevent Arab and Muslim Americans from fully excersizing their rights as American citizens to participate in American politics.
[I will blog this issue shortly by looking at Daniel Pipes's campaign against alleged "Islamic Totalitarianism."]

By any objective standard the State of Israel is a terrorist state, and the Israeli Defence Forces by any objective standard far more of a terrorist organization than the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

If the Bush administration applied the anti-terrorism laws in the same way against Jews, Zionists, Zionist organizations and Jewish groups as it does againsts, Muslims, Arabs, Arab organizations, and Muslim groups, the US government would long ago have seized all the assets of Israel advocates and practically all the assets of the organized Jewish community while Zionist Jewish oligarchs like the Bronfmans, Haim Saban, the Krafts, Sheldon Adelson, Martin Peretz, etc. would be languishing in Guantanamo or some similar facility where they could be interrogated along with members of the Zionist intelligentsia like Pipes, Feith, the Podhoretzes, Bill Kristol, Charles Jacobs, Roz Rothstein, Ruth Wisse, etc. according to Dershowitzian principles in order to determine the extent of the Jewish Zionist anti-American conspiracy.

As I have pointed out in US Politics: Roots of Shabbesgoyism, shabbesgoyism has almost entirely supplanted patriotism among American political leaders. Sphere: Related Content