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Monday, September 15, 2008

Holy Land Foundation (Re)trial: A dangerous post

Harold Knight considers his article Holy Land Foundation (Re)trial: A dangerous post to be a dangerous blog entry because the reader would find in it a suggestion of an analogy between contemporary US politics and German Nazi politics -- especially in the following item:
8) The distinction between hatred and fear is a difficult one. But hatred can go only so far to allowing an illegitimate government to carry out its own designs. FEAR, on the other hand, will make even the strongest citizenry docile and cooperative. Hating Jews was not enough in 1933 Germany; the people had to be taught to fear them.
Despite his qualms Knight's basic inclinations are correct. In Backgrounder on Christian Zionism (4 yrs old but still relevant), I discuss the development of an American form of Nazism from the amalgamation Neoconservatism and white racist premillennial dispensationalist apocalyptic Christian Zionist fundamentalism. Sphere: Related Content