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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Obsession, Thernstrom, Stern, EMET, USCCR

EMET Manipulates US Government
by Joachim Martillo (
In Civil Rights for Some Americans, I pointed out that the United States Commission on Civil Rights (USCCR) has been perverted by Jewish members and staff like Abigail Thernstrom and Kenneth Marcus to serve Jewish privilege instead of carrying out its civil rights mission.
In 2005 the Commission was investigating anti-Semitism on campus, watching the defamatory movie Columbia Unbecoming produced and distributed by The David Project, and taking testimony from Sarah Stern all for the purpose of substantiating a non-existent problem of anti-Semitism on college campuses.
Who is Sarah Stern?
The document USCCR document Campus Anti-Semitism gives her biography. On p. 74, it identifies her as the Director, Office of Governmental and Public Affairs, American Jewish Congress, and points out on p. 75 that she has left the AJCongress to establish the think tank and policy center named the Endowment for Middle East [Truth] (EMET). This latter organization has worked with Aish haTorah and probably funded the effort to disseminate tens of millions of copies of the propaganda DVD Obsession, Radical Islam's War against the West, in order
  • to influence the presidential election,
  • to incite racism and Islamophobia against Muslim Americans and Muslims in general for the purpose of marginalizing American Muslims in the US political system, and
  • (quite probably) to distract from the role that Aish haTorah and other Jewish social networking has played in the Wall Street meltdown.
It looks like a prima facie case of conspiracy on the part of right-wing Jewish Zionist extremist members of the USCCR to engage in a conspiracy with right-wing Jewish Zionist Islamophobes against the rights of Muslim and Arab Americans.
Should not the General Account Office be investigating the USCCR for possible gross misuse of government funds? Should not Attorney General Mukasey, who is himself a racist Zionist extremist, be investigating Thernstrom, Marcus and the Jewish members and staff of the USCCR for criminal violation of Conspiracy Against Rights (18 USC 241)  At a time of war, might not Thernstrom and Marcus' actions constitute Seditious Conspiracy (US CODE: Title 18,2384. Seditious Conspiracy)?
Why is the government engaging in malicious prosecution of loyal Muslim American citizens for their efforts to aid poor and oppressed Palestinians under brutal genocidal Zionist siege when racist extremist Zionists are subverting the US government? (See Holy Land Foundation (Re)trial: THE ILLOGIC OF THE HLF PROSECUTION SUMMED UP IN ONE QUESTION..)
Please note
  • the involvement of Aish HaTorah as a member of the Israel on Campus Coalition in the USCCR's travesty of an investigation,
  • the degree to which institutions of the organized Jewish community like the American Jewish Congress are infested with fanatic Jewish extremist racists,
  • the ridiculous findings and recommendations on pp. 72 and 73 of Campus Anti-Semitism, and
  • the supercilious and dismissive nature of Thernstrom's reaction to the following suggestion:
The US Commission on Civil Rights should seriously think about monitoring Islamophobia and Arabophobia incitement on campus and the very un-American ideological program with which such hatred is associated.

The article attached below provides a framework for addressing the problem.

Sincerely yours,

Joachim Martillo

The article entitled "The Significance of the AJC Attack on Progressive Jews" can be found at .

Here is the critical section.
In order to be truly certain to block this "Muslim-liberal coalition," of which there is yet actually little evidence in the USA (it is more developed in the UK), these Jewish communal and Zionist organizations are trying to incite a form of Islamophobia on the model of Central and Eastern European Judeophobia or anti-Semitism of the late 18th through the middle 20th century. Here are some of the activities associated with this ongoing and expanding program. [Read the complete correspondence at Civil Rights for Some Americans.]
Here is Thernstrom's response.
April 19, 2007

Dear Mr. Martillo:

When I suggested you send your email to Kenneth Marcus, I had not had the time to read it. I did no more than glance at it to see the subject and, on that basis, decided the staff director was the right person to contact.

But, having now read it with a bit more care, I see your message that "concerned Americans must begin seriously to consider whether fanatic and extremist Jewish Americans, more committed to Zionism than either to their fellow Americans or to basic human decency, should continue to play important roles in US media, academia and politics."  Moreover, you characterize the American Jewish Committee and Commentary magazine as "un-American" and "subversive."

I would never have suggested you contact the staff director had I noticed what you had actually written.  I suspect I am in the category of "fanatic and extremist Jewish Americans" myself.

Sorry for leading you astray; I am always short on time and should have taken a few minutes to read what you wrote.  Lesson learned.

She seems to have convicted herself.
Here is an excerpt from my response.
As for Commentary, which until January 2007 was published by the AJC, can you characterize as a passage like the judgment of the political scientist Peter Skerry, we may now be witnessing the emergence of a new force in American politics. Writing in Time, and citing a whole range of such convergent interests, Skerry calls this a "Muslim-liberal coalition" (more accurately it might be called a Muslim/Arab-liberal coalition). If he is right, and if this coalition can be organized to act with any degree of coherence, it could indeed end up, through sheer numbers alone, wielding a disproportionate influence on American politics [my emphasis], to the clear detriment of the interests of American Jews.

as anything but subversive and un-American? [Note that Schoenfeld is a contributor to Commentary, and this passage is not exceptional.] Do you disagree that majority rule in theory is an intrinsic element of the American system? In the US political system we normally think of the exercise of influence by sheer numbers as proportionate not disproportionate. 
Are you having a problem with my characterization because the AJC is a Jewish organization, because Commentary is supposed to be a Jewish intellectual magazine, and you yourself are Jewish? Arab and Muslim organizations like CAIR, MPAC or the AAI are subject to this sort of scrutiny all the time. Yet, Walt and Mearsheimer's (by my standards ) very unsophisticated analysis suggests that certain Jewish or Zionist organizations might unlike CAIR, MPAC or the AAI be genuine threats to American interests and the American political system.
Should the US Commission on Civil Rights be renamed the US Commission on Civil Rights for Some Americans?
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